GOV/MIL Pentagon Banned From Mandating Pronouns In Compromise Defense Bill

Kathy in FL

Pentagon Banned From Mandating Pronouns In Compromise Defense Bill

Congress’ compromise defense bill bans the Pentagon from requiring — or disallowing — troops or employees from using personal pronouns in official documents.

The Senate’s version of the bill would have fully prohibited the Pentagon from mandating members of the armed forces or Department of Defense (DOD) civilian staff from listing their preferred gender pronouns in any official communications, according to the bill report revealed late Wednesday. But, the final National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) setting the DOD budget for fiscal year 2024 updated the amendment to clarify that the secretary of defense can’t prohibit the action either despite the GOP championing efforts to strip gender ideology from the military.

“The Secretary of Defense may not require or prohibit a member of the armed forces or a civilian employee of the Department of Defense to identify the gender or personal pronouns of such member or employee in any official correspondence of the Department,” the bill report states.

The NDAA, which is likely to become law, also ditched proposals in the House’s version that would have prohibited the Pentagon from funding treatments for transgender troops or abortion travel.

The House version of the bill passed in July also overturned the Pentagon’s abortion travel coverage policy and blocked the military insurance from covering sex reassignment surgeries and gender-transition hormone treatments, according to a copy of the bill. Republicans in the Democrat-controlled Senate did not include similar provisions in their version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2024, setting conditions for Republicans on the conference committee to cave as the two chambers hammered out the final bill.


Neither here nor there.
How did we get here? I don't understand.

Not to turn this into a religious thread... but my guess is that we are headed into the end times at a break neck pace... just saw a reel on facebook that states that in the Bible demons refer to themselves as we/they/them/us. We need to spend more time on our knees praying, cause it's gonna get a whole lot worse.


Neither here nor there.
Rebellion against our Creator causes insanity. It applies to all areas of lives,cultures and nations. There is a Book written about it.

Yep, and we can start another thread on this topic. Seeing the OP it amazes me how far the rot has infiltrated our gov't.


Veteran Member
I heard from a trusted source that I personally know that a local school in the county I live in is allowing elementary-school students to identify as cats, wear long "kitty-tails" hanging from their pants, and go to the bathroom in a literal litter-box in the school.

Do you still wonder how we got here?
I would love some pictures of this. I have heard this a lot but have yet to see any real evidence.


Let's Go Brandon!
Not to turn this into a religious thread... but my guess is that we are headed into the end times at a break neck pace... just saw a reel on facebook that states that in the Bible demons refer to themselves as we/they/them/us. We need to spend more time on our knees praying, cause it's gonna get a whole lot worse.

Well, if that's the case, then it no longer matters. No amount of prayer will stop the End Times. They HAVE to hit.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Not to turn this into a religious thread... but my guess is that we are headed into the end times at a break neck pace... just saw a reel on facebook that states that in the Bible demons refer to themselves as we/they/them/us. We need to spend more time on our knees praying, cause it's gonna get a whole lot worse.

Pro-Trump lawyer compares Demi Lovato’s pronoun choice to Bible character possessed by demons​

Attorney who worked to overturn 2020 election tweets that it’s ‘interesting’ that ‘only time in scripture an individual was referred to in plural’ is in reference to possessed man

Pro-Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis compared Demi Lovato’s choice to use the pronouns they and them to a Bible character possessed by demons.

Ms Ellis, who was part of former President Donald Trump’s unsuccessful legal team attempting to overturn the election, tweeted on Monday: “Interesting that the only time in scripture an individual was referred to in plural ‘they/their/we’ pronouns is in Matthew 5:9. Jesus asked a demon-possessed man his name, and he replied, ‘My name is Legion, for we are many’.”

The tweet came in response to a Page Six article about Lovato suggesting to their fans that they stop complimenting Lovato’s weight loss because it can be triggering for someone who is recovering from an eating disorder.

Lovato announced that they were non-binary last week.

“Idk who needs to hear this but complimenting someone on their weight loss can be as harmful as complimenting someone on their weight gain in regards to talking to someone in recovery from an eating disorder,” Lovato, 28, wrote in a Saturday Instagram story.

“If you don’t know someone’s history with food, please don’t comment on their body,” Lovato added. “Because even if your intention is pure, it might leave that person awake at 2am overthinking that statement.”
