Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: October 15 ~ 21, 2017


Veteran Member
Busy weekend with the grandsons - they came home with me from the football game on Friday evening, spent all day Saturday and up until early afternoon today here. Lots of fun running around in the yard, more water balloon battles (it was warm yesterday), checking on tadpoles - little grandson was afraid they'd get washed out of the tank as it was overflowing a bit on one end, picking the rest of the pumpkins and bringing them to the porch, snapping seed heads off the flowers in the gardens and flowerbeds, digging holes.... it was a great weekend :)

We finished up with seeing the Lego Ninjago movie this afternoon; after dropping them off at home, I ran to a couple of stores to pick up sale items, using a combo of coupons, store discounts, rewards, etc... Added more soup, dry milk, boxed cake mixes, and coffee to the pantry, more candy to the Hallowe'en bag, and added in a few bags of grapes to divvy up between 3 families. Hubby enjoyed the peace and quiet after the boys and I left and spent his time wisely - he did some reloading :) Guess that means I'd better pick him up another container of powder tomorrow when we go over to the range...

Discovered this weekend that the youngest one has grown again - his britches were flapping above his ankles and his shirts were ending up an inch plus above his wrists :lol: They grow so darn fast! Or maybe I just didn't notice it after a summer season of shorts/short sleeve shirts! I had to pull out a storage tub of clothing in the next size up for him in order to find some long sleeved shirts, hoodies, and running pants/sweat pants for him to wear. Now it looks like I need to go shopping to get both boys larger socks and underwear! I did sort through the shoe tub and found a pair of winter shoes in the size the little one is growing in to - brand new, bought on clearance for $3 last year; and trimmed in his favorite color - orange! Sent them home with him today as I also had another pair in the same size, as well as snowboots for both boys that were picked up on clearance this past spring - also $3 each pair. Now I need to go down to the storeroom closet to see what I have on hand in winter coats - I know I picked up several new ones last spring when they went on clearance; and I hope the storage tub of clearanced stocking caps, mittens and gloves is in that same closet....

Well, Hubby was kind enough to make up a pan of corn bread to go along with the leftovers for supper (with a bonus of warming up our room upstairs!), so I guess I'd best go partake of it!

Take care all; wishing you all a peaceful week...


Veteran Member
Going to see DH (who's working out of town) tomorrow. It's a 2 hour drive,but it's worth it. I miss him, and he called and said the other guy's wives had come up over the weekend. Told him I had to work the weekend,but I'd be up Monday. I'll spend the night there,then head to my MIL's Tuesday, back home Tuesday night. Wednesday will be doing chores and homework before I go back to work Thursday and Friday. Saturday is our little friends' birthday party (he's 4 and brother is 2), so I need to find gifts while I'm out gallivanting around.


Senior Member
We are on vacation this week. Dh worked at the farm today and I worked on getting the house straightened up. Tomorrow we will leave for a few days of just fun. :) :eleph::spns:

My sister finished picking peppers over the weekend, we ended up with a huge bag of different kinds. I brought them home and prepped them for the freezer, 4 quart bags each of cubenelles, green peppers and sweet bananas. Plus a bag of small roma tomatoes.

Need to place an order with amazon for tp, the price is good and I still need to stock up on Ivory soap. Running low on Dawn and Joy dish soaps, also want to start shopping for Thanksgiving.

See ya in a couple of days!


Veteran Member
Glad you were able to make the trip to see Hubby and MIL, Moldy! Hope the schoolwork is going well.

Have fun on your trip, Paxsim!

I have been lollygagging the past couple of days - hanging out with my neighbor lady, going to the pool, etc... Did get some laundry caught up, snagged more soup and coffee for the pantry, and went to granddaughter's concert last night - she's technically not in band any longer as she had to chose between band and driver's ed (they start DE early these days) but had agreed to play at the football games, and again at the concert as the high school band (4 grade school of 400+ kids) has only about 20 kids total in band :shr: and managed to get to a couple of practices in between her other activities. She was more than a little surprised when she got pulled out of the bleachers to play with the jazz band part of the program as well... There was a grey haired fellow playing bass, and a mid 20's guy with a beard playing the tuba in the jazz band, so I know she wasn't the only add-on musician... Sad that a school that size can't muster more of a band - hoping that there is still a band when grandsons are old enough to join; there is a tenor and an alto sax waiting on them :(

Did have to laugh at one thing - little grandson's sleep habits are apparently not limited to football games - he was crashed out in the bleachers before 8pm - didn't even see his sister play :)

Now you might think I'm just blabbing along about my family, but there actually is a point to all of it, and that point is community. Actually there are two points, but I'll get to the second one after I wear out community :) How often are there gatherings in your community that you attend? How often are there gatherings in your community that you help put on? Soup suppers, spaghetti dinners, dinners for the volunteer fire fighters, fund raisers for families who've had a fire or medical issues, people who can be tapped for winter coats for kids, shoes, diapers, etc...? Is there an emergency food pantry in your area? How about even one of those little house shaped boxes on a pole where people can take or leave food? How well do you know the folks in your town, other than your closest neighbors - if you even know them? Who is going to be a help in an emergency - and who should you never turn your back on? Who will need help - and who most likely will be in the first wave to provide that help? Who helps put on/organizes community gatherings, where are the kitchens located that could be put to use to feed a crowd - and who is the busybody that will try to tell everyone else what to do (and who is brave enough to stuff her in a sack and lock her in the closet?!)

The second point I want to expound on (my Hubby would say harp on :lol:) is about the lack of kids in the band - there were at least 60 kids in that band when my daughter was playing in it; and more when her father did. Where are those kids now? Home, most likely - with their snouts stuck in some electronic device (types the woman who is staring at a computer screen...) Where are the screen zombies gonna go; what are they gonna do if their screens go blank, or they can't find the money to keep them on? If you have kids - get them away from their screens, get them in an activity that doesn't involve screens, hand 'em a shovel, hand 'em a book, hand 'em a fiddle, guitar, some sort of musical instrument, take 'em to the range....

Give 'em a happy story to tell their kids, someday down the road :)


Veteran Member
Pigs loaded up and at the locker! I"m so excited - fresh pork and another chore off my list.

Deena in GA

I had completely forgotten about these threads and was thrilled to see this one when I clicked on "new posts" today for the first time in ages! I love reading your posts!

Hmmm...what have we been up to lately...

Hubby and youngestbson split some wood this week. Hubby told me a bit ago that he plans for them to go ahead and fill the porch with wood this weekend. Guess that's just in case we actually get some cold weather. Just last week it was still in the 90's.

My dad brought us a big bag of bell peppers that we diced up and froze most of them. I used some on homemade pizza last night and hubby mixed up a huge batch of dressing today, using some more of them. He always makes it early, then freezes the mixtures in several pans, so that he has it ready for the holidays, as well as giving some small pans of it away.

Dad also brought me a long ginger root that I'm trying too decide whether to plant now or keep and plant in the spring. I'm excited to get that!

We haven't done grocery shopping yet this week, but have been going through the ads and the digital coupons and regular coupons. I know we'll take advantage of Public's deal. Every so often they offer $10 off on a $50 gas card if you buy $50 in groceries. We only buy the bogo's and then take advantage of the gas deal too.


Veteran Member
Hi Deena - welcome back! You've reminded me to add ginger root to the grocery list as my last one died - thank you!

Yum - fresh pork! Does the locker plant render the lard for you, Moldy; or do you have to deal with it?

Had several $2 off $10 purchase of Dollar General brands products, so used 4 of them to stock up on multiples of some generic cleaning items/medical items that are cheaper there than anywhere else I've been lately - ammonia, disposable floor mopping cloths (for the utility room, where the elderly cat resides), rubbing alcohol, peroxide, povidone iodine, toothache pain relief (little guy is fighting his molars), and a few other items. I ended up with 4 more $2/$10 Dollar General branded products coupons on my receipts - good for next Saturday - may stock up on some bathtowels as ours are getting raggedy - it's been 7 years since I purchased any, and I bought those ones at Dollar General as well as I needed a bunch for a group who were visiting. My canning towels are starting to get pretty thin, so I'll move the bath towels to that purpose and the canning towels on to rags.

Awfully tired today after a day out and about among people, and my bones are letting me know rain is in the forecast - think it will be an early to bed evening around here!

Take care all; hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!


Veteran Member
For having this week 'off', I sure was busy! Drove 2 hours to see DH and spent the night (he's in the oilpatch and staying in a hotel - at least they put them up in nice ones!). Left there Tuesday am and drove 5 hours to see MIL. Had a great visit, and came home with as many goodies as I took almost. Finished as much schoolwork as I could Wed, tried to do some cleaning and errands Thursday till one of our friends showed up to take the pigs to the locker. THat took an hour and a half, four people, and a broken fence. DH says no pigs next year, and I'm all for that!! DF has a friend that raises them the same way we do, so I think we'll be buying for the next several years!

Worked Friday, then headed 2 hours Saturday afternoon to another friend's birthday party. He's 4 (well, 5 now - can't forget that!). Since it was only 20 miles from DH, spent last night again with him, then headed home this morning. I've started laundry, dishes, cleaned out the car and am working on the garden after a short break. I"m thinking back to the routine on Monday may feel more like vacation!