FASCISM Bank of Canada won't let a guy withdraw $3,000 shite dollars w/o justification


Veteran Member
Does Canada have a lottery? Tell them you're buying lottery tickets. You'll let them know where you bought them after your lucky left nut twitches.

Tell them you're planning to buy a happy meal at McDonald's each day until the money runs out. You like to plan ahead.

He probably changed his story or seemed combative earlier in the conversation.

If I was him, I'd take a check for the TOTAL of my account if I didn't leave with the 3k that day... account closed.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
I don't understand that. Some banks won't give out large amounts without advance notice, and 3K might be a "large amount" to some, but you will eventually get your money. You just can't have it on demand, unless it's $100 or $200 in some places.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Coming to a bank near you.
Stop keeping money in the bank and use cash everywhere you can. I know it won’t stop it but maybe it slows things down.

I do that, but right now, I have some large medical payments coming due, so there's more in my checking account than usual. I hope it's going to be OK, but in the larger scheme of things, it's not that much, just "a lot" to me, and I'd sure hate to lose it. Fingers crossed!


Faithful Steed
I don't understand that. Some banks won't give out large amounts without advance notice, and 3K might be a "large amount" to some, but you will eventually get your money. You just can't have it on demand, unless it's $100 or $200 in some places.
Its an effort to prevent a "run" on the bank.

Most banks don't have a large amount of cash on hand. If everyone went in and demanded cash for their deposits, the first three customers would likely empty the cash drawer.

Thus, to take above a certain "threshold" amount, you have to give "advance notice" so that a courier or armored carrier can deliver your cash for your pick-up

The money is there - your passbook says it is - but it's not IMMEDIATELY available.

Next - and a thing to pay attention to when it happens - will be limiting your access to your safe deposit box.

Can't have anything valuable getting out and possibly taking the place of credit cards, Central Bank Digital Currency, or even cash.

Rule of hoof, er thumb. "Good money drives out bad." As in - you spend your "bad" money first and keep what you perceive as "more valuable" for a possible later.

As they print more dollars, they become "more bad." (Inflation) At least part of the reason for a "business boom" currently is humans are "spending down dollars" which lose value while they hold them, and buying hard goods: property, items that are becoming scarce, hard money.

Even the current rise in the stock market is part of this effect. Until it isn't.



Veteran Member
But it's NOT.
Check the fine print.

The moment you deposit "your money" into a bank, either here or Canada, it is no longer "yours." You instead made yourself an "unsecured creditor" (i think that is the correct term) to the bank. Meaning, if they don't want to, or go belly-up, or decide to do a "bail-in" to keep them from going belly-up, you don't get your money back. Oh sure they are under an "obligation" to pay you back... eventually... or maybe in worthless bank stock certificates.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
But it's NOT.
Check the fine print.

The moment you deposit "your money" into a bank, either here or Canada, it is no longer "yours." You instead made yourself an "unsecured creditor" (i think that is the correct term) to the bank. Meaning, if they don't want to, or go belly-up, or decide to do a "bail-in" to keep them from going belly-up, you don't get your money back. Oh sure they are under an "obligation" to pay you back... eventually... or maybe in worthless bank stock certificates.
And THAT is why I don't leave them much.
Wait till people find out that their investment accounts aren't theirs either.

People are gonna be pissed!


Contributing Member
I do that, but right now, I have some large medical payments coming due, so there's more in my checking account than usual. I hope it's going to be OK, but in the larger scheme of things, it's not that much, just "a lot" to me, and I'd sure hate to lose it. Fingers crossed!
If it's just going to be a "transfer" of funds, check or electronic, and not a cash withdrawl, there will be no problems. It's the "cash" part that most banks don't like to deal with without some notice.


Veteran Member
I thought they need to report even $3K if it "felt" suspicious. I would have called ahead, too.


Prevue of 'the great taking' but it won't be just deposit accounts. All the stocks and bonds and ETF's that people thought they owned they don't. The are simply beneficial owners and at least in the U.S. the real owner is the DTCC and all it's subsidiaries unless you have done direct registration of your stocks and you hold the certificates.

Like with gold, silver and cash if you don't hold it you don't own it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Does Canada have a lottery? Tell them you're buying lottery tickets. You'll let them know where you bought them after your lucky left nut twitches.

Tell them you're planning to buy a happy meal at McDonald's each day until the money runs out. You like to plan ahead.

He probably changed his story or seemed combative earlier in the conversation.

If I was him, I'd take a check for the TOTAL of my account if I didn't leave with the 3k that day... account closed.
I did just this, when a bank would not renew my $15k mortgage after my house burned down.

at another time I had just sold a house and was moving across country

looking for a new residence.

no idea where I would end up.

went to bank that had the house money in it.

told them I wanted $10k in cash while I searched for house.

they fought hard, but eventually gave in.

then as I was boarding the plane,

the agents found the cash in my pocket.

had to go into interview room while a 'report' was made.

even tho I had the lawyer paperwork, in my hand.

I was eventually let loose, in time to catch my flight.

the flight was within canada.

crossing no international borders.

That was 18 yrs ago


Veteran Member
If a bank does not have enough money on hand to give several thousand dollars in cash to customers, I would switch banks. We bank with a small, regional bank, and it has NEVER been an issue to withdraw a reasonable amount of cash without advance notice. I have taken out up to 7000.00 at a time with no warning, and they had no trouble coming up with the cash. Any bank that can't cover that is not a bank that anyone should trust.

And NO, I am not telling them WHY I need the cash. It is mine. Anyone who tells them anything other than "it's none of your damn business what I want the cash for" is an ass kissing, obedient little sheeple who is part of the problem in this country.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Its an effort to prevent a "run" on the bank.

Most banks don't have a large amount of cash on hand. If everyone went in and demanded cash for their deposits, the first three customers would likely empty the cash drawer.

Thus, to take above a certain "threshold" amount, you have to give "advance notice" so that a courier or armored carrier can deliver your cash for your pick-up

The money is there - your passbook says it is - but it's not IMMEDIATELY available.

Next - and a thing to pay attention to when it happens - will be limiting your access to your safe deposit box.

Can't have anything valuable getting out and possibly taking the place of credit cards, Central Bank Digital Currency, or even cash.

Rule of hoof, er thumb. "Good money drives out bad." As in - you spend your "bad" money first and keep what you perceive as "more valuable" for a possible later.

As they print more dollars, they become "more bad." (Inflation) At least part of the reason for a "business boom" currently is humans are "spending down dollars" which lose value while they hold them, and buying hard goods: property, items that are becoming scarce, hard money.

Even the current rise in the stock market is part of this effect. Until it isn't.

Remember this occurred in Canuckistan.
The Banking Laws/regs Americans are familiar with/ operate under are not related to the CDN version except by being in place mostly to protect the Banks so, as this wasn't an event in CONUS, it's probably just a "curious event"

Maybe read this as I don't think this entity deals w/ individuals unless possibly said person is highly placed in some National or International client.

The whole story sounds a little iffy to me.

Can an ordinary American do normal banking w/ the Fed in America?

Now if the story was about a small branch in Lower Rubber Boot, SK I could se it and if was a tiny CU, way more likely as cash on hand is critical to their operating charter.


Senior Member
I was doing an update on test we have to do yearly. Not sure if the wording has changed but it stated any transaction of 10k were to be flagged. It did not matter if it was one or several 5k and 5k. It was a daily amount. I always thought it was for single trans of 10k. But any way. I could be having a brain fart. I’m getting old. Oh and spelling errors are because don’t have my glasses on.


Non Solum Simul Stare
And NO, I am not telling them WHY I need the cash. It is mine. Anyone who tells them anything other than "it's none of your damn business what I want the cash for" is an ass kissing, obedient little sheeple who is part of the problem in this country.

As stated by others in the thread, it is no longer "yours" the moment you deposit it. And as for telling them why you need it, depending on several factors (the amount, your frequency of withdrawals, account balances, spending habits, etc.), you may be legally obligated to do so, or they are not legally able to disperse the funds.

It is for your protection of course, to prevent terrorism, and money laundering, and terrorism...and stuff. USAPATRIOT Act, NDAA, and whatnot. Look, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Unless you're a terrorist. America! Yeah! <Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA starts playing in the background>.

Great Northwet

Veteran Member
Normally banks have cash delivered via armored truck as a weekend approaches because they know that people need cash for a garage sale, gun show, buying a used car etc.

The most I've ever withdrawn was 2K on a Friday and no problem. Once I tried $1500 on a Monday and they had to give me $500 of it in $50's because they simply didn't have enough hundreds on hand.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
I did just this, when a bank would not renew my $15k mortgage after my house burned down.

at another time I had just sold a house and was moving across country

looking for a new residence.

no idea where I would end up.

went to bank that had the house money in it.

told them I wanted $10k in cash while I searched for house.

they fought hard, but eventually gave in.

then as I was boarding the plane,

the agents found the cash in my pocket.

had to go into interview room while a 'report' was made.

even tho I had the lawyer paperwork, in my hand.

I was eventually let loose, in time to catch my flight.

the flight was within canada.

crossing no international borders.

That was 18 yrs ago

That's why I carried a bank cashier's check to Iowa when I sold my Ohio home bought my house in Iowa. I also went to bank manager well ahead of time, explained what I needed, and asked her how to best accomplish the task and what the time frame would be.

I followed her instructions to the letter and was thus able to sell my house in Ohio and take the cash (in the form of a check) with me. Note: I had already found a house and knew how much I needed to pay.

Did that violate my privacy? Sure. Then again, it went smooth as silk, so I did the right thing in that case.


Veteran Member
Credit union has never batted an eye when I have pulled out large chunks of cash and never questioned why. On the other hand pretty sure a stunt like that would be met with a very smart alec remark and a request to speak to the manager as I was likely closing all my accounts with them.

Great Northwet

Veteran Member
Credit union has never batted an eye when I have pulled out large chunks of cash and never questioned why. On the other hand pretty sure a stunt like that would be met with a very smart alec remark and a request to speak to the manager as I was likely closing all my accounts with them.
I'm still new with the CU stuff but was told pointedly that I could withdraw as much as I wanted if I just bypassed the atm and came into the branch. My bank would never have said that.


Veteran Member
Canada is done. Trudeau is going to blatantly steal the election , people will protest and Marshall law. The wheels are in motion with the military given the ok to work with the police. The police in Canada do whatever they are told to do.


Faithful Steed
CU's are not free of this kind of activity. We deal with a few and they all have their rules and regs.
All part of the "fractional banking system."

At any one time there is not an equivalent quantity of "physical dollars" out there to cover all the physical value in property/investments, and the expected value as credit. It is done that way intentionally as were every dollar to be covered by actual dollars, then there would be tremendous overheads keeping all those dollars corralled, tracked, and not stolen.

PLUS this is related to the "money supply." By keeping physical dollars "tight" it keeps inflation in some check.

Except that now the government is intentionally printing too many dollars as a way to illegitimately "fund" government programs such as importing illegal aliens, their care and feeding, and forgiving all those loans and other things that voters seem to like and appreciate and return with a vote for more forgiveness.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
I went to get $5,000 out of my account (sold an item and was waiting for the Bank Money Order from the buyer's financial institution to clear).

Was told I had to notify them for that amount or more because they don't keep a lot of cash in the vault.

When I was in banking, a million years ago, cash was King, baby.

Some Mondays I would ship out close to a million dollars to the Fed after all the restaurant night deposits were processed.

Are they fearing bank robberies in this crummy economy or is it that and preparation for the new system? Yeah, probably both.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm still new with the CU stuff but was told pointedly that I could withdraw as much as I wanted if I just bypassed the atm and came into the branch. My bank would never have said that.
I still have a $5k daily limit, but the atms only do $500 ata time.

had 1 teller react with shock, when she saw that.

I look like a wino when I,m dressed up.

I got the $5k limit when I was traveling looking for a place to roost.

never bothered changing it.

(havent seen $5k in MANY yrs. lol)


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Canada is done. Trudeau is going to blatantly steal the election , people will protest and Marshall law. The wheels are in motion with the military given the ok to work with the police. The police in Canada do whatever they are told to do.
Trudeau will not get in again.

hes done.

not even the ndp can help him now

and they are distancing themselves from him.

I feel sorry for the folks who voted ndp because they hated liberals.

first thing ndp did, was align with trudeau, when the last election was done.

as for the banks

remember the truckers, and folks who donated to them.

never heard if the confiscated go-fund-me $ ever got released.

the cops will do whatever they are told from their higher ups.

in ottawa, during truckers protest, cops were brot in from other districts

cuz the ottawa police could not be guaranteed to do what was asked/told

big $ in overtime, and they ate like kings at the public trough.

they even laughed on tv about the expensive food and lavish accomodations.

I was hoping the april1st carbon tax BS would spiral into trucker type protest

but cops are keeping a lid on protests b4 they even get rolling