CRISIS You Tube Video - Live from New York, Guy Goes Into Roosevelt Hotel to Film Things First Hand

Barry Natchitoches

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I cannot carry a link over to post here, but the guy’s name is Nick Shirley, and he goes with a camera to places the authorities say are off limits to Americans to film.

He speaks fluent Spanish, so he interviews illegals to get their story, and provides English captioning for those of us who do not understand Spanish. He talks to a lot of immigrants - those coming in to the city for the first time, some who have lived in the luxurious Roosevelt Hotel for seven months on the American taxpayer’s dime, etc.

He TRIES to interview several social workers, security officers, cops, etc. but it is obvious they are under orders not to discuss what is happening here.

He goes undercover into the processing area at the Roosevelt, until he is run out by authorities. But he does get some informative footage before he is forced to leave.

He also interviews a Russian immigrant who came to this country in the 1990s - the right way - to get his insight on today’s illegal immigrant problem. He also interviews a few normal, everyday Americans, too.

One thing I appreciated is that he treats everyone he interviews with respect, and then allows them to tell their own story. No lamestream propaganda in this film.

The video is about 29 minutes and, IMHO, well worth the time to find it and look at it, if you want to get a first hand view of things in New York.

Again, I am sorry I cannot provide a link, but the video was just put up today, and the citizen journalist is named Nick Shirley.


Contributing Member
This gets really interesting at the 20:35 - 22:49 timestamp interviews and I noticed when clicking for the transcript for the video that most of this conversation is omitted.


Veteran Member

Hispanics are very superstitious people. The American people should be running psyops on these people. We could scare the sh*t out of them and, hopefully, make them go back. We could also disseminate wild conspiracy theories about the government running experiments on them and their children.

Come on people get creative! We can't shoot, but we could run massive interference.