HYPOCRISY YOU OWE ME!!! (Just A Little Rant)

day late

money? whats that?

Yeah, that's what we all hear endlessly from the entitled generations. We have all heard it, "Well, I didn't ask to be born. That means you are responsible for whatever I want/need." Yeah, right. Let us examine that idea a little closer, shall we? I will give credit where it is due. It is true, you didn't ask to be born. But that also means you didn't ask to be born and grow up in a country where you are safe, free, and allowed to believe whatever you want, no matter how brain-dead silly the idea is. You also can share that belief with anyone and everyone who will stand still long enough to listen. These are some of the things that were given to you just because you were born here, even if you didn't ask for it. And if you are one of those people that doesn't believe God has it under control, that means you just got lucky. You could have been born someplace where they would shoot you for telling everyone what you believe. There are of course many other things not mentioned here. Just like with Christmas or birthdays, those gifts given to you had to be bought by someone else and freely given to you. It's beginning to sound that any debt is actually the other way around. But let's be fair. Let's do the math.

Nobody will argue that there are in excess of 350,000,000 people in this country. In general figures, only 20,000,000 have ever put on the uniform. That means the safety and freedom enjoyed by 330,000,000 people was paid for by someone other than them. But the numbers get worse. On average it takes 10 people to keep one grunt in the field, or one pilot in the sky. You've got cooks, clerks, truck drivers, mechanics, warehouse workers, you name it. We even have chaplains to care for our souls. Again, do the math. Out of 20,000,000 in uniform the dirty work that keeps everyone safe and free has fallen to just 2,000,000 people. I am one of them. I told you the numbers get worse. Over 348,000,000 people live in safety and freedom because in most cases, before the age of 23 the combat soldiers and pilots did and sacrificed MORE for this nation than all the rest will do in their entire lives. To keep others free, we have seen and done things that would send most people screaming into a moonless night. Personally, I don't care if you are native born, naturalized (like Mrs. late), if you have a green card, I don't care if you are here on a visa for business, tourism, education or whatever. If you are inside the borders of this country, and you want to be here and be an American, I don't care where you came from. What was done by the combat personnel was done for you. This is a fact.

Many of those personnel have scars, both physical and psychological, that they will carry to their graves. And for the most part that doesn't matter. It is like Spock once told Kirk.

"A rational transaction. The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few."

Comparatively speaking two million out of over 350 million is just a few. I need peace of mind just as much as anyone else. I'll never have it. But because I and my brothers and sisters in arms don't have it, those that we love and care about do. That's a good thing.

So, someone explain to me again. Exactly why do I owe anyone anything?
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Saved, to glorify God.
As far as I believe, YOU DID ASK TO BE BORN.
In one vision, so long ago, it seems like I've ALWAYS known it, (maybe a very early NDE?) I remember CHOOSING or perhaps knowing, my voice, among other things, before birth.
An odd thing to remember, totally insignificant, unless you
meditate on what that signifies and means.
The "cards you are dealt" at birth, aren't random, you agreed to them, for the opportunity to LIVE here, and AFFECT this world, for however long, on Earth.
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Stone Cold Crazy
"I didn't Ask to be Born!"

'I didn't ask for you to be born either but I do not believe in Abortion and the Postman skipped town. I did not want another Loser Fatherless kid growing up to die in their Teens so I Adopted you like a puppy. I see you manahed the Loser part just fine so maybe I should haul you to the Pound. At your age you'll likely just be Euthanized as no one wants to Adopt a Butt-Ugly Loser Mongrel like you.'

day late

money? whats that?
As far as I believe, YOU DID ASK TO BE BORN.
In one vision, so long ago, it seems like I've ALWAYS known it, (maybe a very early NDE?) I remember CHOOSING or perhaps knowing, my voice, among other things, before birth.
An odd thing to remember, totally insignificant, unless you
meditate on what that signifies and means.
The "cards you are dealt" at birth, aren't random, you agreed to them, for the opportunity to LIVE here, and AFFECT this world, for however long, on Earth.

I'm sorry, but I must disagree with you. It is The Lord who decides where and when we will be born. It is The Lord who decides when and where we die. And the last time I looked He did not ask me for my opinion. He decides, not me. Yeah, HE has handed me cards that aren't going to bankrupt the house. But I play the hand I'm given. I also trust what He has said. He will not give me more than I can handle. (Lord, help me to have as much faith in me as You seem to have.) I just have to do the best with what I've been given. Like the three guys given silver talents by the 'Master' before he left. Two guys did well. One, not so much. The Lord gives the chance. We must decide what to do with it. But our opinions and thoughts do not enter into His choices.
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day late

money? whats that?
I remember being given a couple of options...and bam!

Thinking, oh man, i have to endure 18 years before I become autonomous?

Thankful for every experience, good and bad.

Grateful for what I learned, but would not repeat it on a bet, knowing what I now know. Should the Russians roll up on the beaches, I'll be one of the first out there. But I ain't asking for it a second time.


Veteran Member
Well, I was 16 before I realized that my parents' financial struggles were not my fault. Yes, I didn't ask to be born, but I never expected them to satisfy my every whim or wish, either. I simply stopped letting my mother control my every action with guilt about their sacrifices. And I realized that, notwithstanding the guilt trips, they really did sacrifice out of love for us three kids. The relationship became reciprocal at that point. IOW, I grew up.


Saved, to glorify God.
I'm sorry, but I must disagree with you. It is The Lord who decides where and when we will be born. It is The Lord who decides when and where we die. And the last time I looked He did not ask me for my opinion. He decides, not me. Yeah, HE has handed me cards that aren't going to bankrupt the house. But I play the hand I'm given. I also trust what He has said. He will not give me more than I can handle. (Lord, help me to have as much faith in me as You seem to have.) I just have to do the best with what I've been given. Like the three guys given silver talents by the 'Master' before he left. Two guys did well. One, not so much. The Lord gives the chance. We must decide what to do with it. But our opinions and thoughts do not enter into His choices.
Well, I must AGREE with you. I see no conflict.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Exactly why do I owe anyone anything?

YOU....don't owe anyone ANYTHING!
You've already paid for your citizenship. All Veterans have!! Not so much civilians. In my mind, FULL CITIZENSHIP means that you've invested your own hide in protecting and serving your country....and only FULL CITIZENS have earned the right to vote and hold public office. Otherwise you've had no skin in the game. Of course YMMV.

In addition I'm sick and tired of all this racial crap that White folks supposedly owe Black folks something.....neither I nor any of my ancestors owned or supported slavery. In fact my ancestors fought to free the slaves.......SOOOOO those Black folks owe my White ancestors for their freedom and need to STFU!!

If you don't like our system or our country - THEN GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!! And, don't let the door hit your arse on the way out!

day late

money? whats that?
My family is from the South. I come from a long line of sharecroppers, construction workers, moonshiners, and other such noble professions. We never had enough money to own much of anything but what we could either carry or transport as needed. I'm the first one in the family to go to college. The only way that happened was the G.I. Bill. I earned what I have. If these people who think themselves so special that they have no need for work and that they simply MUST be supported in the style of their choosing, because they weren't consulted are going to get anything I have then I know one thing they will get from the get go. A REALLY HARD TIME.