CORONA The Vaccinated Now Account For A Majority Of COVID Deaths


Res ipsa loquitur
About that “58%” figure. . . .
  1. What does it REALLY matter?
  2. At this point in time - WHY do we really even care?
pretty obvious that there are TWO very well delineated camps in this discussion - and the twain shall never meet. NOBODY is gonna change anyone else’s mind at this point, and all of this is gonna come out in the wash - sooner than later.

Truth told, as sorry as I am that some of my family - INTELLIGENT and EDUCATED that they may well be - bought into this FARCE. sadly most of their “buy in” was entirely POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. Some others “bought in” because they wanted to “be able to TRAVEL” . . . guess the option of “WAITING TO CART YOR DUMB ASS to sum far off place” for a few months to a year wasn’t on the table for some reason. maybe the price of those cruise tickets was gonna go up several million in the space of a few months - who can know? at any rate - IT IS WHAT IT IS at this point. . . so WHAT does it REALLY matter?

the ONLY remaining interest or concern I have in this “financial-scam-turned-genocide“ is that the MOST HIGH GOD might see fit to allow me the opportunity to see it’s PRIMARY PERPETRATORS be executed - preferably in wide public view - either by firing squad or hanging by the neck until dead

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
Those with the covid vax supposedly dying at a higher rate is an absolute lie (sarc). I say this because my very own doctor (now ex doctor) told me it would save my life, that I could not get covid with the shots nor transfer the bug to someone else. This old goat drank the CDC koolaid and I hope he gets covid, as this old turd lectured me for a solid 15 minutes and then cranky the rest of the visit because I refused.


TB Fanatic

A new preprint study from researchers at Harvard and Yale estimates that
94% of Americans have been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19 at least once, and
97% have been infected or vaccinated
(Doing the math . . . 97 minus 94 equals 3 percent)
With those kinds of statistics, if most of the people dying have had the vaccine then the vaccine is not providing value because 3 percent is within the margin of error.

New boosters add limited protection against Covid-19 illness, first real-world study shows

Updated Covid-19 boosters that carry instructions to arm the body against currently circulating Omicron subvariants offer some protection against infections, according to the first study to look at how the boosters are performing in the real world. However, the protection is not as high as that provided by the original vaccine against earlier coronavirus variants, the researchers say.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, called the new data “really quite good.”

“Please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated Covid-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible to protect yourself, your family and your community,” Fauci said at a White House briefing Tuesday.

Uptake of the bivalent boosters, which protect against the BA.4/5 subvariants as well as the original virus strain, has been remarkably slow. Only 11% of eligible Americans have gotten them since they became available in early September.

The new study found that the updated boosters work about like the original boosters. They protect against symptomatic infection in the range of 40% to 60%, meaning that even when vaccine protection is its most potent, about a month after getting the shot, people may still be vulnerable to breakthrough infections.

That’s in about the same range as typical efficacy for flu vaccines. Over the past 10 years, CDC data shows, the effectiveness of the seasonal flu vaccines has ranged from a low of 19% to a high of around 52% against needing to see a doctor because of the flu. The effectiveness varies depending on how similar the strains in the vaccine are to the strains that end up making people sick.

The authors of the new study say people should realize that the Covid-19 vaccines are no longer more than 90% protective against symptomatic infections, as they were when they were first introduced in 2020.

“Unfortunately, the 90% to 100% protection was what we saw during like pre-Delta time. And so with Delta, we saw it drop into the 70% range, and then for Omicron, we saw it drop even lower, to the 50% range. And so I think what we’re seeing here is that the bivalent vaccine really brings you back to that sort of effectiveness that we would have seen immediately after past boosters, which is great. That’s where we want it to get,” said Dr. Ruth Link-Gelles, an epidemiologist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Vaccines are only one tool to stay well​

“This protection is not 100%, but it is something,” Link-Gelles said. “Especially going into the holidays where you’re likely to be traveling, spending time with elderly relatives, with vulnerable people. I think having some protection from infection and therefore some protection from infecting your loved one is better than having no protection at all.”

Link-Gelles says it also means that people should continue to adopt a layered approach to protection, utilizing rapid tests, good-quality masks and ventilation as a comprehensive approach, rather than relying on vaccines alone.

“This should be sort of one of the things in your toolbox for protecting yourself and your family,” she said. “Personally, we’re my family is all vaccinated up to date, but I think if we go to the airport tomorrow, we’ll be wearing our N95 [masks] because we’re seeing elderly relatives this weekend. And while we of course trust the vaccines, and I’m not super worried about a mild infection in myself or my healthy husband, we certainly would not want to infect his grandmother.”

Link-Gelles added that she expects that vaccine protection against severe outcomes from Covid-19, like hospitalization and death, will be higher, but that data isn’t in yet.

The study, which was led by CDC scientists, relied on health records from more than 360,000 tests given at nearly 10,000 retail pharmacies between Sept. 14 and Nov. 11, a period when the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants were causing most Covid-19 infections in the US. The study included people ages 18 and up who had Covid-19 symptoms and were not immunocompromised.

The study looked at how effective the boosters were in two ways: Researchers calculated a value called absolute vaccine effectiveness, which compared the odds of symptomatic infection in people who received bivalent boosters with those who reported being unvaccinated. They also calculated relative vaccine effectiveness, which looked at the odds of symptomatic infection in people who received updated bivalent boosters compared with those who had two, three or four doses of the original single-strain vaccine.

Compared with people who were unvaccinated, adults 18 to 49 who had gotten bivalent boosters were 43% less likely to get sick with a Covid-19 infection. Older adults, who tend to have weaker immune function, got less protection. Those ages 50 to 64 were 28% less likely, and those ages 65 and up were 22% less likely to get sick with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated group.

The relative vaccine effectiveness showed the added protection people might expect on top of whatever protection they had left after previous vaccine doses. If a person was two to three months past their last vaccine dose, the bivalent boosters added an average of 30% protection for those who were ages 18 to 49, 31% more protection if they were 50 to 64, and 28% more protection if they were 65 or older. At 3 months after their last booster, people ages 50 and older still had about 20% protection from Covid-19 illness, CDC data show. So overall, the updated boosters got them to around 50% effectiveness against symptomatic infection.

If a person was more than eight months away from their last vaccine dose, they got more protection from the boosters. But Link-Gelles said that by eight months, there was little protection left from previous shots against Omicron and its variants, meaning the vaccine effectiveness for this group was probably close to their overall protection against infection.

Those ages 18 to 49 who were eight months or more past their last dose of a vaccine had 56% added protection against a Covid-19 infection with symptoms; adults 50 to 64 had 48% added protection, and adults over 65 had 43% added protection, on top of whatever was left from previous vaccinations.

Short, modest protection from boosters​

John Moore, an immunologist and microbiologist at Weill Cornell Medicine, said it boils down to the fact that that boosters will probably cut your risk of getting sick by about 50%, and that protection probably won’t last.

“Having a booster will give you some additional protection against infection for a short term, which is always what we see with a booster, but it won’t last long. It’ll decline, and it will decline more as the more resistant variants spread,” said Moore, who was not involved in the new research.

The immunity landscape in the United States is more complex than ever. According to CDC data, roughly two-thirds of Americans have completed at least their primary series of Covid-19 vaccines. And data from blood tests shows that almost all Americans have some immunity against the virus, thanks to infection, vaccination or both.

A new preprint study from researchers at Harvard and Yale estimates that 94% of Americans have been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19 at least once, and 97% have been infected or vaccinated, increasing protection against a new Omicron infection from an estimated 22% in December 2021 to 63% by November 10, 2022. Population protection against severe disease rose from an estimated 61% in December 2021 to around 89%, on average, this November.

All of this means the US is in a better spot, defensively at least, than it ever has been against the virus – which is not to say that the country couldn’t see another Covid-19 wave, especially if a new variant emerges that is very different from what we’ve seen, if immunity continues to wane or if behavior shifts dramatically.


Veteran Member
I would go even farther by saying the vaccinated are causing an accelerated pace of the virus mutation.
I had said in the very beginning they were going to to mandate vax and make superspreaders from the vaccinated and try to blame the unvaccinated, creating a "Body Snatchers/28 Days Later" type storm in society where rage and blame/finger pointing with the goal of getting poison juice in all humans on the planet.
(almost, but not


Veteran Member
where does the 58% number in the OP come from? Somehow that one is golden?

"The latest data" in "reports" can do anything with stats and raw numbers, and then when some are selectively and/or conveniently discounted besides...there is simply no truth left.

Ummm.....The 58% number came from the CDC. You remember them don't you? That's our Center for Disease Control here in the US. If you recall, they are the ones we were told were providing real data and accurate information of how good the vaccines were. Any opposing views were disinformation. Are we now supposed to ignore what that same CDC says because a few die-hards now don't want to 'follow the science'?


Veteran Member
Ummm.....The 58% number came from the CDC. You remember them don't you? That's our Center for Disease Control here in the US. If you recall, they are the ones we were told were providing real data and accurate information of how good the vaccines were. Any opposing views were disinformation. Are we now supposed to ignore what that same CDC says because a few die-hards now don't want to 'follow the science'?
Did it? I see no citation/reference for the 58% number in the OP.
But.. that's the point. Believe one stat, (58%) but not another (80%) - to form-fit a personal worldview?
Self-delusion. Bubble-(non)thinking.

All I ever hope for is that people use discernment and logic instead of comfortably following their chosen herd over a cliff when reading anything.


TB Fanatic this point of saturation, it's just an artifact of statistics because 80% of the US population has received at least one Covid vax.

Sorta like saying that 100% of Covid deaths drank water before they died.

Still trust Govt. numbers, eh?

Regardless, it does point out how wrong they were when they loudly proclaimed that it would protect vaccinees from severe illness and death...

The question remaining is, was their being wrong a matter of incompetence, perfidy or malice?

New boosters add limited protection against Covid-19 illness, first real-world study shows

Updated Covid-19 boosters that carry instructions to arm the body against currently circulating Omicron subvariants offer some protection against infections, according to the first study to look at how the boosters are performing in the real world. However, the protection is not as high as that provided by the original vaccine against earlier coronavirus variants, the researchers say.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, called the new data “really quite good.”

“Please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated Covid-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible to protect yourself, your family and your community,” Fauci said at a White House briefing Tuesday.

Uptake of the bivalent boosters, which protect against the BA.4/5 subvariants as well as the original virus strain, has been remarkably slow. Only 11% of eligible Americans have gotten them since they became available in early September.

The new study found that the updated boosters work about like the original boosters. They protect against symptomatic infection in the range of 40% to 60%, meaning that even when vaccine protection is its most potent, about a month after getting the shot, people may still be vulnerable to breakthrough infections.

That’s in about the same range as typical efficacy for flu vaccines. Over the past 10 years, CDC data shows, the effectiveness of the seasonal flu vaccines has ranged from a low of 19% to a high of around 52% against needing to see a doctor because of the flu. The effectiveness varies depending on how similar the strains in the vaccine are to the strains that end up making people sick.

The authors of the new study say people should realize that the Covid-19 vaccines are no longer more than 90% protective against symptomatic infections, as they were when they were first introduced in 2020.

“Unfortunately, the 90% to 100% protection was what we saw during like pre-Delta time. And so with Delta, we saw it drop into the 70% range, and then for Omicron, we saw it drop even lower, to the 50% range. And so I think what we’re seeing here is that the bivalent vaccine really brings you back to that sort of effectiveness that we would have seen immediately after past boosters, which is great. That’s where we want it to get,” said Dr. Ruth Link-Gelles, an epidemiologist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Vaccines are only one tool to stay well​

“This protection is not 100%, but it is something,” Link-Gelles said. “Especially going into the holidays where you’re likely to be traveling, spending time with elderly relatives, with vulnerable people. I think having some protection from infection and therefore some protection from infecting your loved one is better than having no protection at all.”

Link-Gelles says it also means that people should continue to adopt a layered approach to protection, utilizing rapid tests, good-quality masks and ventilation as a comprehensive approach, rather than relying on vaccines alone.

“This should be sort of one of the things in your toolbox for protecting yourself and your family,” she said. “Personally, we’re my family is all vaccinated up to date, but I think if we go to the airport tomorrow, we’ll be wearing our N95 [masks] because we’re seeing elderly relatives this weekend. And while we of course trust the vaccines, and I’m not super worried about a mild infection in myself or my healthy husband, we certainly would not want to infect his grandmother.”

Link-Gelles added that she expects that vaccine protection against severe outcomes from Covid-19, like hospitalization and death, will be higher, but that data isn’t in yet.

The study, which was led by CDC scientists, relied on health records from more than 360,000 tests given at nearly 10,000 retail pharmacies between Sept. 14 and Nov. 11, a period when the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants were causing most Covid-19 infections in the US. The study included people ages 18 and up who had Covid-19 symptoms and were not immunocompromised.

The study looked at how effective the boosters were in two ways: Researchers calculated a value called absolute vaccine effectiveness, which compared the odds of symptomatic infection in people who received bivalent boosters with those who reported being unvaccinated. They also calculated relative vaccine effectiveness, which looked at the odds of symptomatic infection in people who received updated bivalent boosters compared with those who had two, three or four doses of the original single-strain vaccine.

Compared with people who were unvaccinated, adults 18 to 49 who had gotten bivalent boosters were 43% less likely to get sick with a Covid-19 infection. Older adults, who tend to have weaker immune function, got less protection. Those ages 50 to 64 were 28% less likely, and those ages 65 and up were 22% less likely to get sick with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated group.

The relative vaccine effectiveness showed the added protection people might expect on top of whatever protection they had left after previous vaccine doses. If a person was two to three months past their last vaccine dose, the bivalent boosters added an average of 30% protection for those who were ages 18 to 49, 31% more protection if they were 50 to 64, and 28% more protection if they were 65 or older. At 3 months after their last booster, people ages 50 and older still had about 20% protection from Covid-19 illness, CDC data show. So overall, the updated boosters got them to around 50% effectiveness against symptomatic infection.

If a person was more than eight months away from their last vaccine dose, they got more protection from the boosters. But Link-Gelles said that by eight months, there was little protection left from previous shots against Omicron and its variants, meaning the vaccine effectiveness for this group was probably close to their overall protection against infection.

Those ages 18 to 49 who were eight months or more past their last dose of a vaccine had 56% added protection against a Covid-19 infection with symptoms; adults 50 to 64 had 48% added protection, and adults over 65 had 43% added protection, on top of whatever was left from previous vaccinations.

Short, modest protection from boosters​

John Moore, an immunologist and microbiologist at Weill Cornell Medicine, said it boils down to the fact that that boosters will probably cut your risk of getting sick by about 50%, and that protection probably won’t last.

“Having a booster will give you some additional protection against infection for a short term, which is always what we see with a booster, but it won’t last long. It’ll decline, and it will decline more as the more resistant variants spread,” said Moore, who was not involved in the new research.

The immunity landscape in the United States is more complex than ever. According to CDC data, roughly two-thirds of Americans have completed at least their primary series of Covid-19 vaccines. And data from blood tests shows that almost all Americans have some immunity against the virus, thanks to infection, vaccination or both.

A new preprint study from researchers at Harvard and Yale estimates that 94% of Americans have been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19 at least once, and 97% have been infected or vaccinated, increasing protection against a new Omicron infection from an estimated 22% in December 2021 to 63% by November 10, 2022. Population protection against severe disease rose from an estimated 61% in December 2021 to around 89%, on average, this November.

All of this means the US is in a better spot, defensively at least, than it ever has been against the virus – which is not to say that the country couldn’t see another Covid-19 wave, especially if a new variant emerges that is very different from what we’ve seen, if immunity continues to wane or if behavior shifts dramatically.
The Word from Chicken Noodle News


TB Fanatic
The Word from Chicken Noodle News
That is another aspect of "surprising".
Even though it was buried near the end of the article (and no one reads anything to the end) the idea that CNN would actually publish those stats is astounding.

94% of Americans have been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19 at least once, and
97% have been infected or vaccinated

Basically, all y'all have had corona whether you had symptoms or not and whether you had the vax or not.


God has a plan, Trust it!

But who do they count as vaccinated? Is it anyone who has had "any" vaccines? Are you counted as vaccinated 1 week after your last shot? 2 weeks-12 weeks? Or?? They like to massage the numbers so..... ?
The OP stated that the figure was those getting at least ONE vax.

I still wont get a vaccine that is Mrna ever now. Not just Covid, but any new vaccine that comes out for whatever comes down the road. If I get whatever it is, I get it. My best protection is to be as healthy as I can and let my body do what it was created to do.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The Vaccinated Now Account For A Majority Of COVID Deaths
But are they? Since we have no idea who had died of Covid to begin with because of "funny" accounting (Remember car crash victims that died of Covid?), faulty testing and the extra reimbursement to hospitals for patients that died of Covid on a vent. I believe very little to nothing that's being said about this scamdemic, and that includes Zero Hedge.


TB Fanatic
People around the table on Thanksgiving day were talking about the 58% of people who have died got the shot. Some of these people have always been johnny on the spot to get their vaccine. I was pleasantly surprised at the comments. One cousin is quick to get his vaccines and got the first two, and got his yearly flu vaccine right away this year. I told them all the mRna would be in the flu vaccines next year, he looked shocked. I forgot to warn them about the coming pneumonia and shingles shots. Most of them have many chronic health issues and piled their plates high with the normal holiday fare.


Veteran Member
Don’t forget the death and damage from not having early treatment available.
:applaud: :applaud:
the ONLY remaining interest or concern I have in this “financial-scam-turned-genocide“ is that the MOST HIGH GOD might see fit to allow me the opportunity to see it’s PRIMARY PERPETRATORS be executed - preferably in wide public view - either by firing squad or hanging by the neck until dead
Only after a fair trial; of course, we are showing more mercy than Pfizer did because they don’t believe in trials...:devilish:


Veteran Member
Basically, all y'all have had corona whether you had symptoms or not and whether you had the vax or not.
And as admitted by The head of the CDC, 75% had at least 3 or more comorbidities. Yes, COVID can be deadly, but not for the vast majority of people - with or without a Jab. BTW, how about all those 3 world people with virtually no quality medical care like we have here? They did pretty damn well…..:whistle:


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The thing mutates so fast that a '"vaccine" is good for only a few months. And based on some family experience, ditto for "natural" immunity from having had it. The fact that you have had it don't mean you won't get it again.
What data shows the vaccines are good for any time?

They say now that 58% of COVID deaths were among the vaxxed. How many "died suddenly", heart attacks, car accidents, strokes, thrombocytopenias, cancers, mental illnesses, etc... were caused by the vaxxes?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Those with the covid vax supposedly dying at a higher rate is an absolute lie (sarc). I say this because my very own doctor (now ex doctor) told me it would save my life, that I could not get covid with the shots nor transfer the bug to someone else. This old goat drank the CDC koolaid and I hope he gets covid, as this old turd lectured me for a solid 15 minutes and then cranky the rest of the visit because I refused.
Our family doctor was (is?) the same. I warned him early in 2021 and again later in the year. Gave him links to warnings the first month of 2021 when the shots were being pushed for public use. He failed to look into them past the pharma & CDC info. He proceeded to be the church official doctor to speak in front of the congregation and tell them the vax is safe and effective. So I wrote up a letter for all the area church groups to warn them. Everbody seemed to dismiss me. That doctor was pissed at me for embarrassing him. I called him and he said I was wrong to discredit him and try to make him look like a fool. His excuse to me: maybe you have time to look into this stuff, but I don't. As far as I know, he still holds to his delusions.

New boosters add limited protection against Covid-19 illness, first real-world study shows

Updated Covid-19 boosters that carry instructions to arm the body against currently circulating Omicron subvariants offer some protection against infections, according to the first study to look at how the boosters are performing in the real world. However, the protection is not as high as that provided by the original vaccine against earlier coronavirus variants, the researchers say.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, called the new data “really quite good.”

“Please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated Covid-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible to protect yourself, your family and your community,” Fauci said at a White House briefing Tuesday.

Uptake of the bivalent boosters, which protect against the BA.4/5 subvariants as well as the original virus strain, has been remarkably slow. Only 11% of eligible Americans have gotten them since they became available in early September.

The new study found that the updated boosters work about like the original boosters. They protect against symptomatic infection in the range of 40% to 60%, meaning that even when vaccine protection is its most potent, about a month after getting the shot, people may still be vulnerable to breakthrough infections.

That’s in about the same range as typical efficacy for flu vaccines. Over the past 10 years, CDC data shows, the effectiveness of the seasonal flu vaccines has ranged from a low of 19% to a high of around 52% against needing to see a doctor because of the flu. The effectiveness varies depending on how similar the strains in the vaccine are to the strains that end up making people sick.

The authors of the new study say people should realize that the Covid-19 vaccines are no longer more than 90% protective against symptomatic infections, as they were when they were first introduced in 2020.

“Unfortunately, the 90% to 100% protection was what we saw during like pre-Delta time. And so with Delta, we saw it drop into the 70% range, and then for Omicron, we saw it drop even lower, to the 50% range. And so I think what we’re seeing here is that the bivalent vaccine really brings you back to that sort of effectiveness that we would have seen immediately after past boosters, which is great. That’s where we want it to get,” said Dr. Ruth Link-Gelles, an epidemiologist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Vaccines are only one tool to stay well​

“This protection is not 100%, but it is something,” Link-Gelles said. “Especially going into the holidays where you’re likely to be traveling, spending time with elderly relatives, with vulnerable people. I think having some protection from infection and therefore some protection from infecting your loved one is better than having no protection at all.”

Link-Gelles says it also means that people should continue to adopt a layered approach to protection, utilizing rapid tests, good-quality masks and ventilation as a comprehensive approach, rather than relying on vaccines alone.

“This should be sort of one of the things in your toolbox for protecting yourself and your family,” she said. “Personally, we’re my family is all vaccinated up to date, but I think if we go to the airport tomorrow, we’ll be wearing our N95 [masks] because we’re seeing elderly relatives this weekend. And while we of course trust the vaccines, and I’m not super worried about a mild infection in myself or my healthy husband, we certainly would not want to infect his grandmother.”

Link-Gelles added that she expects that vaccine protection against severe outcomes from Covid-19, like hospitalization and death, will be higher, but that data isn’t in yet.

The study, which was led by CDC scientists, relied on health records from more than 360,000 tests given at nearly 10,000 retail pharmacies between Sept. 14 and Nov. 11, a period when the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants were causing most Covid-19 infections in the US. The study included people ages 18 and up who had Covid-19 symptoms and were not immunocompromised.

The study looked at how effective the boosters were in two ways: Researchers calculated a value called absolute vaccine effectiveness, which compared the odds of symptomatic infection in people who received bivalent boosters with those who reported being unvaccinated. They also calculated relative vaccine effectiveness, which looked at the odds of symptomatic infection in people who received updated bivalent boosters compared with those who had two, three or four doses of the original single-strain vaccine.

Compared with people who were unvaccinated, adults 18 to 49 who had gotten bivalent boosters were 43% less likely to get sick with a Covid-19 infection. Older adults, who tend to have weaker immune function, got less protection. Those ages 50 to 64 were 28% less likely, and those ages 65 and up were 22% less likely to get sick with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated group.

The relative vaccine effectiveness showed the added protection people might expect on top of whatever protection they had left after previous vaccine doses. If a person was two to three months past their last vaccine dose, the bivalent boosters added an average of 30% protection for those who were ages 18 to 49, 31% more protection if they were 50 to 64, and 28% more protection if they were 65 or older. At 3 months after their last booster, people ages 50 and older still had about 20% protection from Covid-19 illness, CDC data show. So overall, the updated boosters got them to around 50% effectiveness against symptomatic infection.

If a person was more than eight months away from their last vaccine dose, they got more protection from the boosters. But Link-Gelles said that by eight months, there was little protection left from previous shots against Omicron and its variants, meaning the vaccine effectiveness for this group was probably close to their overall protection against infection.

Those ages 18 to 49 who were eight months or more past their last dose of a vaccine had 56% added protection against a Covid-19 infection with symptoms; adults 50 to 64 had 48% added protection, and adults over 65 had 43% added protection, on top of whatever was left from previous vaccinations.

Short, modest protection from boosters​

John Moore, an immunologist and microbiologist at Weill Cornell Medicine, said it boils down to the fact that that boosters will probably cut your risk of getting sick by about 50%, and that protection probably won’t last.

“Having a booster will give you some additional protection against infection for a short term, which is always what we see with a booster, but it won’t last long. It’ll decline, and it will decline more as the more resistant variants spread,” said Moore, who was not involved in the new research.

The immunity landscape in the United States is more complex than ever. According to CDC data, roughly two-thirds of Americans have completed at least their primary series of Covid-19 vaccines. And data from blood tests shows that almost all Americans have some immunity against the virus, thanks to infection, vaccination or both.

A new preprint study from researchers at Harvard and Yale estimates that 94% of Americans have been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19 at least once, and 97% have been infected or vaccinated, increasing protection against a new Omicron infection from an estimated 22% in December 2021 to 63% by November 10, 2022. Population protection against severe disease rose from an estimated 61% in December 2021 to around 89%, on average, this November.

All of this means the US is in a better spot, defensively at least, than it ever has been against the virus – which is not to say that the country couldn’t see another Covid-19 wave, especially if a new variant emerges that is very different from what we’ve seen, if immunity continues to wane or if behavior shifts dramatically.
Is the 6% that has NOT been infected immune?


TB Fanatic
Is the 6% that has NOT been infected immune?
The "Science" and medical community have never indicated that anyone was immune.
However, since greater than 90 percent of the population has had corona, you can expect that 100 percent have been exposed.

Since everyone who has been exposed to corona has not died, have not exhibited symptoms, have not become ill
most of the population has resilience to corona if not outright immunity.

And that IS a scientific conclusion.


TB Fanatic post see above. Do you trust the 58% number? What makes it different? More trustworthy?
Can't have your cake and eat it, too.

Question everything.


You were the one quoting/referencing stats, not me...
Last edited:


TB Fanatic
Our family doctor was (is?) the same. I warned him early in 2021 and again later in the year. Gave him links to warnings the first month of 2021 when the shots were being pushed for public use. He failed to look into them past the pharma & CDC info. He proceeded to be the church official doctor to speak in front of the congregation and tell them the vax is safe and effective. So I wrote up a letter for all the area church groups to warn them. Everbody seemed to dismiss me. That doctor was pissed at me for embarrassing him. I called him and he said I was wrong to discredit him and try to make him look like a fool. His excuse to me: maybe you have time to look into this stuff, but I don't. As far as I know, he still holds to his delusions.

"Trust is the other Pandemic" used to be in my sig block.

Dr.s are trained to rely on certain avenues of information and to essentially block out all else. "Trusted Authority" and the like... This was backed up with threats to their careers if they deviated from the "Standards of Care" and the ever-present threats of hungry Lawyers circling like sharks...

No wonder they hew to the party line.

However, many are beginning to pop their heads up and look around, and they ain't liking what they're seeing...

Dr. John Campbell has exhibited an interesting turn of attitude over the course of this fiasco, starting out as very conventional and trusting in the "Trusted Authority" - and on Thanksgiving day posted a vid which laid out the reasons to not trust the apparent authorities - even essentially saying if we can't trust these assertions, what else can't we trust? (paraphrase there...)


Veteran Member
Don't know If this is the correct place or not but another Covid Death? C.J. Harris singer from American Idol dead at 31 from a heart attack.


Talk is cheap
02/21/23 • COVID › NEWS

Moderna Vaccine Caused Death of 28-Year-Old Man, Singapore Health Authorities Say​

Singapore’s Ministry of Health formally recognized the country’s first fatality associated with the COVID-19 vaccines — a 28-year-old previously healthy Bangladeshi man who died of myocarditis 21 days after receiving the Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine.

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) formally recognized the country’s first fatality associated with the COVID-19 vaccines — a 28-year-old Bangladeshi man, known only as Rajib, who was previously healthy, but who soon after getting vaccinated experienced a “medical misadventure” and died in 2021.

In a Feb. 17 announcement, the MOH stated:

“The State Coroner has ruled on 15 February 2023 that the death of a 28-year-old Bangladeshi male, who passed away 21 days after COVID-19 vaccination, was a medical misadventure.

“The cause of death was certified as myocarditis. The State Coroner also found that on the balance of probabilities, it was likely to be related to COVID-19 vaccination.”

According to the MOH, Rajib received the first dose of the Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine on June 18, 2021. On July 9, 2021, he collapsed at work and died later that day.

Previously healthy victim lost consciousness, never recovered

Channel News Asia (CNA) obtained a copy of the coroner’s report, which shed further light on Rajib’s death and the prior condition of his health.

According to CNA, the coroner’s report indicated that Rajib “had no known chronic illness and had not reported sick at work before.” He had “recovered fully” from a COVID-19 infection one year earlier.

Rajib, who was employed at Sunlight Engineering, had just completed his workday and was climbing up a ladder to emerge onto the main deck of the ship where he was working at Singapore’s Sembcorp Shipyard.

According to CNA:

“When Mr Rajib had ascended one or two rungs, he suddenly fell backwards onto the metal floor of the tank.

“He was unconscious and his safety helmet had fallen off.

“Mr Rajib was later extricated from the tank by a rescue team and taken to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, but could not be revived. He was pronounced dead that same night.”

An autopsy by associate professor Teo Eng Swee of the Singaporean Health Sciences Authority’s Forensic Medicine Division revealed that Rajib’s internal organs were “mostly normal” — except for his heart, where myocarditis was detected via microscopic examination.

Based on the “balance of probabilities,” Teo said, Rajib’s COVID-19 vaccination likely caused his death, even though this “could not be established objectively.” Long COVID from his prior infection was all but ruled out as the cause by State Coroner Adam Nakhoda.

CNA reported that, according to Teo:

“Myocarditis could develop as a result of COVID-19 infection itself, citing a published paper that said that a person with a COVID-19 infection had an approximately 16 times higher risk of developing myocarditis compared with a person who did not have a COVID-19 infection.”

Under the MOH’s Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme for COVID-19 Vaccination, a one-time cash payment of $225,000 Singapore dollars ($168,000 USD) will be made to his family, Bloomberg reported.

According to the program’s guidelines:

“The Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme for COVID-19 Vaccination (VIFAP) provides one-time goodwill financial assistance to persons who received the COVID-19 vaccines under the NVP [National Vaccination Programme] and in accordance with the recommendations of the Expert Committee on COVID-19 Vaccination, and who experienced serious side effects that are assessed to be related to the COVID-19 vaccines administered in Singapore.

“To qualify for the VIFAP, individuals must be a Singapore Citizen, Permanent Resident or long-term pass holder who has received the COVID-19 vaccination under the NVP, and experienced a serious side effect that required inpatient hospitalisation, or caused permanent severe disability, or was fatal. The serious side effect must be assessed by a doctor to be related to the individual’s COVID-19 vaccination. COVID-19 vaccinations received under the Private Vaccination Programme are not eligible for the VIFAP.”

Singapore’s MOH said it “is working with the Ministry of Manpower to extend assistance to [the deceased’s] family and facilitate their application.”

Drawing on MOH data, Bloomberg reported that more than 17 million COVID-19 vaccine doses were administered in Singapore, and that the incidence of myocarditis has been “rare,” at a rate of 1.1 per 100,000 doses for the primary series and 0.1 per 100,000 doses for the bivalent vaccines.

Singapore’s MOH issued a health warning to individuals who recently received a COVID-19 vaccine, specifically addressing the risk of myocarditis:

“As a precautionary measure, since September 2021, vaccinated persons are advised to avoid strenuous physical activity or exercise for two weeks after vaccination to mitigate the potential risk of myocarditis.

“Persons with chest discomfort, abnormal heartbeats or any other symptoms that arise after vaccination, should seek medical attention promptly. This will enable early diagnosis and appropriate medical management of any rare severe adverse events that may occur after vaccination.”

Similarly, Nakhoda recommended employers not assign strenuous tasks to recently vaccinated employees. According to CNA:

“The coroner urged employers, especially of workers involved in strenuous labour activity, that workers who have just received a COVID-19 vaccine should not carry out any strenuous activity for the period of time that medical professionals have deemed necessary.”

Reports of myocarditis post-COVID vaccination continue to increase

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle that can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and death. It can cause permanent damage to heart muscle.

According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders, myocarditis can result from infections, but “more commonly the myocarditis is a result of the body’s immune reaction to the initial heart damage.”

As previously reported by The Defender, multiple medical studies have shown myocarditis to be associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, particularly among young men.

Data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of Feb. 10 lists 16,529 cases of myocarditis following the administration of a COVID-19 vaccine, with incidents recorded for individuals as young as 6 months to 80+ years of age. There were 383 reports of deaths from myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination.

Those numbers grow to 16,548 cases and 388 deaths when including bacterial myocarditis, infectious myocarditis, mycotic myocarditis, septic myocarditis or post-infection myocarditis.

Cases involving the COVID-19 bivalent boosters are listed separately in VAERS, and as of Feb. 10, 29 reports of myocarditis following the administration of the booster are recorded in VAERS.

Historically, only 1% of actual vaccine-related adverse events have been shown to be reported in VAERS, while the risk of myocarditis in this database is known to be underestimated by 3-4 times.

Studies, health authorities identify link between COVID shots and myocarditis

A number of recent studies link COVID-19 vaccines and the onset of myocarditis in the vaccinated.

As reported by The Defender on Jan. 6, a peer-reviewed analysis of studies on COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis in young males showed many studies hid an important safety signal by not providing “adequate stratification.”

Put differently, multiple studies lumped together all categories — such as age, sex, dosage, and vaccine manufacturer — data from particular risk groups, such as adolescent boys who have been shown to be at high risk of developing myocarditis as a result of COVID-19 vaccination, is obscured.

On Nov. 18, 2022, The Defender reported that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ordered Pfizer and Moderna to conduct several post-marketing safety studies due to the “known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis” and the “unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.”

As a result, Moderna launched two trials, the most recent in September 2022, while Pfizer told NBC News it also planned to start at least one of its trials, encompassing up to 500 individuals age 20 and younger.

Participants in these trials will include people who were previously hospitalized with vaccine-related myocarditis and those who were more recently diagnosed.

Prominent cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, a leading expert on COVID-19 treatment, listed a number of studies connecting COVID-19 vaccination to myocarditis, in a Nov. 16, 2022, blog post:

Aldana-Bitar et al., described the excursion of cardiac troponin as about four days with COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis which is oddly about the same duration as an ischemic myocardial infarction due to blocked coronary arteries.

Mansanguan et al. found the rate of heart injury was 2.3% on the second injection of Pfizer in children 13-18 years old. … Two children were hospitalized with myocarditis in this 301-person study.

Le Pessec et al., in a presentation at the European Society of Cardiology, revealed 2.8% of healthcare workers (n=777) had elevated troponin by day 3 after the third mRNA injection.”

A Japanese study published in October 2022 found:

“People of all ages are at higher risk of death from heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination compared with the typical occurrence of myocarditis death.

“Using the disclosed data by the Japanese government, we observed increased myocarditis mortality rate ratio in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated population compared with general population during three years pre-COVID-19 pandemic era, especially in young adults.”

A study published in August 2022 found that 100 people in England died of myocarditis within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

And on Aug. 11, 2022, The Defender reported that a preprint study from Thailand found a “stunning” association between myocarditis and the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Specifically, 18% of teens in the study had an abnormal electrocardiogram after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and 3.5% of males developed myopericarditis or subclinical myocarditis.



Talk is cheap

The Medicare records clearly show the vaccines are killing people​

The CDC could instantly make the death-vax records in Medicare public. But they won't. I'm going to show you why in this article in a way everyone can understand.​

Steve Kirsch 6 hr ago

Executive summary​

Every state has both death and vax status databases. A simple merge of the two tables (using name, SSID, DOB, sex, etc) tells us, for each person who died, how many days elapsed from each vaccine dose. When you plot this for the Medicare data, it’s “supposed” to be dose independent because the vaccine is “supposed” to have no impact on mortality. It should be just the background death rate perhaps with the COVID deaths flattened if it works as advertised.

The reality is that the curves are not horizontally shifted versions of each other. That means the intervention had an unintended all-cause mortality effect when COVID wasn’t present (i.e., to kill people).

This is why they aren’t showing us the raw data.

Because they don’t want anyone to know the truth.


Since the vaccines aren’t given randomly over time, but are concentrated in certain quarters, the easiest way to analyze the days till death results is to restrict the sample to those people who got vax #N in a specific range of time.

The results​

  1. The curves were dose dependent (shape varied based on dose number)
  2. The curves didn’t match either the baseline reference or the 2021 reference.
  3. The curves don’t even match themselves; with one week qualifying windows, the curves should just be horizontally “shifted” versions of each other (easiest is to line up the drop off at the end when comparing).
This means the vaccines are not saving lives. They are killing people.

The reference data: the key to understanding the Medicare curves
In order for you to understand what is going on, you first need to understand what to expect.​

That’s really simple. If the shot is given in Q1 of 2021, the death curve after the shot should look like the background death curve since the shots are perfectly safe. They shouldn’t kill you.

There are 3 possibilities here:
  1. If the shots significantly reduce the risk of COVID deaths by a factor of 10X like the CDC claims, then the “deaths vs. days after shot” curve should look almost exactly like the “before COVID” death curve, i.e., the reference curve in 2015-20109. This is because everyone getting the shot now has the normal average risk profile for death. There will be no “humps” when COVID deaths are high.
  2. If the shots do nothing to reduce mortality, then the “deaths vs. days after shot” curve should look exactly like the overall underlying mortality curve for that year and each graph will be just a shifted version of the other graphs.
  3. If the shots kill people, then the “deaths vs. days after shot” curve will not fit either of the above cases (or anything in between).
We don’t consider the possibility that the shots lower all-cause mortality since there is no plausible mechanism of action for that, nobody has claimed it, none of the clinical trials showed a measurable decrease in ACM, and the funeral business increased after the shots as well as the % of people dying with odd clots.

So here are the reference curves…

Cont. with more data:


The article is in German…


Talk is cheap

Traffic Accidents and Deaths Soar in 2021 Following Roll-out of COVID-19 “Vaccines”​

April 10, 2023


By Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently released its annual study of crashes on U.S. roads for 2021, and found that “The total number of accidents rose by an astonishing 16%.”

This was “astonishing” because: “That was a year of COVID-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions, when police groups nationwide reported that the smaller number of drivers on America’s roads were acting more recklessly than normal.” (Source.)

MarketWatch reports:

More Americans were killed by distracted drivers in 2021 than the year before. More Americans were killed by drunk drivers in 2021 than the year before. More drivers died with their seatbelts unfastened. More bicyclists were killed by drivers. More pedestrians… there’s… there’s just nothing but horrific news here.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently released its annual study of crashes on America’s roadways, and it’s a relentless parade of tragic and frustrating news.
It takes NHTSA more than a year to compile full statistics and check them for errors, so the latest report reflects car accidents in 2021, not 2022. That was a year of COVID-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions, when police groups nationwide reported that the smaller number of drivers on America’s roads were acting more recklessly than normal.
But putting numbers to the phenomenon brings the horror into focus.
There were 42,939 people killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes on U.S. roadways during 2021 … a 10% increase from 39,007 fatalities in 2020, the agency says.
The total number of accidents rose by an astonishing 16%. Survivable injuries increased by 9.4%. (Source.)
What do analysts say was the cause of this “astonishing” increase in traffic accidents in 2021? They say it was due to too many drivers speeding, driving while drunk, and texting too much.

COVID-19 injections, of course, are never even considered, because that would be politically incorrect to blame the emergency-use authorized experimental shots for an increase in traffic accidents.

However, “Road Traffic Accident” is a “symptom” tracked following vaccines in the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), so let’s see what was reported for 2021, as compared to the previous 10 years following vaccines before the experimental COVID shots were approved.


In 2021, there were 356 cases filed in VAERS of Road traffic accidents following COVID-19 shots, including 33 deaths, 21 permanent disabilities, 100 ER visits, and 165 hospitalizations. (Source.)

Here are a few examples from VAERS that resulted in death:

VAERS ID: 1028476: She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot. They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck. She passed away that day.
VAERS ID: 1180840: 3.5 hours after receiving the vaccine, the patient was killed in a head-on collision. The patient was driving when her vehicle crossed the centerline and struck a second vehicle head on.
VAERS ID: 1281748: “Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine EUA” 3/18 twitching of foot…severe leg pain 7:45 PM 3/19 involved in a motor vehicle accident with cardiac arrest and a dissecting aortic aneurysm 12;45 PM
VAERS ID: 1854556: vaccine Dose 1 given 3/30/2021 Moderna Lot # 020B21A Pt died in the ER following a motor vehicle accident
VAERS ID: 1935630: Patient was declared deceased on scene of a single-person motor vehicle accident on 09/25/2021. His vehicle left the road with no evidence that he had tried to slow the vehicle or correct course. An autopsy was performed and the primary cause of death was determined to be giant cell myocarditis (GCM) with contributing factors of hypertensive and artherosclerotic heart disease. Subject contracted COVID in November 2020, and had the Pfizer COVID vaccinations in March 19th and April 9th, 2021.
VAERS ID: 2022219: Severe outbreak of shingles across abdomen on or about 2/13/2021. It got progressively worse to the point where the lesions/rash were covering most of her abdominal area and was quite severe and painful. Then came the uncontrollable shaking of arms and legs – more neurological that just “feeling shaky”. Feeling very unwell and concerned. On March 12, 2021 while driving to the urgent care because of how ill she felt, she crossed the divider and went into on-coming traffic and was involved in a serious car accident. She died 5 days later from complications of the injuries sustained in the accident , including heart failure, It is highly likely that the vaccine was likely a contributing factor to all of the above – -the shingles, shaking, unwell feelings and most importantly, the accident and incidents of heart failure.
VAERS ID: 1477239: On 21Jun2021 at 17:00 (20 days after the vaccination), the patient experienced automobile accident. The course of the event was as follows. On 21Jun2021, the patient died of automobile accident. After a scrape automobile accident, the patient probably felt panicked, hit the gas instead of the brake, and crashed head-on into a wall. The patient did not have seat belt on. It was unknown whether the patient received treatment. The outcome of the events was fatal. The patient died on 21Jun2021.
So the VAERS data confirms that there is a positive correlation between experimental COVID-19 shots and car accidents.

Next, to determine if this correlation is consistent with other vaccines, I did a search for the same symptom, Road traffic accidents, following all FDA-approved vaccines for a 10-year period from 2010 through 2019, before the experimental COVID shots were authorized.

During those 10 years, there were 70 total cases filed for Road traffic accidents, including 5 deaths, 6 permanent disabilities, 39 trips to the ER, and 19 total hospitalizations during a 10-year period following ALL vaccines. (Source.)

That’s an increase of almost 5,000% (4985.71%) in Road traffic accidents for 2021, and a 6,500% increase in traffic deaths for 2021, when the COVID-19 experimental shots were being injected into Americans, as compared to all FDA-approved vaccines from the previous 10 years.

You’d have to be an idiot to claim that the COVID-19 experimental shots had nothing to do with the increase in traffic accidents in 2021, based on the Government data from VAERS.

And speaking of “idiots,” here are two who addressed this issue in January of 2022. This is from our Bitchute channel.


(under 3 minutes)

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Talk is cheap

Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Sasha Latypova Say the COVID Vaccines Were a 'Huge Military Operation'; Kennedy is correct 100%; I was actually at HHS, I saw OWS inside, it was 100% military, whatever it was!​

These mRNA technology injections are 'countermeasures'; no, these were never health products; this was a military operation (not just distribution of the vaxx), no, DoD ran OWS; HHS, FDA was a front!​


Why? This is what we must investigate. Why this injection? What was and is the medium and long-term aims?

I/we want to know why? Did the DoD only take care of OWS logistics or was this a fully run DoD injection development and if so, why?

