Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: March 26 ~ April 1,, 2017


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All!

Got conned into working today; Buddy still hasn't fought off his sinus infection. He's going to work for me on Wednesday (unless he changes his mind) so no O/T, but weekend shift differential will add a bit to the check anyway - enough to cover the donuts the crew expects on Sundays :lol:

Had clouds and chilly temps yesterday but I was able to get out and mow most of the yard, check the perennial plants, and clear another bed in the raised bed garden before the rain set in in mid afternoon. The house got a bit chilly so I decided to use the oven to fix supper - roast chicken and potatoes, and blackberry dumplings; added some stove top sauteed Brussels sprouts with garlic and herbs.

Looking forward to Monday off with Hubby; hoping that we can work outside but goodness knows that there is plenty of inside work to be done as well. If we manage to get outside, he'll likely be doing some chainsaw work - he told older grandson he'd buy a small motorcycle for the farm as soon as he can ride his bicycle without training wheels, so now wants to build a track for the boys to ride it on as he raced motocross for years and years. Boys will be boys, and sometimes, so will men :) Can't wait to see Hubby on a little motorcycle, knees up around his ears, showing the boys how it's done :lol: The track shouldn't take much work - at least until they get older - we've got a 2 acre field right by the house that has plenty of interesting ups and downs around it's edges, and another on the other side of the house that has plenty of room for them to zip around in circles around the edges.

I managed to remember to cash a check to take out the money for the prep supplies I ordered last week, so I will have it on hand to give to my other co-worker. He seems to enjoy coordinating the buys - says that the more people who take care of themselves, the fewer he'll have to worry about later on! He has a place to go in his area, but also an open invitation to come out here with his extended family if things go south.

Guess I'd better get moving - take care all; stay safe out there!


Veteran Member
Another busy week of working extra. DH is transplanting tomatoes and peppers and herbs - they are really jumping. We picked up 8 piglets yesterday, and they are settling in well. Trying to get the last of the winter squash and cabbage used up - I am drying a lot of the squash into powder - then I can turn that back into puree to use.


TB Fanatic
It looks like there won't be any more cool weather around here. I went to New Orleans last weekend and came back to consistently warm weather, ugh. Not ready for it. I've been slowed down with sciatic pain and not gotten much done. I've done a few minutes a day in the back room where I had stashed things I was weeding out in the rest of the house. I took a big stack of cookbooks to my oldest son, he's a great cook. He grimaced at the amount, I reminded him I said a big stack and he said I thought you meant three or four. I laughed and said how long have you known me, like all of his 39 years. Anyway that's a big haul off of my book shelves, and it didn't make much of a dent.

For lent, I gave up buying on Amazon, but I broke that over the weekend and ordered an immersion table, hoping against hope it will help my sciatic pain. Its supposed to be here on Wednesday and I've cleared out enough in the back room to accomodate it. (The back room was supposed to have been a dining room, but I doubt that will ever happen.

The a/c in my van stopped working on my trip, have to get that taken care of, life goes on.



Veteran Member
Nomifyle......sciatic joints can chiro adjusts mine since many of my bones move too much....but certain stretches help.....try standing or lying on harder surface (but I've done it in bed) and lift leg one at a time by bending knee toward chest just a tad inward and hold for a few seconds then let it down and do the other.......repeat as you see stretches the pyriformis (!) muscle which attaches there.....might help..........

haven't stocked up much at all.....dh and I just don't feel well and are tottering.........should be in exercise pool today but not.........sigh.......


TB Fanatic
Nomifyle......sciatic joints can chiro adjusts mine since many of my bones move too much....but certain stretches help.....try standing or lying on harder surface (but I've done it in bed) and lift leg one at a time by bending knee toward chest just a tad inward and hold for a few seconds then let it down and do the other.......repeat as you see stretches the pyriformis (!) muscle which attaches there.....might help..........

haven't stocked up much at all.....dh and I just don't feel well and are tottering.........should be in exercise pool today but not.........sigh.......

I've been doing the exercises but was still hurting (I've had this through the years). However, my inversion table came yesterday. We got it put together today and I used it twice, my pain is much reduced. As I sit here in my super douper ergonomic office chair, I can feel a little twinge in my hip but none in my leg, last night both legs were hurting. I'm hopeful the IT will make the difference.



Veteran Member
Whew - Friday, already?! It's been a busy week here; extra/late hours plus the stress of getting ready for the new charting system at work have been taking a toll on my energy and patience levels. I've also spent time off going through the house to find items to donate to a benefit (St. Jude's) rummage sale that daughter's cousin is holding on Saturday - I'm going to have to remember to carry the boys' car-seats in before I load the van this afternoon as I'm going to need the full back area of the van to tote it all! I imagine I'll probably get conned into helping set up, but I won't be able to stay too late as tomorrow is the roll out of the new program at work - we've been encouraged to come in to work an hour early so we can get our patients loaded and get prepped for charting... 12.5 hours isn't a long enough work day, I guess...

Picked up my portion of the group prep buy after work on Wednesday; the coordinator talked to me a bit about considering investing in bitcoin, but I'm still not convinced. He said "Look at it like a trip to Vegas; spend only what you can afford to lose." I said "You're talking to a woman who has been to Vegas 3 times and not put so much as a nickle in a slot machine, let alone do any other gambling!" so it's way down at the bottom of prep items to think about right now.

We had a pretty good storm come through yesterday afternoon - thunder, lightning, pea size hail; wind was coming almost straight from the west, which is unusual. I'd gotten a text from daughter telling me that granddaughter's track meet had been cancelled about a half hour before it hit, and I'd been trying to get online to check the weather (grrr internet!) when the wind started to pick up and a cold gust came in the screen door I had open to air out the house. I swear the temperature dropped 15* in a minute!! Looks like we got quite a bit of rain overnight as well, so I'm doubly glad I got my mowing done last Saturday! I'm doubly glad for the rain as we've had farmers out working and they are bringing up clouds of dust with the field cultivators - not a good sign!

Well, the clock is inching towards 0900 and I just heard the washer click off so I'd better get up and get back to work. I do need to ask someone to start this thread for me this coming Sunday as I'm sure I'll not be getting much sleep Saturday night before heading back in to work on Sunday morning - pretty please and thank-you!

Take care all....