Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: November 25 ~ December 1, 2018


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All! I hope you all have a good week this week :)

I didn't get much prepping done last week; was busy working, chasing after the grandkids, and getting things ready for Thanksgiving. I did manage to snag a few extra coins that went unclaimed through the group buy, but that is pretty much it. I could have gotten some good deals on turkey but have no freezer space left to store and had no spare time to can or otherwise fix them if I'd bought them.

We've had a couple of days of warm weather with the temp getting up in to the 40's and 50's during the day; and I got put on-call at 0530 this morning, so am blessed with one more warm day to spend getting things buttoned up before it gets cold again. I'm planning to have Hubby help me put one more set of compost pile frames into place - the piles don't shrink/break down much during the winter months so we will need the room. We got a little over an inch of rain over the past two days so getting any farther out into the garden isn't likely - I need to wait for a good freeze before I mulch the strawberries - which means it might get done later this week as the temp is supposed to get down to 17*F overnight on Tuesday. I have all those bags of leaves we brought home from Buddy's house to use on the strawberries - they break down more/till under easier than straw.

I'm trying to decide if I'm tired of bargain hunting or if the sales were really meh last week. I don't do Black Friday shopping other than to hit CVS for their sales, but didn't even go there this time - both Walgreen's and CVS have changed their hours - including pharmacy hours - in my locale this past year; either closing earlier, opening later, or both - which do not work well with my work hours. Heck, I was so blah about shopping that I didn't even stop at Dollar General on my way home from work last night to stock up on Glad food storage bags although they had a pretty good deal.

Well, it's nearly 7 am; guess I'd better get up and get something done - or at least started :lol: Don't want to waste this spare day off!

Take care, all; stay safe out there!

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Just checked the winter squash in cold storage. Lost half a bushel to rot, two different varieties, acorn and butter nut. Butter nut has always been a good keeper for us. Have never had that happen this early in the year. Toward spring they tend to go south but not now. Didn't put as much as usual back. It's nice to have extra just in case. Glad it was caught before it could spread further. Lesson for next year?


Veteran Member
OGM, can you tell if the rot is bacterial or fungal? We have a lot more problems with fungal issues on the melons and squash in the years there are soybeans planted in the neighbor's field across the road; don't have near as much problem when that field is in corn.

Well, my extra day off lasted a whole 40 minutes before I got called in to work; luckily it was just a restraint issue so I was able to head home about 4 hours after getting to work. I stretched the time away from home another hour or so by making stops at Rural King and the local grocery store since the weather then was better than what was in the forecast - we've had wind chills down into the teens the past two days, and light snowfall most of yesterday but the temps are starting to climb a bit now so the next few days will be warmer.

Preps for this week included some items from the group buy, and stockpiling a few more cases of canned goods - assorted soup, spaghetti sauce and Manwich sauce. The word went out over Facebook that there was a need, so 20 of those little tubs of Chef Boyardee nukeable pasta meals - on sale of course - to donate to the Blessings in a Backpack program at our local grade school made the list as well. I've got a $5 off $25 coupons for Dollar General that are good this coming Saturday, so will pick up as many of the single serve peanut butter tubs as I can find in stock then to donate to the program as well. Knowing that there is such a need in my closest small town does not give me good feelings about what is likely to happen in an emergency.

I also snagged 22 packages of Play-Doh for one grandson's classroom (which causes me to wonder about the sanity of the first grade teacher that requested it... who in their right mind wants to deal with 20 6 year old kids armed with Play-Doh :lol:) and dropped those off at daughter's house last night so she could take them in today as she volunteers to help with the reading program on Wednesday.

Back to work the next two days, then a 3 day weekend off - only one day of which I'll have the grandsons. I plan to stop on my way home Thursday evening to pick up several bags of sunflower and wild bird seed so I'll have some extra on hand and won't have to load and unload it in bad weather.


The potential for rot is why we wipe down storage squash with a weak bleach solution and then store them spread out on wood planks. We've tried keeping them in baskets and crates, but if one develops a bad spot, it spreads fast. And i suspect that even in dry storage conditions, they stay moister where their skin touches, which would encourage any mold spores to break dormancy and start to grow.

I've got to get my hulless pumpkin seedz harvested and roasted right away, as some of the pumpkins are spoiling out in the barn. It doesn't freeze there, but its been quite damp this fall. And there was a lot of what looked like surface damage ftom those rotten big gray squash bugs this year. Hate those things! I didn't wipe any of those fruits down with bleach, though...not planning on storing them for long.



Veteran Member
Just reminder why Alaska is considered the Last Frontier. A young man was traveling by snowmobile and drove into open hole on river. It was dark and perhaps he didn’t see. The snow mobile sank. The man was nearly instantly hypothermic. The ice being thin it was dangerous. People threw him rope and extended a coat arms to him. He was weak and couldn’t hold on. He took a deep breath and sank in the water. He was gone.

The part I found amazing was that the state troopers never came over. They didn’t come to fill out papers, or to retrieve or inspect body or even to investigate.

The community worked three days to retrieve snow mobile and then the body. A grim task.

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
Just reminder why Alaska is considered the Last Frontier. A young man was traveling by snowmobile and drove into open hole on river. It was dark and perhaps he didn’t see. The snow mobile sank. The man was nearly instantly hypothermic. The ice being thin it was dangerous. People threw him rope and extended a coat arms to him. He was weak and couldn’t hold on. He took a deep breath and sank in the water. He was gone.

The part I found amazing was that the state troopers never came over. They didn’t come to fill out papers, or to retrieve or inspect body or even to investigate.

The community worked three days to retrieve snow mobile and then the body. A grim task.

isn't there local coppers and a doc that handle that? - if any survivors want to file for insurance or SS bennies they need paperwork ....