CUCK White House staffers turn off TV when Joe Biden is speaking out of ‘Anxiety’…

White House staffers turn off TV when Joe Biden is speaking out of ‘Anxiety’…

Posted by Kane on September 8, 2021 1:53 pm



Joe Biden often thinks he’s his own best messenger. Many people in his own White House don’t always agree.

When Biden gives public remarks, some White House staffers will either mute him or turn off his remarks. They’re filled with anxiety that he’s going to take questions from the press and veer off the West Wing’s carefully orchestrated messaging.

“I know people who habitually don’t watch it live for that reason,” said one current official.

Biden’s advisers have urged him to answer fewer of the questions being shouted at him by reporters covering his events. While the president sometimes obliges and quickly leaves the podium after remarks, he has a tendency to buck those staffers trying to rein him in. “I’m not supposed to take any questions, but go ahead,” he said after addressing FEMA.

Biden is well-aware of his reputation as a “gaffe machine.” On the campaign trail, he’d often make a self-deprecating quip: “No one ever doubts that I mean what I say. The problem is, I sometimes say all that I mean.” He has also suggested, however, that his loquaciousness earns him credit from voters who appreciate his authenticity.

Lately, his verbal miscues have been causing headaches for him and his team. Biden has delivered several self-inflicted wounds during freewheeling Q&A sessions that required immediate clean-up.

On Afghanistan, he told reporters that a Taliban takeover of the country was “highly unlikely,” said Al Qaeda was “gone” from Afghanistan when it wasn’t, and declared that he’d seen “no question of our credibility” from allies when there had been a lot.


i WISH pAUL mILNE was still around.


“As the President has shown over and over since he announced his candidacy more than two years ago, he’s the most effective communicator for his vision and his agenda,” rapid response director MIKE GWIN said in an email. “The President deeply values the role of the press – that’s why he regularly takes time to answer their questions in interviews, press conferences, and the dozens of media availabilities he’s done since taking office.”




Veteran Member
Can't say as I blame them, they'll hear of the clean-up work they have to do sooner rather than later.

Just avoids the cringes and groans and lets them be more productive doing something like posting on Twitter.