HATE Scott Ritter Advocates Murder of Netanyahu

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Thread Killer :-)

I find some of his comments in this interview disgusting and yes, hateful. Hence the prefix. He's obviously anti-Semitic, mocks the Bible and the Jewish people for their beliefs, and seems practically gleeful about Iran's attack on Israel. I've heard him call the October 7th attack against Israel literally "Genius". He says "Israel is the greatest threat to international peace and security that's existed in modern times." Of course, there's no mention of Iran's terrorist proxies and the constant war they've waged against Israel for decades. It's all Israels fault. He calls Israel genocidal. There is absolutely no balance in his remarks giving any justification to Israel for their actions, nor mentioning the genocidal hatred and vitriol that is constantly being transmitted by the Iranian regime against Israel and the United States.

He claims that "Israel has lost the right to exist as a modern nation state". "You can't allow this cancerous entity [Israel] to continue to exist." "The best thing the United States could do is put a cruise missile into Benjamin Netanyahu's residence and kill him." Seriously?!? This guy is a nutcase. I think Israel might be interested to know that he's advocating the murder of their Prime Minister by the United States, not that they could do anything about it, but this guy's rhetoric needs to be broadcast far and wide so that people really know what he's all about, and quit relying on him for any kind of sensible insight into anything.

The guy is a pathetic terrorist sympathizer. You get a sense of his hatred from his animated passion when talking about Jewish beliefs and his mocking attitude toward them. Just my opinion on that. I'd love to see him pitted against someone like Ben Shapiro, or someone who could actually debate him. As it is, he basically is appearing on a lot of what might be termed "second-rate" channels, as some kind of authority. I doubt he'll be seen any time soon going up against anyone with real knowledge and debate skills.


Has No Life - Lives on TB

I find some of his comments in this interview disgusting and yes, hateful. Hence the prefix. He's obviously anti-Semitic, mocks the Bible and the Jewish people for their beliefs, and seems practically gleeful about Iran's attack on Israel. I've heard him call the October 7th attack against Israel literally "Genius". He says "Israel is the greatest threat to international peace and security that's existed in modern times." Of course, there's no mention of Iran's terrorist proxies and the constant war they've waged against Israel for decades. It's all Israels fault. He calls Israel genocidal. There is absolutely no balance in his remarks giving any justification to Israel for their actions, nor mentioning the genocidal hatred and vitriol that is constantly being transmitted by the Iranian regime against Israel and the United States.

He claims that "Israel has lost the right to exist as a modern nation state". "You can't allow this cancerous entity [Israel] to continue to exist." "The best thing the United States could do is put a cruise missile into Benjamin Netanyahu's residence and kill him." Seriously?!? This guy is a nutcase. I think Israel might be interested to know that he's advocating the murder of their Prime Minister by the United States, not that they could do anything about it, but this guy's rhetoric needs to be broadcast far and wide so that people really know what he's all about, and quit relying on him for any kind of sensible insight into anything.

The guy is a pathetic terrorist sympathizer. You get a sense of his hatred from his animated passion when talking about Jewish beliefs and his mocking attitude toward them. Just my opinion on that. I'd love to see him pitted against someone like Ben Shapiro, or someone who could actually debate him. As it is, he basically is appearing on a lot of what might be termed "second-rate" channels, as some kind of authority. I doubt he'll be seen any time soon going up against anyone with real knowledge and debate skills.
He’s another arsehole the world would be better-off with him dead…



Thread Killer :-)
Netanyahu is a genocidal Zionist, and needs to be put down.

Your comment combined with the John 3:36 quote you include with your posts seem to indicate you are a very confused individual. Advocating for the Jewish Prime Minister to be “put down” like a dog, regardless of whether you agree with his policies or not, would seem to be rather contradictory assuming your tagline is intended to relay your belief system. Unless, of course, it’s intended to be somehow ironic.


Veteran Member
Scott Ritter became unhinged when he began co appearing at events with Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink. He lost all credibility as a neutral weapons inspector by 2005.

I saw him at this event in Evanston. Though I was against that war and sending our boys to Iraq. I always disagreed with his conclusion there were no weapons of mass destruction in Baghdad when they clearly used mustard gas type devises on civvies. He was a pawn used to add legitimacy to the anti war movement. Untrustworthy ever after.2F6F1AD2-13BD-4A4D-8C55-324896A5EC9F.jpeg

paul bunyan

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota
Scott Ritter is a putz as is anyone who believes anything he says.
Sorry Ole Cowpoke.
I find Scott's analysis much more credible than anything out of the Whitehouse or the State Department.
How can you argue with " Iran just spent maybe 100 million dollars on their attack while the US and her Allies spend BILLIONS on defensive expendable hardware and depleted their stocks."

Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
Scott Ritter became unhinged when he began co appearing at events with Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink. He lost all credibility as a neutral weapons inspector by 2005.

I saw him at this event in Evanston. Though I was against that war and sending our boys to Iraq. I always disagreed with his conclusion there were no weapons of mass destruction in Baghdad when they clearly used mustard gas type devises on civvies. He was a pawn used to add legitimacy to the anti war movement. Untrustworthy ever after.View attachment 470606
Exactly WHY did "we" invade Iraq in the first place? The Reagan admin supplied Saddam with some of those WMD to fight Iran. Saddam had nothing to do with 911, in fact he and Khadafy went all out offering to help find the perps and destroy them; an offer soundly rejected by the "neocons" whose plan (well, their master's plan((most of them were and still are just employees)) was always to destabilize the M.E. and take/control all the resources. And if you think like I have come to believe, One Ring to Rule Them All.

Just WHAT have we accomplished in the last 50 years in the M.E.? Destruction, hatred, the ruination of Europe, the ruination of the USA, and Australia, and Canada, and New Zealand is not far behind.

To the best of my knowledge no Muslim country was calling the USA the Great Satan prior to the 60's.

The WORLD was not banding together ala BRIICS to cut us down to size.


On the Beach


Veteran Member
Interesting... I didn't say anything about Ritter. I only said something about Netanyahu.

It's amazing how fast Christians come to the aid of Netanyahu, and turn on their own when someone critiques him.

I'll say it again... Netanyahu needs to be put down, like the dog that he is.

Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds:

I like how we play off calls for the killing of an allied nations leader as casual critique.

Ah, yes Reuters, known for their ethical standards and practices; Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning: Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation

I really like how they linked the poll you're quoting...

Welp, I guess Hamas now was it's own in-house cheerleaders here at TB.
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Thread Killer :-)
Interesting... I didn't say anything about Ritter. I only said something about Netanyahu.

It's amazing how fast Christians come to the aid of Netanyahu, and turn on their own when someone critiques him.

I'll say it again... Netanyahu needs to be put down, like the dog that he is.

Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds:
I didn't mention anything about Ritter in my post to you, although as I stated in the original post, Ritter advocates killing Netanyahu, and you sound just like him. My only comment was regarding your advocating "putting Netanyahu down like a dog". And I think we all know what being "put down" means, and it's not setting them on the floor. If killing him is not what you meant, then maybe you should have clarified it. Since you're doubling down on your original statement, then I assume you said exactlty what you meant. And it is a little more than just "critiquing" him.

I assume if you're a Christian, then you attend church; would you advocate murdering Netanyahu to other members of your church, to your pastor/minister, etc? Just curious if they would agree, or what they'd think.

Don't assume either that I agree with everything Netanyahu says or does. I didn't say that, and it really has nothing to do with whether I like the man, dislike the man, agree with the man, or disagree with the man. Perhaps you just assumed that I'm "coming to his aid" because you believe I'm defending him. I don't think he needs my aid. I can understand if you want him out of office, believing that he is bad for Israel, he's making bad decisions, etc. We all have opinions about that, and I understand it.

Let me make it clear: If you claim to be a Christian, then I find it troubling that you would advocate MURDERING the Jewish prime minister. Or anyone else for that matter. That's all I'm saying. If you are supposed to be what you claim to be, then maybe you should examine yourself. If you consider my comments "turning" on you, then that's up to you.
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Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
Is this the same Scott Ritter?

Arrests and conviction for sex offenses

Clayton Morris, a long time journalist, and VERY knowledgeable about a great many events, says the Ritter was set up and framed, you know, kinda like the 900 plus Jan 6 political prisoners. That Ritter was told to play ball before Congress and do exactly like the CIA wanted; he was warned, by his military colleagues and Intelligence people, if he didn't, they would destroy his life. And they did.

That is the Scott Ritter you are trying to smear, just because he thinks NuttyYahoo is a psychopath, like I do; and that he thinks Israel has turned into a rogue nation, as I do, and have for many years now. That guy?
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Knuckle Dragger
Where did I say I hated Jews??? I NEVER said that, and never would. I am a Jew, remember??

I stand by what I said 100%, regardless of what you do to me.


Some significant (liberal) portion of the US population would support the death of the rest of any citizens who don't subscribe to their beliefs. (as an analogy)

You are quite militant in your disdain for the Israeli leadership and apparently sympathetic to hamas and those who would destroy Israel.

George Soros is an antisemitic jew...just as a point of reference.
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The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
Clayton Morris, a long time journalist, and VERY knowledgeable about a great many events, says the Ritter was set up and framed, you know, kinda like the 900 plus Jan 6 political prisoners. That Ritter was told to play ball before Congress and do exactly like the CIA wanted; he was warned if he didn't, they would destroy his life. And they did.

That is the Scott Ritter you are trying to smear, just because he thinks NuttyYahoo is a psychopath, like I do; and that he thinks Israel has turned into a rogue nation, as I do, and have for many years now. That guy?
No, not trying to smear the guy......I know very little about him. Looked him up on Wiki.....was surprised that people here did not seem concerned about what I read.

The Zionists are more than rogue.


Country exile in the city
Interesting... I didn't say anything about Ritter. I only said something about Netanyahu.

It's amazing how fast Christians come to the aid of Netanyahu, and turn on their own when someone critiques him.

I'll say it again... Netanyahu needs to be put down, like the dog that he is.

Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds:
wonder what percentage shouted for Barabbas that Passover-eve.

Your sentiments contradict your sig line.


Veteran Member
Interesting... I didn't say anything about Ritter. I only said something about Netanyahu.

It's amazing how fast Christians come to the aid of Netanyahu, and turn on their own when someone critiques him.

I'll say it again... Netanyahu needs to be put down, like the dog that he is.

Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds:
If there was a new election today in Israel, Netanyahu would be re-elected!


On the Beach
I happen to agree that Hamas is a terrorist organization. I also agree that Netanyahu is a terrorist leader.

Try to get that into your reality.

You can't?

It's because of a pro-Zionist bias, where political Israel can do no wrong. Sad but true, and it's part of a strong end-times delusion.

And here you are, threatening to kick me off of this forum for simply expressing a thought. :hmm:

Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
If there was a new election today in Israel, Netanyahu would be re-elected!
Ummm, not from what I've seen. Even during a war I believe I have seen protests against him; very unusual. He and his wife also have several charges of corruption against them. Why am I suddenly thinking of FJB?

Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
wonder what percentage shouted for Barabbas that Passover-eve.

Your sentiments contradict your sig line.
According to Stats Canada, it was exactly 79.3% at the start; and by the end of the scuffling, and pronounced crowd boxing, it was reputedly 94.9%, with much of the crowd having grown silent.

Of course that was recorded thousands of years ago, apparently the stats have changed many times in the intervening thousands of years depending on the chronicler and there have been several, so there is some doubt as to the accuracy.


On and On, South of Heaven

I can't recall another time a "terrorist" entity did this.

41 seconds - Israeli military drops thousands of leaflets over Gaza telling civilians to evacuate
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiYHcqz0Mxs&ab_channel=GuardianNews

40 seconds - Israeli Army Drops Leaflets in Rafah | VOA News
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oSyvMCPMMA&ab_channel=VoiceofAmerica

2:30 - Gaza resident gets warning phone call before Israeli airstrike demolishes his building
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uyVEgAFT20&ab_channel=GlobalNews

Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member

I can't recall another time a "terrorist" entity did this.

41 seconds - Israeli military drops thousands of leaflets over Gaza telling civilians to evacuate
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiYHcqz0Mxs&ab_channel=GuardianNews

40 seconds - Israeli Army Drops Leaflets in Rafah | VOA News
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oSyvMCPMMA&ab_channel=VoiceofAmerica

2:30 - Gaza resident gets warning phone call before Israeli airstrike demolishes his building
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uyVEgAFT20&ab_channel=GlobalNews
You got two hours to get out of Dodge before we blow your house, your town, and all the preps you've been paying for and storing for the last 20 years to oblivion. Immigrants need that land, mui pronto.
From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate you appreciating my humanity in giving you this heads up.
Regards, FJB

Lol. Seriously? Maybe I'm reading this wrong. Are you suggesting this shows humanity to warn they about to bomb their entire existence to smithereens, and that is like, OK, man???
Lol. I'm just curious, am I reading it wrong?
If not it definitely reminds me of the SS warnings that current Residents of the Jewish Sector of the Warsaw Ghetto needed to line up for relocation. They were given weeks and months warning it was time to relocate.

Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
What does anyone here think the Israelis should actually do in response to the Hamas attacks?
In my humble opinion they have already done it. They have demolished most of N Gaza, displaced hundreds of thousands, most likely killed tens of thousands. If memory serves correct there was a 7 hour plus delay in an Israeli military response to a break out and attack on the most heavily fortified, and high tech protected, fairly small, bordered area in the world, auto gun towers, defended by AI; and yet it took seven hours for a response; shades of 911 or even more unbelievable.

At this point I'm more curious for the world's attention to go back to that initial "failure". Uh huh. Same as our S border is "failing". Why don't we look at HOW that failure occurred, and WHY that failure occurred. Maybe that will give some answers more important than "Who now the price of his dear blood doth owe? Not Romeo, Prince; he was Mercutio's friend".


Has No Life - Lives on TB
wonder what percentage shouted for Barabbas that Passover-eve.

Your sentiments contradict your sig line.

According to Stats Canada, it was exactly 79.3% at the start; and by the end of the scuffling, and pronounced crowd boxing, it was reputedly 94.9%, with much of the crowd having grown silent.

Of course that was recorded thousands of years ago, apparently the stats have changed many times in the intervening thousands of years depending on the chronicler and there have been several, so there is some doubt as to the accuracy.
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