Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: September 25 ~ October 1, 2016


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All!!

Why is it that every time I start these threads and have to enter the name of a new month, it surprises me :confused: Time is certainly passing quickly!

Yesterday was spent mostly on the run; first with grandkids, then a gathering with some friends - I got in the door at 9pm and was ready to fall into bed! Not sure if that means that it was a busy day, or if the one 'girly' beer I drank with my BBQ ribs hit me hard - or if I'm just getting old :lol: On the plus side, we'd gone to a larger town for dinner and one of the crew wanted to stop by a locally owned grocery store on the way home for some of their specialty bakery items for a gift to another friend, and I wandered over to the coffee aisle and finally found the brand/type of coffee those hussies on night shift got me hooked on. I was able to reach 4 bags of it, but had to ask for help with the 5th one - and that person decided to keep it to try, the big rat! Guess it was just as well as I only had 4 coupons for it anyway - but at least I added something to the stockpile :spns:

Today, I plan to catch up the laundry, get some recently home canned foods carried down to the storeroom and rotated into storage, and get a bunch of clean, empty canning jars sorted and boxed. I'd like to bring in another dishwasher load's worth and run them through as my jar connection tells me she has another truckload for me and I need to make space under the shed porch roof for them. My co-worker Buddy is on vacation and needs something to do, so I will probably send him after the jars...:groucho:

I also need to pick up around the house before the cleaning lady comes on Tuesday - things like that jumble of shoes and boots by the kitchen door, the leftover tableware/etc... from the wedding, clean but empty sugar buckets, etc... and get caught up on the laundry - I can hang sheets out on the line today if I want as all the corn nearby has been harvested, but the beans aren't quite ready yet, so it won't be too dusty. Might hitch the little wagon to the lawn tractor and go to the nearest corn field and pick up some missed corn so the grandkids can have it to feed the squirrels and turkeys this winter.

Tomorrow and Tuesday are work days, Wednesday I'm going on a field trip to the local orchard with younger grandson's pre-school class. I will bring home a bushel of apples from the trip; then on Thursday I will put the same grandson to work with the apple peeler/corer/slicer to prep enough apples to make a batch of Dutch apple jam; here is the recipe if anyone would like to make some:

6 cups chopped apples
1 & 3/4 to 1 & 7/8 cups water
3 Tablespoons lemon juice
1.5 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 generous teaspoon allspice
1 pink box SureJell pection (pink is for low sugar recipes)
1/2 teaspoon butter (to reduce foaming)
2 & 1/2 cups white sugar
1 & 1/2 cups packed brown sugar

Place apples, water, lemon juice, cinnamon and allspice in a large pot, mix together. Add butter and pectin (SureJell) and stir in well. Bring to a rolling boil, add sugars. Bring back to a rolling boil, the boil one further minute before removing from heat. Ladle into jars to 1/8" from the top and seal as you normally would - I wipe rims, put on canning jar lids and ring bands, then invert for 5 minutes before turning upright, but many people waterbath can their jams and jellies.

Depending on how long the short person's interest - or arm! - holds out, I think I will try to make 4 batches - one plain apple, one with dried sweet cherries, one with golden raisins, and one with cranberries.

No clue on Friday yet; depends on what the grocery sales are when the paper comes on Monday - might be canning chicken and beef, might be working outside trying to get the garden clean up finished up, mulch down, etc...

Back to work on Saturday/Sunday; then I've got almost two weeks off on vacation - a real one, this time (I hope :lol: )

Guess I'd better go get something useful done beyond laundry and dishes - you folks all take care out there; don't let the election antics get you too worked up!!


Veteran Member
Worked a 16 hour shift yesterday and am paying for it today. It's almost 11:30 and I'm just getting up and around. I have to go in to finish up some charting I forgot, then I've got to deal with my peppers. DH and DD picked them Sunday for me, since we got our first frost Sunday night. I haven't been out to the garden yet. DH is working on the woodstove to up its efficiency. I need to black it this week as well.

Off until Thursday - pigs go to the locker tomorrow, then I work again Friday. Off the weekend, but we have plans to attend a friend's birthday party on Saturday - should be a lot of fun. DH and DD have really been working hard while I've been at work with cleaning up the place - I just need to get busy and help out. I would really like to get my swings painted before cold weather really sets in - we'll see if that happens or not!


Veteran Member
Ackk Moldy - my rear was dragging and my patience expired after my 12 hours turned into 13; I don't think I'd be safe to be around people at the 16 hour mark!! Hope you got some good rest!

I popped into Walgreen's and CVS on my way home from work - came home with:
6 - bottles of shampoo/body wash
1 - hand soap
3 - jugs Tide laundry detergent
1 - 20 ct Charmin tp
4 - Dawn dishwashing detergent
3 - boxes of cereal
8 - cans of soup
2 - large tubs protein powder
17 - packages of assorted Halloween candy (two grandkids in the Homecoming parade and one watching and hoping to catch candy on Thursday)

I've misplaced my receipts for the moment, but I know I had 3 - $20's in my pocket when I went in to the first store, and I still have a couple of singles left plus a handful of change on the counter. I had store and/or manufacturer's coupons for all items, plus a $10 off $60 purchase coupon, $4 off $20 nutrition coupon, and some extra care bucks to use as well. I came out with a $10 Register Reward from Walgreen's, and a total of $16 in ECBs from CVS, so I am satisfied.

Beautiful cool day here - currently 59*F; high is expected to be around 64*F; that makes it a good day to head to town to get a load of mulch :) There were a plethora of parents that turned out for the field trip so I offered to give up my seat - the kids and I will go to the orchard some time during my vacation (starts Sunday at 19:30 woo-hoo!!) instead :) When I go to town for the mulch, I'll do a bit of shopping before I get all grubby - more soup and cereal; and a few more bags of candy :) I also want to hit Aldi for some stock up items. The meat sale turned out to be more talk than action, but I am going to pop into a different grocery store - the one that frequently has 'Yesterday's Fresh Beef' ground beef; if they have any in stock, I will buy enough to put several packages of meatloaf mix in the freezer - the grandkids want me to put some in THEIR freezer :lol: I may also use some to make a pot of chili for supper - love, love, love cooler weather!!

Guess if I'm going to town, I'd better get headed that direction - you folks all take care out there...


Veteran Member
Kitty litter sale!!!! Target had the buckets for $11.99 which isn't great, but they also had a $10 off $40 coupon and there were $2 off coupons as well. And an unadvertised (as far as I could see), buy 3 get a $10 Target gift card. So, using the $10 gift card I got last time, the $10 coupon and 3 $2 coupons and the $10 gift card from last time, I got 4 buckets for just over $25 and another $10 gift card for next time. Yay!!! That helps a lot.

Stopping by the market to pick up a rotisserie chicken for dinner, I found top round roast for $2.77 a lb, which is cheaper than hamburger. I picked up 2--my freezer is already full or I would have gotten more.


Veteran Member
With doubled coupons at Safeway...and 2/$ sale of Campbell soup Friday, we'll hope to buy at least 12 cans of soup for less than $3.........picking up bits and bobs on markdown....but ALAS...

OUR KITTY WAS KILLED LAST FRIDAY NIGHT..........not sure what happened but we think it was being chased by dog/fox/big cat (?) and ran into road.......may have been hit but also had large wound in throat......whatever happened kitty didn't show up for breakfast Sat. morning and the postman (who like petting kitty on his rounds) made a special stop to let us know where to find the body....

Very kind of him and our duplex neighbors all commiserated on kitty's loss........he was well loved.........


Veteran Member
Sapphire, I"m so sorry for your loss. The critters are bad this year - there's even a service (??) in Boulder to help people strip fruit off their trees to keep the bears away. 1/3 goes to the tree owner, 1/3 to the group, and 1/3 to the community (food banks, homeless). I think that's a great idea! There are so many people that don't even pick what they grow if it's just a tree in their yard. That's how we end up with our apples.

Trying to can like a fool. I"ve got to find room for 1 1/2 pigs in about 3 weeks, and it's gonna be tight! Made up a bunch of jalapeno poppers today, some stuffed peppers, and some chili rellanos to go in the freezer. I'm thinking tomorrow will be jam, green chili sauce, fireballs, then loading up the dehydrators. All of a sudden I feel like a squirrel in front of a loaded pecan tree and it's starting to snow!


Veteran Member
First day and next day kept seeing "ghost" of kitty every time we went outside, around the corner, by his fav. places, etc..........better day by day....thanks for sympathies......


Veteran Member
Got cantalope/vanilla jam, apricot Bavarian cream jam, and green chili (that is too hot for me to eat!!) canned today. Loaded up the dehydrators with peppers. DH made it up to the pasture and got some bush-hogging done. Still feeling a little jittery, not sure why. I"ve found that although benadryl and melatonin don't seem to help me sleep, a cup of chamomile tea with honey does.


TB Fanatic
I've been reading all ya'lls posts about saving a lot at the drug stores. The only one close to me is Walgreens (30 miles away). I checked their ads and there are couple of things on sale that I am out of and need, like laundry detergent. I linked the coupons to my card and am headed out so I can finish my laundry later. These sales are over today.

Last week I stopped by goodwill and found 6 tops that actually fit, my weight has fluctuated up due to over eating the last couple of weeks.



Veteran Member
Finally stopped buying Campbell soup at Safeway......I could do more but my dh isn't so interested.......but over 40 cans........not the most healthful food, but easy to heat and will do in pinch!


TB Fanatic
I'm picking up a few cans of chicken noodle at walgreens today, DH eats it sometimes when he doesn't feel well, and you are corrects, its way not healthy. Oh well.



Veteran Member
Got cantalope/vanilla jam, apricot Bavarian cream jam, and green chili (that is too hot for me to eat!!) canned today. Loaded up the dehydrators with peppers. DH made it up to the pasture and got some bush-hogging done. Still feeling a little jittery, not sure why. I"ve found that although benadryl and melatonin don't seem to help me sleep, a cup of chamomile tea with honey does.

I have found that using lemon balm in tea helps me relax and sleep better.