LEGAL Nursing home/assisted living warning


Veteran Member
From my research here lately, there is a lot of dirty stuff going on in healthcare. DH is going through the insanity of signing up for medicare so we've been watching lots of videos and reading lots of booklets about it.

Our healthcare system is totally broken and there is blame on all sides. The hospitals are cutting staff, ordering uneeded tests and upcoding care (writing a more expensive code instead of the right code for the care). The insurance companies are denying care, delaying care and using AI to make medical choices for their insures. Pharma is charging insane prices for their drugs and coaxing doctors and hospitals to prescribe as many drugs as possible. All just to make more profit for the company share holders.

People who need care are left with insane medical bills for which they will be constantly hounded by bill collectors even before they have been given a chance to recover. Their only other choice is just giving up any thought of getting help with their condition. Illegals are freely given better and more comprehensive healthcare than born Americans unless you are rich. It's no stretch of the imagination that hospitals, and other care facilities are trying to trick people into paying for someone else.


Veteran Member
Both my DH and myself are getting home health right now. His is ok, nurses are nice and they do a good job with him.
My nurse is nice also but their supplies are so bad I have her using mine. But you can bet the agency is charging Medicare top dollar for supplies that arnt being used.

colonel holman

Veteran Member
Doc says you have big-assed tumor on kidney. Need referral to Mass General Sarcoma clinic. Insurance said no to out of state referral (to the only sarcoma clinic around), so paid out of pocket for that. They said need MRI, CT and biopsy urgently, ASAP. Local med center says 2 months wait for those tests. Then they “lost” my biopsy. Four months of sitting around growing tumor, waiting for tests. Finally got results and tumor in quite low grade, slow growing, just wait and watch. BTW, they found prostate cancer with that testing, so get to start the journey all over again for that one. Watching relatives and friends dying from all these delays and fuq-ups.

Displaced hillbilly

Veteran Member
Doc says you have big-assed tumor on kidney. Need referral to Mass General Sarcoma clinic. Insurance said no to out of state referral (to the only sarcoma clinic around), so paid out of pocket for that. They said need MRI, CT and biopsy urgently, ASAP. Local med center says 2 months wait for those tests. Then they “lost” my biopsy. Four months of sitting around growing tumor, waiting for tests. Finally got results and tumor in quite low grade, slow growing, just wait and watch. BTW, they found prostate cancer with that testing, so get to start the journey all over again for that one. Watching relatives and friends dying from all these delays and fuq-ups.
I’m so sorry. Currently riding the cancer merry go round and it sucks. Thankfully tho, last year with my 2 surgeries, radiation etc, I received very good care up here in NH. So thankful I didn’t have to venture down to Mass. for anything.


Veteran Member
I am so glad I am retired out of the whole system.

I always told my family not to sign the financial form. NEVER. I have had them put it in front of me for my ex-husband. I looked at her and said 'no.' She quietly took the form back and shoved it under the stack.

You do not have to sign it for someone else.

They usually say it like this, "Can you sign these two forms for me please. The top one is consent to treat we have to have it before we can treat them." (True). "And sign right here saying they will be responsible for the bill." Notice they say "they" but they want you to sign YOUR name. Don't do it. And make sure you read the consent to treat before you sign that as well. I wouldn't put it past them in the future to slip the financial wording into the consent to treat.

Or if you are still paranoid about that, then sign the patients name. I have done that for my family members. I haven't had anyone say anything.


Contributing Member
This isn't new. I had a female friend that was in a car accident over 30 years ago and the hospital tried to do that to her parents, her boyfriend and her younger sister (who was also an adult.)

They also tried to do this to my husband about 15 years ago when his Dad had to go into a dementia unit. This is NOT new.


Veteran Member
I am so glad I am retired out of the whole system.

I always told my family not to sign the financial form. NEVER. I have had them put it in front of me for my ex-husband. I looked at her and said 'no.' She quietly took the form back and shoved it under the stack.

You do not have to sign it for someone else.

They usually say it like this, "Can you sign these two forms for me please. The top one is consent to treat we have to have it before we can treat them." (True). "And sign right here saying they will be responsible for the bill." Notice they say "they" but they want you to sign YOUR name. Don't do it. And make sure you read the consent to treat before you sign that as well. I wouldn't put it past them in the future to slip the financial wording into the consent to treat.

Or if you are still paranoid about that, then sign the patients name. I have done that for my family members. I haven't had anyone say anything.

I hate trickery.


Senior Member
I'm in my 40s and have put off going to the doctors for to long. I now have descent insurance and have started going. I have a few issues that need addressed. The whole thing seems like a big "hurry up and wait game." Get a test done and results take four or five days. Receive some concerning results and need to see a specialist. Takes a few days to be called for an appointment, and best they can do is 7 weeks out. That is just to see the specialist. Who knows what he/she will want to do afterwards and how long that will take.

I need a colonoscopy. I am not of age yet but close enough. The earliest appointment I could get was about 2 months out. I'm like WTF!

I don't think and hope it is anything major, but the waiting game is worst part of it. I might have some health issues, but have to wait months to just start the process. The longer I wait the more dark places my mind seems to be going about what it could be. I've never seen it like this before. Wait a few days or a few weeks maybe, but never months. I live in a descent sized area. I think it is going to get worse


Senior Member
Doc says you have big-assed tumor on kidney. Need referral to Mass General Sarcoma clinic. Insurance said no to out of state referral (to the only sarcoma clinic around), so paid out of pocket for that. They said need MRI, CT and biopsy urgently, ASAP. Local med center says 2 months wait for those tests. Then they “lost” my biopsy. Four months of sitting around growing tumor, waiting for tests. Finally got results and tumor in quite low grade, slow growing, just wait and watch. BTW, they found prostate cancer with that testing, so get to start the journey all over again for that one. Watching relatives and friends dying from all these delays and fuq-ups.
Our system is so screwed up, and has been for awhile. Medical costs are so out of reach that a person must have insurance. Then insurance is a crap shoot on cost and coverage. Need care for a life threatening condition only to be told no for a service that you pay for.

My father had cancer 19 years ago and I watched him have to fight with his insurance about certain treatments and drugs. Had to involve the insurance commission to get anywhere. I'm sorry but people at their weakest point and fighting for their life should not have to fight for life saving care.

As a country, nobody should be going through this. When people die from not receiving the proper care or waiting, that should be a human rights violation.


Veteran Member
Both my DH and myself are getting home health right now. His is ok, nurses are nice and they do a good job with him.
My nurse is nice also but their supplies are so bad I have her using mine. But you can bet the agency is charging Medicare top dollar for supplies that arnt being used.
Same here.

Hospital supplies used by visiting nurses are very low quality. I learned that from the visiting nurses themselves, when they were treating my mother. Little things like non-stick pads for skin wounds, tape, ointment, etc...they told me to buy the highest quality (WalMart Equate brand does fine) to help my mother heal the quickest, and avoid any infections.

I'll just say that I quickly found out that the hospital non-stick pads were not non-stick, by the pain suffered by my mother.

Night Owl

Veteran Member
Doc says you have big-assed tumor on kidney. Need referral to Mass General Sarcoma clinic. Insurance said no to out of state referral (to the only sarcoma clinic around), so paid out of pocket for that. They said need MRI, CT and biopsy urgently, ASAP. Local med center says 2 months wait for those tests. Then they “lost” my biopsy. Four months of sitting around growing tumor, waiting for tests. Finally got results and tumor in quite low grade, slow growing, just wait and watch. BTW, they found prostate cancer with that testing, so get to start the journey all over again for that one. Watching relatives and friends dying from all these delays and fuq-ups.
Sounds like it’s getting to be Canada or UK/Europe. I have friend waiting for MRI in Canada over a year and a half. After she just got it her doctor read it instead of a radiologist reading it and sending a report to the doctor. we are still lucky we have the system we do.

colonel holman

Veteran Member
Our system is so screwed up, and has been for awhile. Medical costs are so out of reach that a person must have insurance. Then insurance is a crap shoot on cost and coverage. Need care for a life threatening condition only to be told no for a service that you pay for.

My father had cancer 19 years ago and I watched him have to fight with his insurance about certain treatments and drugs. Had to involve the insurance commission to get anywhere. I'm sorry but people at their weakest point and fighting for their life should not have to fight for life saving care.

As a country, nobody should be going through this. When people die from not receiving the proper care or waiting, that should be a human rights violation.
One representative example…
At my PT clinic, a private independent small practice, the cost of a session is $100.
Local hospital PT clinic charges $400 per same session.
They charge for the PT session, plus a “facility charge” which is actually rent for the treatment room for your 45 minute session


Let's Go Brandon!
I'm in my 40s and have put off going to the doctors for to long. I now have descent insurance and have started going. I have a few issues that need addressed. The whole thing seems like a big "hurry up and wait game." Get a test done and results take four or five days. Receive some concerning results and need to see a specialist. Takes a few days to be called for an appointment, and best they can do is 7 weeks out. That is just to see the specialist. Who knows what he/she will want to do afterwards and how long that will take.

I need a colonoscopy. I am not of age yet but close enough. The earliest appointment I could get was about 2 months out. I'm like WTF!

I don't think and hope it is anything major, but the waiting game is worst part of it. I might have some health issues, but have to wait months to just start the process. The longer I wait the more dark places my mind seems to be going about what it could be. I've never seen it like this before. Wait a few days or a few weeks maybe, but never months. I live in a descent sized area. I think it is going to get worse

Speaking here as someone else in their 40s who waited on meds while he tried to get insurance that wasn't garbage, I empathize. The upshot is that at least we're catching things earlier. ...I guess....


Pass it forward...
In mid-January 2023 I found I had a swollen lymph node; it was cancer; despite seeing my family doctor the next day, ten weeks passed before treatment began. If the Demoncrats have their way, we will suffer from much longer delays under "universal health care".


Disaster Cat
At least in the UK, Canada, or even Ireland, when/if people finally get treatment, they or their families are not usually bankrupted by it. It is true that the National Healthcare systems of most countries are also having issues, and some places like the UK are having serious issues.

But as a close friend in the UK said (and she has worked both in the US and the UK, knows the systems).
"Unlike you, Yanks, we Brits pay our healthcare costs ahead with a national tax; then we become ill, we are not thrown into bankruptcy."

Of course, that only works, when the tax money goes to the Health Service and the tax is enough to cover the actual costs.

What is happening in the US now is a classic death spiral where every group tries to make someone else pay for it until it lands on the patient (or their family). Sadly, the costs have been driven up so high, that it is impossible for all but the high end of the one percent of the population to ever do so.

So, in reality, the bills become a sort of legalized fiction that either ends up as a form of debt slavery or a court bankruptcy. When the bankruptcy occurs, the hospitals usually don't get paid. The end result of that is being seen in the rural areas of the US right now - the hospitals close down. Eventually, that will happen in the urban areas as well.

This doom loop will only end when either everything falls apart and the US "accepts" a situation like India's where the wealthy have health care and the poor sit and die on the steps of the hospital. Or a new system replaces it.

Obama Care was NOT national insurance, such as used in Germany, where private insurance companies cover the entire population, but the government oversees them and requires that they ensure EVERYONE. The government pays for the unemployed, elderly, and disabled, but the same private companies that say they can't afford it in the US manage to afford it in Germany.

Or they could follow Richard Nixon's lead; he wanted a US system called America that would copy the NHS. Today, I hope they will learn from the NHS's mistakes and come up with a better system (hint: study Sweden and Denmark).

No system of health care is perfect, but the US one is going to collapse if they keep running this hamster wheel until everyone falls off or the thing topples over.


Disaster Cat
In mid-January 2023 I found I had a swollen lymph node; it was cancer; despite seeing my family doctor the next day, ten weeks passed before treatment began. If the Demoncrats have their way, we will suffer from much longer delays under "universal health care".
Not if there is no hospital and no doctors because they have all been bankrupted or gone to "managed care." Which is almost the same as Universal Health Care, only it costs a lot more, and it doesn't even pretend to cover everyone. Just the people that can pay for it.


Senior Member
In mid-January 2023 I found I had a swollen lymph node; it was cancer; despite seeing my family doctor the next day, ten weeks passed before treatment began. If the Demoncrats have their way, we will suffer from much longer delays under "universal health care".
That pisses me off.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I am, and have been, in an assisted living facility, since end of 2018. Put here by my kids, when I died on the table, twice. Docs said I wouldn’t last a month. So, still here, and amazed each day I wake up. No, I didn’t see God, or even hear His voice, but He must have a plan… Wonder what it is…
