CRIME Physical castration mandated for Springfield man who pled guilty to raping, impregnating teen


passin' thru

Physical castration mandated for Springfield man who pled guilty to raping, impregnating teen​

LIVINGSTON, La. (WAFB) - A 21st Judicial District Judge has ordered a 54-year-old man to be physically castrated, in addition to his sentence, as part of a guilty plea for the rape of a 14-year-old girl that resulted in a pregnancy.

District Attorney Scott Perrilloux’s office announced Glenn Sullivan Sr., 54, of Springfield, pleaded guilty on Wednesday, April 17, to four counts of second-degree rape. Judge William Dykes sentenced Sullivan to 50 years in prison, and he is required to be physically castrated.
Glenn Sullivan Sr.

Glenn Sullivan Sr.(Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office)
“Sex crimes against juveniles are the most malicious crimes we prosecute. I intend on using every tool the legislature is willing to give us, including physical castration, to seek justice for the children in our community,” said Assistant District Attorney Brad Cascio, who prosecuted the case.

According to the district attorney’s office, the Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office began investigating July 2022 after a young woman told detectives Sullivan raped her multiple times when she was 14 years old, resulting in her becoming pregnant. A DNA test was ordered during the investigation, which officials said proved Sullivan impregnated her.
Detectives reported that Sullivan groomed the victim and used threats of violence against her and her family to prevent her from disclosing the rapes.

The district attorney applauded the victim for courageously coming forward to file the charges.
“So many of these types of cases go unreported because of fear. The strength it must have taken for this young woman to tell the truth in the face of threats and adversity is truly incredible,” Perrilloux said.


Senior Member
This is a gallant effort by this judge, and he has done the best and all that he can in this situation. Still though, the only cure for pedophilia is lead poisoning.

Edited to clarify: The soon to be castrated perv is the perfect candidate to begin moving from testing on animals to testing on pedophiles.


passin' thru
He can still rape without a penis.

There probably is some kernal o' truth to the idea that most males will still suffer mightily at the thought o' their precious dangly bits being detached.
...not nearly enough, but a start. Considering we now live in the gelded age, a decent one.


Veteran Member
Without testicles, the drive for both sex acts and violence are largely removed from males (which is why the Muslim world has usually castrated their male slaves).
It is the difference between an aggressive Bull and a docile Steer.

The ability may be there, but for the vast majority there won't be the drive.


ok i wonder how expensive it is to do this procedure. he got 50 years, so he should die in jail. i mean why pay for this he is a threat so we neuter him.

hard pass. just unalive him. i am just trying to grasp teh rehabilitate part which is what prison is supposed to be. just skip the nut clipping and take him to the Vet and have him put to sleep. what a scumbag


Pass it forward...
I saw a case many years ago: a man who had raped many children; he was castrated physically and put in a state mental hospital. He seduced the woman MD in charge of the hospital; she got him discharged and prescribed testosterone shots. He then proceeded to rape more children. They should remove this perp's penis.


Contributing Member
I saw a case many years ago: a man who had raped many children; he was castrated physically and put in a state mental hospital. He seduced the woman MD in charge of the hospital; she got him discharged and prescribed testosterone shots. He then proceeded to rape more children. They should remove this perp's penis.
Should have received a Lead Lobotomy instead.


Non Solum Simul Stare
Excellent. This may be more a deterrent than death. While death is quick, living the rest of your life as a eunuch is a punishment that continues on in perpetuity. Death row is also lengthy and can take decades with appeals. In the absence of summary execution, this will do well.

Matthew 18:6


Came This Far
While my first sentiments may be that this is great. Then I start thinking when will they start cutting the hands off from people who commit violence or robbery. Because experience has shown me that once they go down a certain road then they never stop expanding on it. Just the deep thinking part of me.


Neither here nor there.

Once again and a little bit louder. Physical castration doesn’t do shit to a male who is post puberty, they can still get an erection!!! He just can’t impregnate anyone.

Secondly not all sexual assault is with the penis, hands, lips, tongues!!!

Short rope and tall tree, that’ll keep him from sexually assaulting people in the future!


Neither here nor there.
While my first sentiments may be that this is great. Then I start thinking when will they start cutting the hands off from people who commit violence or robbery. Because experience has shown me that once they go down a certain road then they never stop expanding on it. Just the deep thinking part of me.

Castration post puberty does not prevent an erection, don’t believe me go over to fetlife where castrated men will tell you that they have the best erections post castration! Yeah, they’re out there.
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But would this pass the Constitutional prohibition against "cruel and unusual punishments?"

Could cost a fortune in legal fees.

Do you really want to give .fedgov this power?
Unless this guy agrees (and his lawyers don't try to override him) the appeals on this could very well go all the way to the Supreme Court.

Just lock him up with NO possibility of ever seeing the light of day again. I think the day is coming when resources will dictate outlaws are either banished (on pain of death), put to death, or (usually after some type of physical punishment) allowed back into the community with the understanding that a repeated crime meant banishment or death.

Not sure where the banished will go... right now, they're coming out of South American prisons and getting a LOT of assistance to ensure they get here and bleed us a little more.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Gag him, stake him out over a fire ant hole, douse in honey, then disembowel him. Almost a happy ending- he’ll won’t live long enough to even begin to pay the price he’s due…



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Pedophiles and rapists don't tend to do too well in prison. Pedo rapists are lowest on the totem pole and do very hard time. I don't think he's going to enjoy his three hots and a cot. The other inmates will see to that.



Veteran Member
He's 57 and just got sentenced to 50 years in prison so it's unlikely he will be able to rape another teenager. Plus, you know what his chances are when he goes to prison for raping a child.


Fringe Ranger
Without testicles, the drive for both sex acts and violence are largely removed from males (which is why the Muslim world has usually castrated their male slaves).
The harem owner was more interested in ensuring paternity than stopping fornication. By some accounts the sex life of a harem eunuch was very active.


Veteran Member
cut his penis off, carve a big ole P on his forehead and put him loose in gen pop. Let them take care of him. Oh and maybe remove his arms from the elbow down to hamper him fighting back when they do to him what he did to innocent children. Or make it easy and just put him in a room full of mad mommas.