SCI Why everything you thought you knew about the Norsemen may be wrong


On TB every waking moment
Fighting is a self selecting occupation, if you are not reasonably good (or very lucky) you do not last long at it. And people DO learn on the job ... especially with that level of motivation :D

Most cultures included training in arms in early boyhood at some level.


-- Regia Anglorum - The Fyrd (Army) in Anglo-Saxon England - Part 2

Genuine warrior cultures had a more organized and encompassing approach, of course, but any able bodied man might be called on to leave field and farm to fight at some time. As the future Anglo-Saxon fyrd candidates pictured above are learning to do. :D Someone apparently just missed his guard position and got whacked by his opponent.
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On TB every waking moment
Fighting is a self selecting occupation, if you are not reasonably good (or very lucky) you do not last long at it. And people DO learn on the job ... especially with that level of motivation :D

It also "selects out" the best techniques and instructors...... :vik:


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
This thread is so cool! I will look into this topic further when I have more time.


On TB every waking moment
This video covers the north->south slave trade by the Norse, selling slavs/E. Europeans to the Muslims. It involved the Volga river down to the Caspian sea. Lots of DNA mixin' goin' on

7:57 min

Economic History: The Viking Slave Trade
•May 16, 2017

Strange World of Econ

Pillage and plundering have long been associated with the Vikings, however, the Vikings were also skilled slave traders. Watch this short documentary on the Viking Slave trade. The Vikings would enslave the local population of settlements they raided and demanded slave tributes from Finnish and Slavic communities. These slaves would than be sold to the southern Islamic world via the Russian water ways. The Viking slaves would also be purchased by intermediaries, such as the Volga Bulgars and the Khazars at vibrant markets alongside the Volga river.


This video comes aside Doz's original article in going through the findings:
36:46 min
How diverse were the Vikings? NEW DNA evidence
•Streamed live on Jul 18, 2019

Survive the Jive
A live stream in which I unpack the findings from the latest paper on Viking Age DNA from Margaryan et al (2020) Population genomics of the Viking world. The paper shows that there has been ongoing selection pressure for lighter pigmentation in Scandinavia not only over the Bronze age, but even in the last 1000 years. This doesn't mean Vikings were all swarthy, just that more of them had black hair than modern Scandinavians do. It also shows that Vikings mixed with locals as they expanded, something historians already knew based on what sagas say. It does not show that Vikings were multiracial or diverse. Nor does it show that Scandinavians are an "impure" race or any such nonsense.


Comment: true to Housecarl's maps on the Vikings, there were three basic DNA groupings. One was the Norwegian group that has the Yamnaya Steppe people/Corded ware pottery strain people in it. One that has the southern Swedish/Danes in it. One that has Central Swedish/Gotland in it. (This would be the people from the above first video, who slave traded to the Baltic.

The Norwegian Vikings intermixed with the Irish and in Orkney. The Danish region was responsible for the Anglo/Saxons and the later Viking raids post Anglo Saxon. There is just a little British DNA mix with the Gotland group.

I was disappointed that they did not look at the Welsh Celts, but I imagine that there is mixture with the Norwegian group from the Bronze trade. The Welsh tribes were well established by the time of the Romans and had border wars with the Anglo Saxons, so I imagine that they are more like the Irish in any Viking DNA mixture.

I am an estimated 10% Welsh, 10% Norwegian and 10% Irish by the new guestimates. I also have DNA tied to the Yamnaya and Corded Ware people. The Welsh, Norwegian and Irish people all have incidence of the epicanthic eyefold ("Asian eyes.") This is a trait passed down in the female side of my family.

1600640506887.png Example of epicanthic fold in an Irishman.
1600640836686.png Norwegian
1600640980433.png Welsh

1600641197178.png my daughter
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