Story Edie (Complete)


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Kathy I've had polyps - my understanding is a small percentage actually indicate something very wrong. FWIW, I've also been assured by two leading urologists that way more people 'die with a disease than from it.' In my case, that's prostate cancer

Not necessarily comforting I know but I took it to mean we're a lot tougher and can endure more than many think; as riddled w/ issues as I am, I sincerely hope they're right...
In any event, I forwarded you to my wife's family prayer group.

I'm amazed at how this group of predominantly older ladies get the Zoom technology; I've awakened to hymns on my wife's cell a couple of times over the last few years.

My fervent hope, even though I'm only a visa'd resident, is we all live long enough to see this shit-show brought about and back on course under a steady Constitutionalist hand.

I added your dad into the list last year - hope those additional prayers are beneficial for y'all.

Stay well Ma'am
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Veteran Member
Thank you much, Kathy!! I checked last night late but was too tired to read. Then overjoyed now to find TWO wonderful, "on the edge of your seat" chapters!! Double thanks!!

You and your dad are still in my prayers. I hope you find a doctor (or more) who listens to you and finds out what's going on and how to deal with it.


Senior Member
Kathy you and your family are in my prayers, I hope your doctors can locate what is causing your abdominal pain. Some doctors can focus in on your problems and others can stumble around not knowing what is causing your pain! Did they say if your diverticulitis was inflamed? infections of diverticulitis can cause a lot of pain. Biliary colic spasms can be painful? Liver cysts can be painful depending on location.

Kathy in FL


Chapter 193​

I am not going to brag about who and what I became once I left our home. I was fully Capt. Dunn but I was also something on the other side of that. I was the Capt. Dunn that had her family – her only path back to true sanity – directly threatened and harmed. That could not stand. It would not. Not if I ever wanted to “come home” in any meaningful way. I would be worse than Celeste, a mad shade searching for the next kill. Not because of revenge, but simply because that is all that would have been left of me. It was time for whatever … and whoever … the threat was to come to an end with the whoever part of that equation to pay what debt they had created. The payment plan I was developing had little to do with Dunnville or the Dunn’s that lived there. It had to do with the promise that I had made to Winn and the kids, that I would come home. The only way to do that was to exercise Capt. Dunn’s directives so that I had a home to come back to. I know in part that is a rationalization but I try really hard to not let it be a justification for what I did, my way of taking personal responsibility without allowing it to eat me alive. It was war. It was hell. I just don’t want to be a heartless demon though I’m not unaware that some of my enemies may have considered me to be that very thing.

It took over an hour for me to catch up with my targets. Our home was the only one on our section of the road but there were a few other homes after the road branched. The places were grouped closely. At one time it had been a family enclave but time, age, and financial necessity had the family selling the homes off piecemeal and eventually leaving the area all together when the last of the elders became unable to live alone. After first the homes had been sold to other families, those families had sold them to investors. Those investors eventually tired of the responsibility and sold them to investment groups. The economic downturn after the covid pandemic of the 20s had those investment groups divesting their holdings in the area back to individual investors. The people living in those homes were renters for the most part, sometimes short-term renters, but Winn explained those that were still occupied were mostly by adverse condition holders … fancy name for squatters of some flavor or other. They’d at one time had a legal right to occupy the properties but had long overstayed the end of their leases. He’d interacted with them a little but mostly they kept to themselves to the point of being standoffish and suspicious. They never left the properties they occupied because to leave meant they were giving up “their rights” or something slightly psychotic like that. I avoided them completely because they could get aggressive. But the enemy that I was hunting was also aggressive.

I suspect that is some of what happened; but there was only one winner. I didn’t see a single survivor from either side. The properties were all damaged, most being burnt out, and there were bodies all over. I did see a couple of bodies that didn’t match what I knew of the squatters. Those bodies were in uniforms – US Army uniforms – and overall looked healthier, well so long as you could avoid realizing they were dead and/or the damage that had made them that way.

However, just because they were wearing US Army uniforms does not mean that I thought they were US Army. And even if they were it didn’t mean that they were still loyal to the US. Something was definitely hinky and I remembered the men that had come to investigate why The Woman was had come up the mountain. I began to suspect a splinter group of some type and kept my eyes and ears open for more boobies and traps.

I did a little recon to confirm there was no one alive left in the area. Also of note was the fact that I saw no weapons on either set of dead; no guns, no knives, no nothing. To me that meant that the splinter group could not afford to leave anything behind or abandoned. Unless they had a resupply point, they were also likely dealing with less than optimal ammo inventory. That could have even been why the man Winn took out rushed him rather than shot at him. The trip wire had gone to a single grenade. Maybe that is all the man had been left with. It gave me something to think about and strategize how to use that fact, if it proved to be true.

There was a chill settling in. I put my hand on one of my gun barrels and it came away cold and damp. Weather was changing fast and if the enemy was not prepared, they’d soon be in trouble.

I caught up with them not long before dusk. Dusk is an odd time in the mountains. It usually falls so quickly most people miss it; day one moment, night the next. Then there are times that dusk lingers much longer than it technically should. Those are the eery days … nights. It is also the nights that you have to be the most wary. Too much moonlight, even tree filtered moonlight, gives the haints and other nasties more time to drive you crazy. And no, I’m not kidding. There is just something about nights where dusk lasts too long that seems to set up the nightmares.


Veteran Member
I have gotten the attitude that every day is a good one. I used to say "every day above ground", but honestly, stepping over that threshold where my Savior and family are waiting isn't so bad either. Some days are better than others, but i can't think of a day in recent memory that was bad.

Kathy in FL


Chapter 194​

The group was only about a dozen strong. It was obvious that they’d once been a bigger group and based on the weapons I saw and the bodies that I’d counted, they’d once been close to twenty. Maybe a platoon, maybe two squads that had combined. Maybe not a military group at all, simply what remained of all the traitors sprinkled through wherever they had come from. My guess was these were the “smart leaders” that had set the strategy for taking Dunnville. Or at least what remained of them and their support personnel. Many of them hadn’t made it out of Dunnville. I’d made certain of that.

Unfortunately, it was also a group that had had the weakest among them winnowed out. Those that remained were hard and cold. Experienced. And they were also the most skilled. They were setting up camp under the lower branches of cedar trees and were further camouflaged with tarps that blended in to the surrounding forest. No fires were laid, and a watch was set. I would need to bide my time because at that moment they were far too watchful.

My problem was that I was tired, bone-weary. I had no choice. I crawled away and created my own hole to get a couple hours of rest in.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My own body clock woke me up and the moon had finally set. I made it to be prior to midnight but wasn’t sure how much. What I did know was that the guards were different from when they’d set their camp, two separate “tents” under two different trees. Skilled they might have been, but they still had to deal with reality.

While it was Spring down in the valley, up on the mountain the weather was still too changeable. The damp of earlier was now a hard frost. I was better prepared for that than the enemy. The night was uncomfortably cold. I’d already noted that the guards I had seen before did not have gloves, not even the fingerless variety, which would mean they would be clumsy even if they were skilled with their weapons. These were no different. At the very least it would slow them down before adrenaline could kick in.

I knew I needed to start my campaign. I took out the four guards. Yeah, I’m going to leave it at that. I was no different than the bear. They were in my forest on my mountain and they didn’t belong.

That left eight. I moved the bodies well out of range of where the others would look for them in the dark. Even if they did find the bodies they would be stripped and useless. I took all they had including clothing. I wanted to whittle down their ability to resupply, especially any ammo. I wanted them weak to make whittling down their numbers if not easier, at least less dangerous for me. I still wanted to be able to go home.

Little more than an hour later someone woke up cranky they hadn’t been called to take the next guard duty. It took a moment for the confusion to solidify and the realization that all four men were gone. There was some silent fury by the two I took to be “in charge” – body language was very telling - as the assumption was that the four had run off.

Guards were changed. This time they set three guards. That would leave three for the final shift and the two “in charge.”

Kathy in FL


Chapter 195​

I waited an hour and then there were five. This time I left one stripped down body for them to find very close to their camp. One of the guards even tripped on it and jumped up and away scared, wiping the blood and biological off of himself in a panic. I suppose that might have been a bit of bravado on my part but what I wanted was some psychological weaknesses to start to show.

Boy did I get more than I bargained for. It didn’t take long for the two in charge to start fighting. One of them was really freaking out, claiming that the other one had started a mutiny of all things. Mutinies happen on ships. That told me as nothing else had these guys were not who they were dressed to be. The one that cracked, possibly the one that had shot the driver of the jeep, then shot his #2. And then he started shooting wildly while the remaining three mean tried to take cover. One of them got shot in the back. That’s when the other two turned around and fragged the shooter. They stopped, looked at each other then quickly started grabbing up gear and it was way too easy. They had addressed the immediate threat but had forgotten about the other one … about me.

I had just finished creating a stash to come back for when I heard Winn’s alarm whistle … but I could also tell it wasn’t Winn giving it. It was a different, much higher octave. I immediately dropped. And took up a more secure position.

“I thought that guy said that whistle would call her in.”

“Shaddup,” another voice hissed angrily.

“Don’t tell me to …”

The second guy grabbed the first by the throat and the idiots were so close I heard them even if they were being quiet.

“I said shaddup,” he repeated. The first guy couldn’t reply, his air supply was cut off. “You want the reward or not?”

The first guy nodded, and the second guy was finally allowed to draw breath. For two seconds then the second guy shoved a knife into the base of his skull. I didn’t even bother waiting, I put a bullet in an up close and personal location that prevented any further danger from that quarter.

No. I’m not Wonder Woman or anything else. The truth is that most people simply take too long, wait too long, think too much, emote too much to get the job done. This isn’t the comics where the villain gets to have a soliloquy or the guilty give a mea culpa. And I’m no hero that needs to encourage either one. You want to survive? You want to conquer? Do what you gotta and that’s all I’m going to say about on the subject.

I was moving quickly that morning as well. I was on the move and refusing to waste time on any of it, certainly not on any guilt or indecision. My emotions were all geared towards the fact that they’d had to have gotten the info about that particular whistle directly from Winn. That means they were at the cabin. What the frack was going on?!


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
I'm coping better with a new diet and some new tools but that is all I can say right now. But that is still better than I was. And I'll take it. LOL
Remember when we were able to recover from most things with a good night's rest - well except childbirth of course.

Well none of us have that 'bounce back' ability any more.

Glad to hear you're seeing some improvements.

Kathy in FL


Chapter 196​

I started to fly back towards home and then had to force myself to stop. All that talk of moving fast, thinking too much? You still need to think and for a moment I hadn’t been doing any at all. I didn’t know what I would be running into. I didn’t know who I might be running into. I needed intel no matter how badly I wanted someone to fight and punish for the fear they’d stabbed into my hear. I had to grab my adrenalin with everything I had and beat it into submission. Rather than making it hotter, it became colder, so cold it burned. It cleared my thinking. And first and foremost I needed intel, and I needed it before I ran into a mine field.

Winn’s Edie would have been hurrying with heart racing. But Capt Dunn? She was well and truly an Ice Bitch and was going to save those that made it possible for her to come home, that created home, and no one was going to stop her. Because if they did they really had no concept of the monster they had created.

I crept home after that; slowly, carefully, as if the kids’ and Winn’s lives depended on my stealth. First, I checked all our fallback positions. Several of them were boobytrapped. I carefully disarmed them and then had an evil thought. I moved all of them to a new position and created a Box Canyon in case I needed to drive some doggies that way. I shaped it something like this 1709776986790.pngso that I would run most of them into the length of the trap before any went off.

While doing that job it made me realize they must have been watching for some time because not even our closest allies knew of the positions they’d tried to turn into traps. The question was from the ground or from the air? They’d trampled all the signs that Winn had put up to warn that someone had discovered the spots, accidentally or on purpose. But we’d been over this ground many times and there hadn’t been any such sign until that day. Based on that, my best hypothesis was it was by drone. They could have covered the most ground while leaving the least evidence of what they were doing.

Next, I wondered what was their purpose. A reward. For what? Me of course. My capture or eradication, I’m not sure it mattered which. What did they hope to gain? God only knows because I still don’t. If the information I took at Fort Lee was already out there and was starting to hang them by the short and curlies, what else did they imagine I could have that was worth the effort they were making? I reviewed what I’d kept back for just in case and none of it was worth the risk the enemy were taking. Unless that information could have led to other information. Nah. Something was still missing.

Unless The Woman had been lying – or wrong – and that they hadn’t gotten them all. Afterall I was still cleaning them up after the second battle for Dunnville. I decided that for the time being their reasons didn’t matter. As an enemy they were to be as eradicated as they seemed to be targeting my demise.

Speaking of The Woman, was she part of this? Had she been playing me all along? I almost went with that then shook it off. She was good, she wasn’t good enough that she could have gotten beyond all of my skills of self-preservation that I’d been developing since I was a child. She wasn’t magic and could not have fabricated all that Huebie had done on my behalf and the timing of it. Someone with enough information could be trying to turn me against her, or her against me. That possibility I did leave in play and would just have to see how it developed.

I crept into the home site, disengaging a few more booby traps. Winn and I had gone over and over and over the area so we knew it better than our own handprints. They were not going to get me that easy.

Then I heard a voice I never expected to hear again. Geez was it a blast from the past. Professor Heaton’s “partner.” I’d only run into her a few times, but she wasn’t someone easily forgotten. She looked like Marilyn Monroe but her voice reminded you of Fran Drescher, a very annoying actress from a million years ago with an accent straight out of the worst New York had to offer with a side order of nasal trombone and a fake laugh to match. The Woman had mentioned her in passing but she didn’t make it seem like she was connected to the ongoing situation I had found myself in so I didn’t think anything of it.

“I’ve shvitzed that kurveh since Mame got all staticky about her for making her godson meshuga. You shoulda took her out with a drone. If you couldn’t do that you shoulda taken her out in that hick town. I warned you she’s a hardcase and you’d need to do it the first time you spotted her, but noooo. You wanted her alive, you said. You wanted to question her, you said. And you idiots bringing her people into it?! That makes you an even bigger amoretz. I told you how she was! I told you what she’s capable of!! Where the hell is she already?!!” Then she kicked out at something. That something morphed into … no!

I nearly stood up and simply mowed them all down. Problem was mixed among the crowd milling around, obviously waiting on my return or on me or my body being brought in, were members of the Dunnville MAG, and some other people from town, tied in place. Someone was either smart or sadistic. The people that Edie cared about were being used as screens. As tools to hide behind to prevent the shooting from starting. What the enemy didn’t know is that they had pushed Capt. Dunn to the point where there wasn’t a lot of Edie left. Had I known for sure that Winn and the kids (where were they?!) wouldn’t have been harmed, she might just have taken the chance and allowed the chips to fall where they would come Judgment Day, so long as the enemy perished and Winn and the kids didn’t.

Lucky for Edie’s friends the enemy didn’t know how gone Capt. Dunn was or they might have simply been shot as being useless to get what they wanted. And yes, I know how crazy it is to talk about myself in third person but at that point I was as crazy as I had ever been. And angry. God I was so angry. Angrier than I had been after I had escaped from Fort Lee. Those people were screwing up my chance to come home. Not home the physical place, but Home, the place of sanity.


Contributing Member
Kathy, I have read your works all over the internet for years. I joined here to read the updated works. And I wanted to thank you for all that you have taught me and for all the enjoyment reading your stories. I my view you are the best author in the filed! Thank You.

Kathy in FL

The links are for educational purposes only. You replicate them then the consequences are on you.


Chapter 197​

“Anyone know what the hell she just said?” the man Heaton’s partner had been talking to asked.

A man with a New England accent if I was any judge answered, “Just more spook stawries, Suh. All those Ft. Lee rejects used to tell ‘em. Most of ‘em blamed huh for getting them sent for remedial training.”

“And did she?”

“No Suh. They earned their reject designation.”

“Very good. Please escort Miss Heaton …”

The Professor’s partner snaped, “That Mrs. Heaton.”

“Very well … Mrs. Heaton …” I knew what was coming just because I’d seen the type on the third floor of the Baymont too often. “ … for her own remedial training. Just make it far enough away that her screams do not attract unwarranted attention.”

“Yes Suh.” The evil glee in the man’s eye’s told me he was beyond redemption and had probably been part of that Tribe of Defective Souls for quite some time.

It took a second longer for “Mrs. Heaton” to catch on than it did for her to be caught and escorted away … with duct tape slapped across her mouth.”

I honestly gave a moment to rescuing her for the purpose of finding out what she knew, but then forgot about it as a strategy. Maybe Edie can feel some compassion for her given what I experienced on Hell Night, but Capt. Dunn just didn’t give a frick and knew the woman had earned what came to her. I forced myself to stop going down that path when I started using religious iconography to describe the enemy. The soup pot was spicy enough, I didn’t need to dump extra flavoring in and make it hotter.

There was nothing I could do for Winn no matter how badly I wanted to, or anyone else for that matter, so I put my time and energy and need for vengeance into figuring out how to using the “box canyon” and how would I drive the enemy in. In the end I didn’t drive them “in” so much as I drew them in.

I spent a couple of hours building every IED I had supplies for. Some of those were already partially built and stored in a couple of the sheds and in the “bunkers” that Winn and I had dug away from the homesite. In addition to the improvised explosive devices, I built several boobies that would either activate on contact or that I could set off myself, whichever created the most chaos and destruction. Winn and I had been learning from each other. He had an interesting youth, and I had an interesting education during and after Basic. Combined we were a force to be reckoned with.

Some of the “toys” we’d fabricated were as mild as smoke bombs that gave off colored smoke from homemade smoke bombs[1] and improvised smoke grenades[2]. From there it gets a little more violent such as the homemade sound grenade[3], paintball grenades[4], homemade firecrackers[5], homemade solid rocket fuel[6], and a few other crazy crap[7]. Trip wire alarms[8] and homemade munition bombs that I could drop from a drone[9], flashbangs from magnesium and gunpowder, some pipe bombs, a couple of homemade flame throwers made from fire extinguishers, and a few stink bombs because that was the mood I was in at the time.

There were other things, but the worst of the lot was a homemade Bangalore made from recycled items from the various foreclosures and cabins that we had gone through. The bangalores were started out as poles from a cyclone fence. The fence posts were filled with explosives to create a kind of “torpedo.” Each “torpedo” was basically two lengths of twenty-gauge pipe joined in the middle with a coupler, stuffed with a few sticks of dynamite, then capped at both ends with one of the ends drilled to allow for a fuse.

The most sadistic were the modified Molotov cocktails that were filled with homemade napalm[10], and a few improvised thermite grenades[11]. Another thing I made was homemade chloroform[12][13]. It had to be made fresh because it doesn’t last long at room temp.

I was about as armed as I could get and Capt. Dunn was ready to play.















Veteran Member
The links are for educational purposes only. You replicate them then the consequences are on you.


Chapter 197​

“Anyone know what the hell she just said?” the man Heaton’s partner had been talking to asked.

A man with a New England accent if I was any judge answered, “Just more spook stawries, Suh. All those Ft. Lee rejects used to tell ‘em. Most of ‘em blamed huh for getting them sent for remedial training.”

“And did she?”

“No Suh. They earned their reject designation.”

“Very good. Please escort Miss Heaton …”

The Professor’s partner snaped, “That Mrs. Heaton.”

“Very well … Mrs. Heaton …” I knew what was coming just because I’d seen the type on the third floor of the Baymont too often. “ … for her own remedial training. Just make it far enough away that her screams do not attract unwarranted attention.”

“Yes Suh.” The evil glee in the man’s eye’s told me he was beyond redemption and had probably been part of that Tribe of Defective Souls for quite some time.

It took a second longer for “Mrs. Heaton” to catch on than it did for her to be caught and escorted away … with duct tape slapped across her mouth.”

I honestly gave a moment to rescuing her for the purpose of finding out what she knew, but then forgot about it as a strategy. Maybe Edie can feel some compassion for her given what I experienced on Hell Night, but Capt. Dunn just didn’t give a frick and knew the woman had earned what came to her. I forced myself to stop going down that path when I started using religious iconography to describe the enemy. The soup pot was spicy enough, I didn’t need to dump extra flavoring in and make it hotter.

There was nothing I could do for Winn no matter how badly I wanted to, or anyone else for that matter, so I put my time and energy and need for vengeance into figuring out how to using the “box canyon” and how would I drive the enemy in. In the end I didn’t drive them “in” so much as I drew them in.

I spent a couple of hours building every IED I had supplies for. Some of those were already partially built and stored in a couple of the sheds and in the “bunkers” that Winn and I had dug away from the homesite. In addition to the improvised explosive devices, I built several boobies that would either activate on contact or that I could set off myself, whichever created the most chaos and destruction. Winn and I had been learning from each other. He had an interesting youth, and I had an interesting education during and after Basic. Combined we were a force to be reckoned with.

Some of the “toys” we’d fabricated were as mild as smoke bombs that gave off colored smoke from homemade smoke bombs[1] and improvised smoke grenades[2]. From there it gets a little more violent such as the homemade sound grenade[3], paintball grenades[4], homemade firecrackers[5], homemade solid rocket fuel[6], and a few other crazy crap[7]. Trip wire alarms[8] and homemade munition bombs that I could drop from a drone[9], flashbangs from magnesium and gunpowder, some pipe bombs, a couple of homemade flame throwers made from fire extinguishers, and a few stink bombs because that was the mood I was in at the time.

There were other things, but the worst of the lot was a homemade Bangalore made from recycled items from the various foreclosures and cabins that we had gone through. The bangalores were started out as poles from a cyclone fence. The fence posts were filled with explosives to create a kind of “torpedo.” Each “torpedo” was basically two lengths of twenty-gauge pipe joined in the middle with a coupler, stuffed with a few sticks of dynamite, then capped at both ends with one of the ends drilled to allow for a fuse.

The most sadistic were the modified Molotov cocktails that were filled with homemade napalm[10], and a few improvised thermite grenades[11]. Another thing I made was homemade chloroform[12][13]. It had to be made fresh because it doesn’t last long at room temp.

I was about as armed as I could get and Capt. Dunn was ready to play.













Having professionally worked with pyrotechnic compounds when working for a defense contractor, I would like to emphasize SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY! I was blessed to work with one of the top pyrotechnic engineers in the nation during that time. I had to perform a large number of quality and performance tests on what we made, including the lot acceptance tests (LATs) in the presence of government witnesses. These compounds are DANGEROUS. A lapse of focus or some stray static electricity could cause serious harm of death. Some of the compounds we made had an even lower moisture content than rocket fuel. If you have to try any of these, do some in depth research first. Don't just watch a few videos and think that you are good to go. You are possibly betting your life on it.