Weekly Prep Thread, May 21-27, 2006


Spent a fair part of the weekend doing prepping of the day-to-day sort buying a new to us car for the wife. What a week last week was between the septic tank backing up, my wife's car dying, and missing my chance to go to the LDS cannery in Jacksonville because of the other two things. I'm writing that week off as a loss and hope to do better this coming week.

How's it going for you all?



Veteran Member
I'm trying to organize my storage shelves in the cellar a little better. I want the better food in the room that can be locked up. The other stuff can be in other parts of the cellar or house. I went through some of the food that I had canned for y2k and pitched it. Now I won't have to buy as many canning jars! If we haven't eaten it by now, we aren't going to! Apple flavored zucchini still doesn't sound good!! I don't know where I got some of those ideas!:lol: Some of the cans of food are starting to rust, so they're being brought up to get used soon. I'm really good at rotating, but there were some things that I hated to use, for fear that I wouldn't be able to get more. I bought things at really good prices that I normally wouldn't pay full price for.
I started my spring cleaning a couple days ago. Now I can see what needs repaired or replaced, and can start watching the yard sales. I mended some of my husbands old work jeans so we don't have to buy new for awhile.
It's still too cold and rainy to do anything outside. There are quite a few things that need done, but they're going to have to wait. It doesn't look like the weather is going to improve any time soon!


Membership Revoked
I put in two dozen sunchokes ( Jerusalem artichokes) that I started in pots several weeks ago. I read that each plant produces an average of 40 tubers! So I guess in a worst case scenario that is 2 dozen pots of "sunchoke potatoe soup".

So far the groundhogs haven't eaten them, thank God.

Just came back from a bikeride with the kids. A huge farm 1/2 mile away has gone over to hundreds of senior houses the past few years. I was so disappointed when it happened...but just found out today that there is a bike path along the entire side and back. It turns out it runs by a pond and woods and an old brushy area full of wild berries in bloom. I'll be able to harvest gallons of them I hope. Euell Gibbons territory. Nobody on the path, and any people outside are just sitting by grills with a drink.


Membership Revoked
I am trying to get my dearly beloved husband out of "work for others" mode, and into "work for us and prepare mode".

So far, the FRNs are winning, with no time left for anything else. and the way things are structured here, I am just the canary. He still thinks I am a nervous nellie.



Well, the weather is lousy for gardening, so we did some transplanting. Found a patch of black elderberry and although the Dexters had eaten all the tops, we dug tons of roots (with lots of green sprouts) and planted them at various strategic spots around the yard. I'd like to put some more in the fencerows again... but with my luck, the menfolk will decide to "clean" the fencerows about the time they start bearing... LOL!

I dug out several dozen large Valerian plants from my herb bed, potted up a dozen of them, and will naturalize them back in some sunny spots in the woods. I need to do the same with the skullcap.. it's too valuable an herb to not have more than one patch.

I'm waiting for the Blue Flag irises to start blooming in the swampy spots. Have a shovel and pail in the truck, ready for action! I transplanted a small clump of yellow flag iris a few years ago into the edge of our pond, and it's now 3 feet across. I want the Blue variety for potential herbal use. The only way I know to tell the difference in the wild is when they are in bloom. (No, I'm not poaching protected plants. I dig IN the roadside ditch, where any plants will be dug out and thrown away by the road crews in their bi-annual ditch cleaning. )

We've got heifer calves coming out of our ears and need to start trying to market a few. No more empty stalls, 15 more cows due in the next 6 weeks. Eeek!

As soon as the sun (what's THAT?) shows back up, we'll be doing first cutting of hay. Hope it's soon... the fields are ready. The potatoes are thriving in the garden and I sprayed them with colloidal silver yesterday. It's one of my experiments this year.. I haven't been able to raise a crop of either potatoes or tomatoes in several years without late blight hitting them.. hot dry summers they at least produce a crop. Cool damp ones kill them before they have a chance. I figure I'll try the silver spray (and possibly one with added oregano essential oil) and see if it can help. Since we've had 10 days of rainy, dark and damp conditions, I figured I'd better start now with the spraying, although it's still too cold for the blight to thrive- I think.

I'm hoping we get some fruit set on the apples- they went into full bloom just as the weather turned nasty, and bees don't fly much when it's below 50 degrees or raining. Ditto on the blueberries.

I've got a bantam hen who hatched 4 little chicks, who ride around on her back and are adorable. I really don't need more chickens... but I didn't need all the eggs, either, so I let some set. That's what I get!

22 chickens went into the freezer last week, and 20 more will be heading there this Wednesday. That will leave 5 for roasters in a few weeks, plus the "free" chicks the hatchery adds to keep the others warm. Maybe in 3 weeks they'll be big enough to at least butcher for fryer halves for the barbecue. That should be the end of my meat chicken production this year, unless someone wants me to grow some for them. Our freezers are full.

Anyway, it's cold and damp and the greenhouse has all the heaters running to keep the plants from dying of cold. I'm wondering where spring went.



summerthyme said:
Anyway, it's cold and damp and the greenhouse has all the heaters running to keep the plants from dying of cold. I'm wondering where spring went.

I'm wondering the same thing. I came home from town today about three or so and it was 95 in the shade on the back porch and 91 inside the house. I was really hoping we'd get to June before closing up the house and turning on the a/c but it didn't happen this year. We closed the windows, set the a/c to 84 and everyone's dispositions improved.

Did finally get the driveway flowerbed mulched in this morning before it got too hot to rake any more. The daylilies are going great guns. When I make the divisions this fall I should be able to completely fill the bed. Could have done it last year but I didn't get the new ones planted in time.



Official Resister
(what is this - the Homesteading SIG now?)

Wow what a weekend! I made a run by Lowe's on Friday looking for some Bio-ganic bug-spray LdyH wanted and ended up getting a buncha stuff - but no bug-spray. Picked up a log-peeler/"spud," a small sledge, a nifty resin Celtic cross about 18" tall for the garden, a "mole-chaser" spike, and 2 different lantana plants - "Radiation" and "Desert Sunset." (got those on sale for a buck and a quarter each!!)

Today, I had to get another soaker-hose for the garden. I had three strung together, but one let water out at a different rate, so I got a third to match the newest two. Also picked up a hose "manifold" with 5 hose outlets, a watering can, and another box of .22lr hollowpoint ammo.

Dad brought up a load of stuff on Wednesday and left his trailer here for me to unload and use. On the trailer was a 10-foot chick brooder, a section of poultry cages (about 8 feet wide by 16 feet long, 4 cages on each side), and most of a greenhouse. I finished unloading the trailer yesterday and headed up the road to my neighbor's house.

He'd been gifted with *2* of those poultry cages!! However, after his recent back-surgery, he is cutting way back on his animal operation and passed them on to me. I'm passing one on to another friend of ours who needs the wire for making small dog-pens for raising some beagles.

I set up one of the poultry cages, planning to use them as cages for my buck rabbits - they'll have plenty of room for a lady-friend to visit and I won't be worrying about baby rabbits getting feet or heads hung thru the rather large (1"x1") mesh on the bottoms of the cages.

HOWEVER! After positioning the cage-system, I discovered we have two hens trying to set! we set up one of the cages already for a hen - we'll be moving her in a few minutes once it gets fully dark - and will set up another cage for the other hen tomorrow.

We got the brooder set up just in time - our chicks are supposed to arrive this coming weekend! 12 Aracaunas and 12 Coocoo Marins (yeah, me and my spellings!) in chick form Saturday.

Tomorrow morning, we're SUPPOSED to be getting two hives of bees, to boot. This has been a LOOONG time coming, and I'm hoping it comes to fruition as planned.

Did some target-shooting this weekend.

Burnt a brush-pile today (and need to go check on it again when we move the setting hen).

Got son a compression bag for his GI mummy-bag - it seems to work well, so I'll be getting me one for mine this week. Will also be getting a pair of straps for my ALICE pack and will be repacking my vehicle BOB into it.

Tied up a bunch of healthy-growing tomato plants today.

Hung a cattle-panel gate on the new garden fence today.

Hmm... I did a little. Dunno what I'll be doing the upcoming week, tho!


This too shall pass.
I'm taking advantage of having my uncle here for a few days, and having him help me with some things that are easier with two people. We're building a flowerbed at the front of the house -- might not sound like prep, but it will also be our herb garden, at least for the perennial herbs. And, hyacinths for the soul, you know (or in this case, scented climbing roses -- and I'm SORELY tempted to go buy a rose I saw, and smelled, at Fred Meyer the other day. It's called Firefighter, is about fire engine red, and has the strongest lemony rose scent I've ever smelled! I love it! But it's a hybrid tea, and it's twenty dollars, so I probably won't.).

We are also working on fencing the new garden area -- I'm moving the garden to an area which actually has some topsoil and isn't all clay.

And we're working on the new goat shelter, to replace the one that got wind-tossed a couple of months ago and ruined. This one is heavier-duty, and will be spiked to RR ties. Also I oriented it differently, so hopefully the wind won't be able to catch it like it did the other one.

I've been agonizing over my growing herd of goats, trying to decide which ones to keep and which to sell or put in the freezer. I really like my Kinder goats, and if it wasn't for one thing, I wouldn't even be considering getting rid of them. But they aren't big enough for packing (packgoats are my back-up bug-out vehicle). My Oberhasli buck is going to be a good packer, and I have the Ober/Boer doe I bred him to, and a doe and a couple of wethers-to-be out of them. The doe is an excellent milker, in spite of being half Boer, and the kids show a lot of promise as packers and, in the case of the little doe kid, as a milker. Since I'm really only supposed to have four goats here, I guess I'm going to have to settle on the Ober buck and his family. So if anyone is near Klamath Falls, and would like to have some nice Kinder goats with wonderful milk, I have, or will have, two separate breeding groups for sale. (I'll post a notice on the swaps board, too.) Pictures will be available when I figure out how to get them from my new camera to the computer!

I'm hoping to start planting the garden this week, but have to finish the fencing first, or the deer will be in there helping themselves. We had six of them in the back yard a few days ago, including two bucks.

We've been cleaning out our storage shed, having to throw a lot of stuff away because of water damage (mostly what is in there is empty canning jars, and some odds and ends from when we moved here). The roof was damaged two or three months ago when something -- probably ice from the sky -- fell on it, so it leaks now, even though it is only a couple of years old. Found a couple of treasures, though -- an old compass in a wooden box that belonged to my great-grandfather (my uncle is going to take that home), and I salvaged some thermoses and a small wire rack that will just fit on top of my 'hobo' stove.


Almost forgot -- I have a goose setting -- she started out on twelve eggs, and only has five left. I will be surprised if any of them hatch -- the geese won't be a year old until next month, and their fertility the first year is poor. Also, I got fifteen more chicks, Barred Rocks. I don't plan to keep all of them, will either sell some or give some to a couple of people who I would like to see get started with a small poultry flock. I have six ducks who are all really good layers, and give more than enough eggs for me and my daughter. I only need to keep chickens so Grandma has a few chicken eggs, as she doesn't like the duck eggs fried (she'll use them in things, though). Don't need more than two or three hens for her, really. But the Ameraucanas are poor layers and hardly laid at all through the winter, so I want to replace them.

Deep Blue Dragon

Senior Member
We mulched the entire vegetable garden as the temperature is now in the 90's here with no rain in sight!

We've started harvesting from the summer garden; the eggplants and peppers are producing steadily and the first squash are almost ready. Tomatoes are still green and the cukes just started flowering.

I just got the jar sealer accessory for my Foodsaver and am looking forward to trying it out. I've been dehyrating stuff and it seems like jars will be the way to go for long-term storage.

Also, I took advantage of the Mountain Brook discount to order a few more items for the stash.


It has been cold and rainy for over a week, and, just for something different, the wind has been howling the past two days. In short, it has been miserable!

This week, I plan to take some space from the ducks and convert it to a chicken area in the barn. The chicks are 3 weeks old, and I'd like to get them off the back porch in the next couple of weeks.

The lawn is in desperate need of mowing as soon as it dries a bit. The ducks and geese haven't been able to keep up with it lately!

It is supposed to warm up later this week, so I must get my garden planted.

I checked my peach trees today, and one looks like it might produce some fruit. The pear, peach, and apple trees were in blossom when the weather turned cold. I got a couple of outside repairs done before the rain started to fall again today. I am also working on plans to build on to an extra garage to make room for more poutry, but may not spend the money until the bird flu situation becomes more clear.
I am kinda new at this prepping thing....so please tell me if you think I got a good buy at Big Lots yesterday. I bought a Coleman 2 burner stove (marked down from $50.00 to $25.00) and 4 Coleman butane patio lights (marked down from $12.99 to $6.00). The patio lights use coleman butane cartridges ... does anyone know anything about these cartridges or their cost? I checked on wal-mart and target sites and they don't seem to carry them.
Please any info anyone has would be appreciated.
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As a general rule butane is harder to find than other fuels such as LPG, Coleman fuel, and whatnot.

The stove and lights are good prep items, but I'd be sure to lay in a good supply of the cartridges now while you can more easily find them.



Senior Member
Worked in the garden this weekend, hoeing what little we could find to hoe. Lost some of our garden to the deep freeze we have had for the last two night's....got down into the 20's.....the weather man said that perhaps toward the end of the week it will warm up a bit....can't wait to get the tomatoe and pepper plants out, can't see out some of my windows because of how big these plants have gotten. :lol:

Also canned some meat that I got on sale last week, made some beef stew and canned that also.

Today I plan on doing some inventory and general cleaning up..I am planning on taking a break from homeschooling this afternoon...I am getting a little burnt out and I think the kids need a break also...have been thinking of doing school 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off year round...

I am hoping that even though this spring has been so wet and cold that once the heat comes the garden will provide us with some great veg's.


housemouse said:
I am trying to get my dearly beloved husband out of "work for others" mode, and into "work for us and prepare mode".

So far, the FRNs are winning, with no time left for anything else. and the way things are structured here, I am just the canary. He still thinks I am a nervous nellie.


HM - I like how you put that... lol. I am trying to get DW to understand,.. yet I myself am trying to get into the 'work for others' mode... as I am currently unemployed. We will see what happens. The computer industry is so up and down.. I am considering getting out of it completely,..

We will see..


We had a friend from Mexico visiting and we took her to the Orlando airport this morning. On the way home we dropped $300 at Sam's club on paper plates,more TP, paper towels, nuts, coffee, buckets of laundry soap and dishwasher soap plus gallon jugs of anti bacterial soap. and p-nut butter.



Veteran Member
I took advantage of the tax-free preps and bought batteries, lanterns, and two new table-top charcoal cookers (because they wear out.)


Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
I finished the landscaping/plants in the yard this weekend except for the ripping out of part of a retaining wall and replacing the boards on the back fence(Thats all planned for the coming weekends this summer). The last big thing we need to do is paint the house. I have everything planted that I set out to plant 5 years ago. Of course, there is always room for "one more" in odd spots or if something died, but its finished. I also purhased a drip system at Lowes for stuff in pots on the porch-it can be run from a faucet or from a barrel or cistern thing-good for now and good for if TSHTF. Gotta remember to go get some more pieces that could be useful.
I hit the jackpot at the thrift store today-found 7 half gallon canning jars and three of the pretty blue quart ones-a quarter apiece. :D I dont think I could actually can anything in the big guys, but with a new lid, you could sure store a lot of dry food in them. Like Jerky. :) Also got: a cool patriotic 4th of july full body apron, a sheet for the fabric in it, a black and white striped canvas tablecloth for the deck table-Fits perfect, a hawwaiin shirt for me, a small covered trashbin for the garage, several books(one of which was called "Mountain Docter" by LeGette Blythe(looked like it might real good for old timey things) and one called "herbs and things" by jeanne roses herbal) the others were just for gifts or general novel type to read), two nice rosaries and a really nice cat pin for one of my sisters. They GAVE me the shopping basket because I had to walk across all the construction on the RR tracks to get there and then get back to my car with all that stuff. PLUS I filled my stamp card there so I get 15$ free merchandise the NEXT time I go in. :D
All that for 30$


Veteran Member
A.T.Hagan said:
Spent a fair part of the weekend doing prepping of the day-to-day sort buying a new to us car for the wife. What a week last week was between the septic tank backing up, my wife's car dying, and missing my chance to go to the LDS cannery in Jacksonville because of the other two things. I'm writing that week off as a loss and hope to do better this coming week.

How's it going for you all?

Sorry to hear about all the set-backs. Some weeks just seem to have teeth in them. Sounds somewhat familiar, Alan. One car in the shop for inspection last week. Picked that one up and dropped off the other and it needs a bit of work ~US$300. I placed an order with http://www.honeyvillegrain.com last week. Wheat and beans...$4.95 for shipping 450lb..amazing1:groucho: We're doing some planting and the hops are growing like topsy. Cleaning out a storage unit, too. So much to do and so little help. Oh, well I'll soldier on.


This too shall pass.
I have a little bit to add, before I toddle off to bed. Last year I made a lot of soft goat cheese, the chevre type. It's good, but we had a hard time finding enough uses for it, and there are still several pounds of it in the freezer. I have started weaning four of my bottle babies, so had a surplus of milk this morning -- so I made Jack cheese, and about a pound of ricotta. It will be a few weeks before we can sample the Jack cheese, but if I can get it through the aging process without mold, I think it's going to turn out all right. I'll probably make quite a bit of it this year, and I'd also like to make some parmesan/romano, and maybe cheddar if I have time.



Veteran Member

Freeholder said:
I have a little bit to add, before I toddle off to bed. Last year I made a lot of soft goat cheese, the chevre type. It's good, but we had a hard time finding enough uses for it, and there are still several pounds of it in the freezer. I have started weaning four of my bottle babies, so had a surplus of milk this morning -- so I made Jack cheese, and about a pound of ricotta. It will be a few weeks before we can sample the Jack cheese, but if I can get it through the aging process without mold, I think it's going to turn out all right. I'll probably make quite a bit of it this year, and I'd also like to make some parmesan/romano, and maybe cheddar if I have time.

I just got my cheese press a couple of weeks ago from Ricki Carroll at the New England Cheese Making Supply Co. http://www.cheesemaking.com/ They are pretty good about helping out with mold 'problems'. You can stuff figs or red bell peppers and grill 'em as a use for the chevre in the freezer. Slap some of the chevre, at room temp, into the cuisinart, add garlic, fresh ground pepper to taste, herbs [chives or dill or even crabmeat or smoked salmon w/capers] and use as a spread over a cracker or someone you love.:lol:

Deena in GA

Hubby and sons spent Saturday hauling loads (6 of them) of wood from a friend's house. He had been cutting down trees and gave us the long lengths of wood. While they were gone our pastor showed up and dropped off a load of wood from his house, lol. So yesterday they finished cutting, splitting and stacking all this wood.

We bought some more canned hams from Walgreen's while they were on sale. You know, the ones that USED to be 1 lb cans....they are now only 12 oz and the sale price has gone from $1.50 up to $1.99. :(

We've been working, working, working in the garden. Today I'll be mulching around the tomatoes and planting some kidney beans. The weather here went from late spring (in April) to late fall (late April/early May) and then jumped suddenly to summer. Crazy!
I am on my second round of tendonitis in my right hand---all casted up andshot up and trying to do the work left handed is very difficult but not impossible. Having to make some hard decisions about whether to stay here or move---but have the garden in including some brandywine heritage tomatoes---need to clean out the house to have the realtors scope it out price wise. where to go from here is beyond me, I am just following my nose at this point. It is a sad time.


Veteran Member
I canned 13 quarts of vegetable soup yesterday. So far today I have 9 pints of celery and onions in the canner now, and broth cooking to make some kind of soup. I haven't really decided what kind yet! I want to get as many ready-to-heat meals canned as I possibly can. I'll be doing another batch of apples in the dehydrator later too.


Freeholder said:
I have a little bit to add, before I toddle off to bed. Last year I made a lot of soft goat cheese, the chevre type. It's good, but we had a hard time finding enough uses for it, and there are still several pounds of it in the freezer. I have started weaning four of my bottle babies, so had a surplus of milk this morning -- so I made Jack cheese, and about a pound of ricotta. It will be a few weeks before we can sample the Jack cheese, but if I can get it through the aging process without mold, I think it's going to turn out all right. I'll probably make quite a bit of it this year, and I'd also like to make some parmesan/romano, and maybe cheddar if I have time.


Oh goodness, I love cheese! It's neat that you make all those different kinds. Speaking of cheese, does anyone know how long the cheese packets from Velveeta shells and cheese last? It says Feb 07 but I was wondering if it lasts a little longer. I've been using Velveeta from the block for the macaroni and putting the packets in my preps. If they last for a while it's a good thing to save, since they're individually wrapped and no refrigeration required. Plus I know my 2 year old will eat mac and cheese;)


A Thursday bump off of page seven for the folks who have been working on their preps during the week.



resident chicken
Thanks for the BUMP

I've been so busy around here and don't get online very often anymore!

The compost has been spread, the tomatos and peppers planted.
The strawberries are poor this year due to drought last year, soooooo I just pick and eat the few I get each day...YUM!

Finally got the new check valve put on the shallow well. My manual log splitter arrived and the firewood is now split and stacked.

My son is graduating from 8th grade in a few weeks and I'm trying to get the fence powerwashed and painted and repaired so I can set up the pool for him to have a kid party.........the powerwasher wont start DH says. Hmmm. The kids will do the painting. I dug up the rotted posts and Dh is replacing them and fixing the poolyard fence.

I have a buncha plants to still go in the ground and it's gonna rain saturday so I better get moving.

I finally made a loaf of sourdough bread that I can be proud of!!!!!!! I think it was adding 1/2 cup of powdered milk that did it.

Meanwhile I am sitting here at the computer instead of mowing that grass....you know the one foot tall grass out back? I think there might be raptors living in there.



I mowed the lawn a couple of days ago - wearing a jacket as it was only in the upper 40's!

Today is almost too warm with the temperature climbing toward 80 degrees. It went from early spring to summer in 2 days! I put bird netting up over the yard attached to the barn, hoping it will keep hawks from getting my chicks. While I worked, they were in a small circular fenced area, chasing each other and generally having a good time. Back in the brooder, they fell asleep rather quickly from their workout!

Wish I had more energy - my to-do list is long. :ld:


My week was sort of a write off too, illness in family and I had to travel. I began to organize the hurricane preps I've been buying so I felt like I did something constructive. They don't do me much good if I can't find 'em:)

Picked up a way cool TV/Weather Radio/AMFM/Flashlight/AC/DC/Wind up thingy at Costco for 47.99 while I was on the road though.

My radish and onion starts have started so time to plant 'em this weekend.


Contributing Member
Still mighty dry in my part of Florida....doing last minute things to get ready for the upcoming hurricane season.....a trip to Lowe's for some batteries, a tarp and a few other items to complete some "honey do" items....ordered some Pri G...and sharpened chains on chain saws....trimming some limbs and picking up all the oranges, grapefruit and tangerines littering the ground under the trees....and finished the wiring on the genny transfer switch....lots to do but not much time left before June....regards to all


Contributing Member
A.T.Hagan said:
What a week last week was between the septic tank backing up, my wife's car dying, and missing my chance to go to the LDS cannery in Jacksonville because of the other two things. .....Alan.

Allen do you have to be a member of the LDS to go to the cannery?? Or do you have a very good friend going with you??


Hoosier Gardener
Nearly finished planting the garden. I was working on the last of the beans this evening when it started raining so I gave it up until tomorrow. We are picking lettuce, onions, asparagus, and strawberries every day now.

Made a good score at Walgreen's yesterday. The tins of corned beef were all marked down to 54 cents (no, the expiration date was still good - April 2008), so I cleaned out the shelf.

Bought extra chicken feed for my "girls" although I am trying supplement the feed with garden thinnings and table scraps to stretch it out. The chickens are almost 10 weeks old now. I have been letting them peck around me while I work in the garden and they have a great old time doing that.

My granddaughter is 15 months old now, so I updated some of my baby preps to toddler preps: toddler spoons, training pants, play clothes, summer footwear.

Terri in Indiana


southernbelle32 said:
Allen do you have to be a member of the LDS to go to the cannery?? Or do you have a very good friend going with you??
You either have to be a member or go with someone who is. There may still be a cannery that allows unaccompanied non-members to use the facilities, but it's my understanding that most of them no longer allow this due to some poor behavior during the Y2K ramp up.



Veteran Member
Purchased 15 12oz cans of Hereford Corned Beef on sale at Rite Aid for $1.29/can. Tastes pretty good, and 'best by' date is 2011. Also bought 12 cans of Chicken of the Sea Tuna for 50 cents each at Rite Aid good until 2010.

9 120 hour emergency candles arrived via UPS along with 6 #10 cans of Provident Pantry Granola on sale at Emergency Essentials.

Earthquake Alarm arrived yesterday.

Ordered 1/2 Gallon of 35% food-grade Hydrogen Peroxide from Guardian of Eden.

Added another 20 pound Propane tank for 60 pounds total with several little one pound disposables sitting around for Coleman Stove.

Busy week !
-Thank you everyone on this board for all the great info. and links.


Membership Revoked
Walrus Whisperer: That Jeanne Rose book is not her most famous, but she writes simply and I'll bet you enjoy it.

I have been busy prepping for the many family celebrations: some of which I have travelled to from 2 hours to 9 hours. Am working on cooking about 45 pounds of meat for this weekend's shindig.

Was given an opportunity for a job (directorship) today AGAIN...and accepted it after saying no for years. I can keep my private practice and this is really part-time. We could use the guaranteed cash. Plus, am working on a contract for more teaching at another locale. So, am working on the "increase cash flow" part of prepping.

Saw the Illuminator crank flashlights in Ace Hardware today for $20.

Get to take a few days off next week for fun.


Veteran Member
a busy week for us

Re-organized the ammunition supply and added some sub-sonic .22 LR and 9 mm to the on hand supply. Was given two wheelchairs and two walkers (with trays) to add to our stock of medical supplies / equipment. Got several large bottles of hand sanitizer. Cleaned and better organized the main food storage area.

So not a bad week, still more to do !!