Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: July 2 ~ 8, 2017


Veteran Member
Good Afternoon, All!

Hot 'n humid here today, but I am canning pork 'n beans in spite of it. I just put the last two 2# bags I've had stacked on the island counter in the big pot to bring up to a boil, then let soak for an hour or so before canning - that will give me 21 quarts canned and 4 quarts ready to go in the next load by the time I call it a day. I have to take younger grandson birthday shopping tomorrow so will pop into Aldi while we are out and about to pick up another dozen bags of beans. Might pick up twenty and pack some 2# mylar bags while I'm at it - they'd fit nice in the square 2# buckets we've switched to using for sugar and be soooo much easier to carry if needs be.

Breakfast this morning was corned beef hash - shredded corned beef from some I'd canned when I found it on sale for 99 cents/lb after St. Paddy's Day, a small yellow beet from the garden that I shredded fine, and most of one of those little milk carton looking things of dehydrated hashbrowns that had been rehydrated. Once it was about done, I scooped a double portion out of the big skillet into a small one, made two holes in the hash and dropped in a couple of extra large eggs before slapping the lid on and letting it cook until the eggs were done the way we like them. We'll have hash to carry in our lunches a couple of days this week - I may have to carry in a spare serving as I'm beginning to think I'm going to have to take our youngest doc in to raise as he stands at the table and drools over my lunches from home :)

Hubby is busy setting up the old hand grinder to use to grind up some ham to make ham salad for lunch; I've got the leftover greens from the beet I used in the hash and will head out to the garden in a minute or two to selectively pick a few more so I can simmer up some beet greens. I'll also pick a cuke and some cherry tomatoes, and will slice them plus about half a small onion, douse them with Italian dressing and sprinkle on a bit of feta cheese to finish it off.

I don't think I'm going to need any supper... :) (Maybe just some watermelon!) (I sure do love summertime food!)

As soon as I shut the burner off under the canner, I'm going to walk down to the waterway and see how the blackberries are coming along - some blackberry dumplings sure would be a fine addition to our Independence Day dinner. I'm hoping the weather holds for the 4th - the kids and I are planning to go to two parades; one at 0900 and one at noon. We should have plenty of time for a picnic lunch on the courthouse lawn before the second one starts :) A co-worker's grandsons will be riding with their grandpa on one of the tractors in the parade and have promised to watch for us! The Legion is serving a ham 'n bean dinner that evening but I don't know if we'll be up from our naps by the time it starts. Daughter, SIL and the kids went to fireworks in a neighboring town last night so I'm not sure if we'll go Tuesday night or not - we could just go to the hospital where I work and set up lawnchairs; we'd be able to see all the arial ones from there. Of the other 2 nearby towns, one has very poor parking with only a two lane road in/out; and the other one has a carnival with some seriously creepy people running it this year - no thank-you!

I'd better get out to the garden and get those veggies!

Take care all; have a safe and happy week!


Senior Member
It's hot and humid here too Renee! Yuck! We are going to get some more rain this evening so that will at least cool things off.

Our pear tree is loaded so it won't be too much longer before I can harvest the, it's the best crop we've had so far. Tomorrow I hope to get peaches and more blackberries for freezer jams and maybe a cobbler or two. I usually put up at least 24 pints of blueberries in the freezer but I may not this year. Strawberry season is almost done here but I can still find local berries for at least one batch of freezer jam.

Pulling out a couple of pork tenderloins and a chicken to smoke for the 4th, that will give us plenty of leftovers for the week. Homemade ice cream to boot.

I am still slowly stocking up for the pantry, I've bought more batteries and toilet paper. :) Always in need of those. Want to find some more good flashlights for here and the farm. Still cleaning out and found a bunch of "white" tshirts that aren't really fit to wear so they will be cut up to use for rags.

That's about it for now, everyone enjoy the holiday and stay cool!


Contributing Member
Blackberries here are all most done got two cases of jelly put up might get one more batch, one batch of elderberry jelly, late frost here got my peaches and pears both but do have a few apples coming. Green beans are going crazy have all ready put up 15 quarts and am getting about 4 quarts every three days. Cucumbers coming on good have sweet pickles going right now and got enough today to do batch of pickle relish tomorrow. Got one watermelon which we will have today.


Veteran Member
Just got word that peaches are starting to ripen at the local orchard; today is opening day but I'm trying to figure out when I want to go get some. I've spent the day picking up grandkids, dropping them at various places, then picking them back up again; and have interspersed that with laundry and canning pork 'n beans again. I've got the two grandsons underfoot now, and am waiting on the neighbor girl to stop by when she gets off work at her regular job - she's looking for more work and my flower and garden beds can stand to be weeded. I'm taking the grandsons home around 6pm, so I guess I could make a big circle - up to the orchard to pick up peaches, then drop the boys off at home before closing the circle with the drive home from there. In the meantime, I could figure out a place to put all the stuff that's on the island counter so I would have a place to lay down newspapers to set the peaches on so that they would be ready to can on Monday or Tuesday when I'm off work again....

I also need to go out and pick cherry tomatoes and check the zucchini - make sure it doesn't get away from me! I'm fixing some yellow and green zucchini - chopped and saute'd with onions and garlic - to take to work in my lunches this weekend; along with a crock pot of green beans with new potatoes and bacon, a pan of cornbread, sliced red and yellow tomatoes, and some fried green tomatoes. There's some bacon in the greenbeans but I may need to go out to the freezer and dig out a package of ham to serve as a side with all my veggies :lol:

And there's the timer for the canner - guess I'd better go take care of it!

You folks all take care out there; have a wonderful weekend!
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Veteran Member
Hanging out with mom. We headed to KS to check on mom and dad and celebrate their birthdays. Today, I made 4 cakes: Mississippi mud, carrot with cream cheese frosting, banana with caramel frosting and coconut with whipped icing. How's that for dessert for Renee's veggies?