Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: July 24 ~ 30, 2016


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All! Hope this finds everyone in good spirits today :)

Looks like this week and last have been the weeks to stock up on protein powders and drinks - I snagged two more protein powders and two cartons of Boost on my way home last night - still not quite sure how I did it, and I can't find my receipt, but I ended up only paying $14.82 out of pocket for the $60 worth of products. There is another Boost deal this week - buy 4; get $10 ECB, so I am going to try to scrounge up some more of the $3 Boost coupons and see what I can ad to the stock - the Boost I bought last night worked on last week's deal and this one, so I already have two toward the new deal.

Looks like we may be in for a bit of a lifestyle change - Hubby got offered full time at the jail; but it is 3rd shift. He's not a fan of 3rd's but is willing to give it a try. Now to figure out how to work having the grandkids while still making sure Hubby gets enough rest... Not much looking forward to being home by myself at night but I reckon I'll get used to it!

Well, I'd better go drag on some scrubs and head out the door; need to stop and pick up my newspapers, donuts for the crew, and a birthday cake for our custodian - we missed her birthday on Friday because we weren't working, so we're going to celebrate today :)

Have a great week, All!


Veteran Member
Renee....third shift is so hard.........if he's offered another I hope he takes it although I've worked 2 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and that wasn't good is what it is..............


Veteran Member
I worked nights for 30 years, and would still work it if DH didn't prefer me to work days. Give him at least 4 months (maybe longer) to get used to the sleep schedule. Block out your windows to make it COMPLETELY dark (I used black foamcore I bought at Hobby Lobby cut to fit in the window frame), and run a fan to block out some noise.

I loved night shift - people are so much more relaxed and the admin staff is minimal!!


Veteran Member
I work nights (11p-7a) and love it as it works with my body clock. However, it doesn't work with the rest of the world (dr appt, going to the bank, general errands, etc), and that can sometimes cause problems, but in general, it works.

Looking at the ads this week, it looks like office supplies at Office Depot and cleaning and household supplies elsewhere. I really stock school supplies and office supplies deep and I don't even have kids; but I always end up using pens, folders, index cards and the like. Colored pencils are on sale and I have purchased a number of coloring books for adults, so the pencils are nice to have. THey are normally so expensive. And you can never have enough soap, laundry detergent, dish soap and toilet paper.

I'll get 12 hours of overtime this week, so that will be a nice addition to the paycheck. Each little bit every week is starting to add up.


Veteran Member
I worked night shift - usually 12 hour nights - most of my working life and did fine with it until this year when I started having trouble sleeping. It's easier to work a day shift on minimal sleep than it is a night shift, I discovered :lol: I have mylar emergency blankets to put over the windows and am picking up blackout curtains today; and there is a window a/c already in our bedroom for noise, and both a ceiling fan and table top fan are available for his use as well, plus melatonin in the med lock up to help get him acclimated, AND I found a local 24 hour gym so he can work out either before or after work, so I'm hoping he can tough it out until a second shift opening comes up. He seems to really like the job so I think he'll put forth the effort to deal with 3rds. As I told him - "Hey, at least it's only 8 hours - not 12's!"

Picked up more Boost last night - I'm thinking that by the time this sale is done, I should have nearly a year's worth!
1 - Boost @ $9.99
1 - Boost @ $8.49
1 - single CVS protien drink @ $1.77
Total: $20.25
Buy one get one 50% off sale = $4.99
2 - $3/1 Boost M coupons = $6
1 - $3/$15 CVS scanner coupon
Paid $6.26 plus tax; got back a $10 Extra Care Buck for purchasing a total of 4 Boost

Missed out on 8-12 hours of OT today - not that I really wanted to work it - I'm already scheduled for 8 hours of OT tomorrow - but because my phone's ringer didn't sound when I got a call from work this morning. I feel a little guilty because my best buddy is working today and we have at least 4 discharges scheduled; which will mean 4 admissions the way things have been going...

Darned phone hasn't been sounding for texts, etc... x 2 days. I didn't notice it until yesterday afternoon because I've been waking up before my alarm. Did see a text from daughter a little bit ago though - she's down with N/V/D and both boys have swim lessons and one needs signed up for soccer today so I have to get caffeinated and head that direction by 8:30. Looking at the radar, I doubt we have swim lessons - sure glad Hubby braved the heat when he got off work Saturday afternoon and got the mowing done!

While I'm in town, I'm going to pop into CVS for some Irish Spring body wash for Hubby - sale price (ha!) 2/$7 - 2 $1 coupons - $1.50/$4 body wash purchse = $3.50; plus get a $2 ECB back, so net cost of 75 cents each.

Daughter's texting again; guess I'd better get a move on!

Take care all; have a great day!


Veteran Member
Hmmm, did the Irish Spring deal; ad said 'limit 1', but receipt says I can buy at least two more, so I will scrounge for coupons and see what I can do when I take the boys back to town. The boys were thirsty when we went in CVS after swim lessons and there was a deal for Gatorade 20 oz, 2/$2; get a $2 Extra Care Buck, so I used the $2 Extra Care Buck from the Irish Spring to pay for the drinks - can't beat two drinks for 2 cents tax :) - and will use the $2 ECB from the drinks on the next Irish Spring deal. They also snagged 4 packages of M&Ms - on sale for 88 cents each, and I had 2 - buy one, get free pkg of Crispy M&Ms coupons; each boy got one and then they gave the other two to their sister and her friend when we stopped back by the house briefly.

I've managed to feed all three boys lunch (Hubby and the two grandsons lol!), wash dishes, get my coupons for the week mostly organized, do two loads of laundry (dried in the dryer - 81% humidity, sigh), get Hubby out the door to work, fill bird feeders, make more feed, take out the compost, feed the grandsons a snack, and get my coffee pot set up for my extra shift tomorrow. I need to hem Hubby's other pair of uniform pants, then fold that 2nd load of clothes once they are dry and force the grandsons to put on something other than underpants before we head back to town. I want to stop in at the used book store to look for a couple of books in a series, so will have to leave a little earlier to get there before it closes, then figure out something for the boys and I to do until I take them home around 5:30. They asked for Chinese for supper and I may just stop and pick up granddaughter and her friend and take all 4 of them to supper - the girls are great help with the little boys. I'm hoping for a nice long soak in a lavender epsom salt bath, then early to bed and hopefully early to sleep as well - been running at a deficit so I'd like to catch up a bit - especially since I know I'll stay up late tomorrow night because I have a new book coming to my Kindle :)

Well, guess I'd better go get those pants pinned up if I want to get them hemmed :)


Veteran Member
I"m a very tired puppy. Yesterday, DH, DD and I went up to our other pasture to get it ready for cows. We spent all day weed-eating, fencing, working on an extra water tank. The neighbor came and bush-hogged a bunch of the pasture for us, too. The more time I spend up there, the more I love it. Yes, it's a mess (there was a rabbit in the house, and all sorts of animal poop) and needs work (bees have taken up residence in one of the eves - I guess the hive box I had for them wasn't the right color or something), but I do love it.

Today, we went up there again to finish up the water (although I have to go up again to check to make sure it is running ok). DH has headed to work,so DD and I are busy doing more chores. I have canning to do, as well.


Veteran Member
The garden produce is working out great as a barter item. Today, DH traded a bunch for lead for his reloading. DNeighbors have been willing to bush-hog for us for watermelon and tomatoes. Yay!

More work up at the north pasture. It is just so peaceful up there - if there was more there, I would have a harder time coming home. Need to go get my canning done. I cooked up a turkey so I'll have room in the freezer for corn, so now I need to get that canned up.


Veteran Member
Well, hubby is officially retired. We spent the first day cleaning up our old 93 Ford. We hadn't done a good cleaning on it in a long time. We only use it to take the dogs to the vet. But she looked pretty good when we got done.

Retirement is a bit scary. Hubby's first pension check will come on Monday. Then we will know just how much we will have each month. But he had to get out of there. His back was really hurting and his stress level was way up there. He might go back as a contractor for a project here and there if he gets bored. We will see.

We are still mowing. The rain has been good this summer. I didn't plant much in the garden, just enough to eat. But I have canned pickles and green beans. I should get a few tomatoes canned.


Veteran Member
Work week is done - whew!! I had about one nerve left for someone to get on by the time I left last night, and it was pretty frazzled :lol:

Stopped by Aldi's after work to pick up a couple dozen eggs @ 48 cents/dozen, half and half for my coffee, a couple loaves of cinnamon raisin bread to make French toast for the grandkid's breakfast tomorrow, and 3 pkg of paper plates to replace the ones that seem to be disappearing at a rapid rate from the storeroom. Guess I'm going to have to find a better place to hide 'em if I want to have any available for emergency use!!

Then it was on to CVS, where I used Buddy's card because I was ditzy yesterday morning and walked out of the house with only my van key ring in my pocket, and his card is on that key ring:
4 - 6 pks of Boost protein drink @ $9.99 = $40 (I'm rounding up lol!)
4 - 6 pks of Boost protein drink @ $8.49 = $34
1 - Colgate mouthwash (for work) @ $4
2 - Colgate toothpaste @ $3.49 = $7
2 - Kellogg's Cocoa Krispies (to make snacks for cheerleader party) @ $1.99 = $4
1 - gallon whole milk for grandkids @ $2.49
Total: $91.50

Buy one get one 50% off deal on Boost = $10 + $8.50 = $18.50
8 - $3/1 Boost coupons = $24
1 - $2/1 Colgate mouthwash coupon
1 - $2/1 CVS Colgate mouthwash scanner coupon
2 - 50cent/1 Colgate toothpaste coupons = $1
1 - $2/2 CVS Colgate toothpaste scanner coupons
1 - $1/2 Kellogg's coupon
3 - $2 Extra Care Bucks from previous purchases = $6
1 - $3/$20 purchase CVS nutrition purchase scanner coupon
1 - $10/$40 purchase CVS scanner coupon
Total: $69.50

Paid: $22 plus tax out of pocket; got back a $20 Extra Care Buck on the Boost (buy 4; get $10 ECB limit 2; I bought 8 so $20), a $3 Extra Care Buck on the Toothpaste, and a $1 Extra Care Buck on the milk.

Thank goodness it was cool when I got home last night, so I was able to leave all but the dairy and eggs in the van overnight, 'cause I was worn out!

Today, I'm in the process of doing laundry, dishes, and some minor housecleaning - no sense doing major housecleaning 'cause the grandkids are coming over :lol: I ran out to the garden to pick some red and yellow cherry tomatoes to make a tomato/cuke/onion/creamy Italian dressing salad and discovered that the raccoons had apparently had a feast last night - the sweet corn patch is a wreck!! We've plenty in the freezer so I'm not going to fuss - but I'm also not very darned happy!!

I did a bit of weeding while I was out in the garden; got three beds completely cleaned out and ready for fall crops - I'll be planting some cabbage, etc... seed next week for plants to set out for fall.

In a bit, I'm going to go hang the sheets on the line and toss our work clothes in the washer; then I'm going to go tackle the weed patch......I mean, the flower bed between the house and driveway. I'm hoping to get it done by lunchtime, but if you don't see me back online tomorrow, send out a search party please...

The rest of today's plans are a bit up in the air:

Hubby went in to the bike shop to see if he needs to finish up a couple of jobs that he was working on last week that the parts had not come in for as yet. He may or may not load up his tool boxes; depends if his old boss still wants him to cover any hours. He also needs to go to the bank, check on his Mom, see our new great-nephew who was born Thursday, and maybe pop into the Y.

Daughter is dropping off granddaughter and a few more cheerleaders at a sisterhood cook-out; ending time of said activity unknown at this time. Then daughter/SIL/grandsons are heading to the lake to spend the afternoon on the boat. I may or may not be picking up a gaggle of cheerleaders after the cook-out. I may or may not be meeting daughter at the marina to snag the grandsons. She may or may not be dropping them off here.

I may or may not answer my phone if any of 'em call :lol:

If everyone shows back up here before 4 pm, we will head up to the nearby orchard to get a bushel and a half of peaches (keep that money in the community!) so I can do some canning on Tuesday. If they show up after 4 pm, we will put off the orchard until tomorrow afternoon and hang out here until around 5 pm, when we will go to a small local festival, let the kids wear themselves out in the bouncy houses (antibacterial wipes in my bag for afterwards), and eat all kinds of stuff that is bad for us - I'll take along a large tote and some ziplock bags to carry the leftovers from our fish dinners as I know I'm not the only one of the crew that will eat lightly because they want to indulge in a funnel cake and ice cream that has been churned up by an old hit 'n miss engine, which we will eat while listening to hillbilly music - it'll be a great evening!

I do plan to run by the CVS in daughter's town before they close to buy 5 more cartons of Boost so that I can complete two of the buy 4/get $10 deal on my card before the sale ends - I'll try to fit that in around the cheerleaders, grandsons, and fish dinners somehow lol!

Okay - no one has replied to my texts or calls, so they are all on their own 'til I come back in from the weed jungle!

Take care all; have a safe and happy weekend!