PRYR RQST Hubby has pneumonia


So... he's been just dragging tired since his flu bout about 10 days ago. And he's been running a fever on and off... only around 99.6, but his normal is 96.6. So, significant enough.

He's been blaming it on the workload, and at his age, that's not unreasonable. He doesn't have any other symptoms... no cough, no shortness of breath.

So last night, he was running a fever again. I must have gone to sleep thinking/worrying about it, because I was wakened in the middle of the night by a clear voice that said "he's got pneumonia, idiot! He needs antibiotics!" Damn!

So, he just came in to lie down and rest... something he *never* does if the weather is good. I broached the subject... only to be shocked when he said he'd also been "nudged" last night that he needed antibiotics. Ooookay... at least we're listening!

I grabbed my stethoscope, and sure as hell, he's got little gargly crackles going on at the bottom of his left lung. Sigh... I wonder how long that's been going on?

So, Z-pack and NAC. He should rest, but we literally have 4 days left of beautiful weather before winter hits next week. So, there's no way he'll do more than take a short break once in awhile.

(For those who want to tell him to go to the doctor... we called. His appointment is in 12 days!)



Veteran Member
I was awake and up at 0500 this morning and all the sick folks here were on my mind, including you and your hubby, summerthyme. Will continue to pray for you both and hope he startes to make a turn for the better as soon as the meds kick in.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Prayers sent for health and healing. In addition to antibiotics, you may want to keep him loaded up on mega doses of vitamin C and CS. In addition to oral ingestion of CS, I have a nasal inhaler filled with it, which I use daily during the colder months. Also - though I haven't used it yet - I have an order in for Xlear nasal inhalers which are supposed to have a great reputation for lung and nasal infections.



Keep those lungs stretched no matter how much he doesn't want too. No shallow breathing and laying in one spot.
Ha! THAT isn't the problem with him! It's trying to get him to take a break at all!

hfcomms said:
Praying of course and good thing you have antibiotics and antivirals on hand when you have to wait 12 days for an appointment or go to the ER for expensive treatment and wait for hours on end to be seen.

No kidding! I've seen this coming for years... hubby recently said, "now I know why you had so much stuff (herbs and meds- we filled one entire trailer load with the contents of my herb room and medical cabinets)... but how did you know?"

All I could say was "I was told". <shrug> Bob Dylan was right- it really doesn't take a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows!



Said a prayer! It sounds like you're catching it in time. I think that's part of the problem with some folks: they let things go, whereas early treatment would cure them or at least take a bite out of the problem.
Yeah... he'd likely recover on his own, but I sure the ABX will drastically shorten the course. But I'd hate to have to wait 12 days for an appointment and then find out it needed treatment 2 weeks earlier!

This is the same reason I keep several courses of antivirals around, in case one of us breaks with shingles. It needs to be started within 48 hours, but getting an appointment within that time isn't happening.



Senior Member
So sorry! I too have pneumonia right now. A gift from covid. I went to a clinic and they gave me an antibiotic shot as well as a steroid shot. I got a rx for zpac, steroids, an inhaler and cough syrup. I was still sick after I finished the antibiotics and steroids so I went back to the dr and now am on albuteral breathing treatments three times a day. Also got ten more days of antibiotics, and more cough syrup. The breathing treatments really help. Also, I bought some probiotics because the antibiotics are killing my stomach. I woke up last night because I thought I heard growling and finally realized it was just my stomach. :rolleyes:
Last year I made a mullein tincture in bourbon. I’ve been taking a little of that in the evening in hot apple cider. Plus I take gobs of vitamins daily.
12 days is way too long to have to wait to be seen when you have pneumonia! He’s lucky to have you! Prayers for a fast recovery!


So sorry! I too have pneumonia right now. A gift from covid. I went to a clinic and they gave me an antibiotic shot as well as a steroid shot. I got a rx for zpac, steroids, an inhaler and cough syrup. I was still sick after I finished the antibiotics and steroids so I went back to the dr and now am on albuteral breathing treatments three times a day. Also got ten more days of antibiotics, and more cough syrup. The breathing treatments really help. Also, I bought some probiotics because the antibiotics are killing my stomach. I woke up last night because I thought I heard growling and finally realized it was just my stomach. :rolleyes:
Last year I made a mullein tincture in bourbon. I’ve been taking a little of that in the evening in hot apple cider. Plus I take gobs of vitamins daily.
12 days is way too long to have to wait to be seen when you have pneumonia! He’s lucky to have you! Prayers for a fast recovery!
Prayers for you as well! Fortunately, his is very mild... "walking pneumonia", as they used to call it. I'm actually glad to find something to explain the recurrent fever!



Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
Yeah... he'd likely recover on his own, but I sure the ABX will drastically shorten the course.

You were "nudged" to start treatment now, I think. Plus, we can still restock meds, so why not?

Before these "super bugs," (bio weapons?) I used to let mild illnesses just run their course, not treat the fever.
Now, I start treating with appropriate herbs/etc., at the first sign of a problem and not ignore things like "mild sore throats" or worsening stomach aches, especially with an elevated temperature.