Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: January 14 ~ 20, 2018


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All! It's a chilly morning here, though the temp has raised 5* with the rising of the sun and is currently 11*F. I'm watching nuthatches, tufted titmice, and assorted small woodpeckers land on the windowsill outside the window in front of my computer to pick up the chunks of peanuts I've spread there. The nuthatches are so silly - they grab a peanut and fly over to one of the black walnuts in the side yard and pack it in a crack in the bark - whereupon a blue jay follows to pick it out and gobble it down! The blue jays are too big to land on the windowsill, so wait for the smaller birds to do the work, then steal the fruits of their labor....

After I picked up the grandsons yesterday, I asked them what they wanted for lunch and supper - lunch was easy; homemade chicken strips, broccoli, and applesauce. For supper, they wanted tacos - one wanted soft tortilla, the other hard shells. I ended up buying a kit that had both types plus the seasoning and sauce as it was on sale and I didn't want leftover shells - Hubby and I will finish off any leftover meat in taco salads. Lunch today will be meatloaf, green beans, and peaches.

It's shaping up to be a fairly quiet day here - well, as quiet as it can be with the 5 & 7 year old grandsons present :lol: The little one and I have already agreed that he will be able to make chocolate popsicles - instant chocolate pudding mix made in a Ziploc, an icing tip pushed through the side to force the pudding in to the Zipzicle bags, and then into the freezer. I'm not a fan of of popsicles when it's this cold out, but to each their own lol!

Hubby did get the new-to-us Mule home from the shop yesterday so we will wait for the temp to rise a bit more, then bundle up and all go for a ride around the farm. I'm sure looking forward to using it to move garden stuff, bird feed, etc... around the yard/farm; and very grateful to Hubby for being willing to give up the motorcycle he built to trade it for the Mule for me.

It has been very busy at work - there have been more and more call-ins throughout the hospital (and it's clinics) where I work every day, and the units are full of flu and URI. Our unit was already short staffed so absences hit us hard - it ends up being a two-edged sword as the stress of working short staffed doesn't make anyone want to pick up shifts of more of the same. We do have two nurses who are supposed to start on the unit next month, so maybe that will ease things up a bit - sure hope so!

Co-worker Buddy got pulled off our shift to work the weekend instead, so I won't be getting any Sunday papers this week unless I pick them up myself - might take the boys up to the pool this afternoon and could snag papers then; or could just wait until I take them home this evening - if that is in the plans, since there is no school tomorrow. I really need to focus on organization/inventory more than acquisition right at the moment (which does not mean I plan to ignore the Boost sale at CVS this week lol!) Hubby put together another shelf set, so I will have more space for sorting items - once I can focus on doing so; it's a little hard to say 'No' when a short someone wants to play a game or read a book with me...

Off to lay on the floor to do some coloring - I've chosen a picture of Rocky from Paw Patrol; he's my favorite because Rocky recycles things that other people throw away into useful items, and his coat and hat are green, which is my favorite color :lol:

Take care all; have a Blessed Sunday and a safe and happy week ahead!


Veteran Member
Got all the drip tape and irrigation pipe in the back garden picked up today, as DH mentioned it wanted to disc it. Cleaned up my canning kitchen, so that the freeze dryer DH ordered will have a place to call home. Turned in my paper that was due, laundry going, and a shepards pie in the oven.


Senior Member
It's been so cold since before Christmas I've not gotten nearly as much done as I'd like. I've placed a couple of orders with amazon for toilet paper and some HBA items. Need more Sambucol to replace what I've been taking. I ended up catching something from my preschool class that I'm finally getting over. Dh had a mild version of it, thankfully, with no spleen we are always vigilant about fevers and such.

My goal is to continue to restock the food pantry, sort out the linens and create a new bob for the tornado hidey hole. :)

I'm going to downsize my canning supplies. We use more 12 oz or 1/2 pints than pints so I'm bartering several cases with a friend for at least 12 filled with salsa. I'm also selling one of my pressure canners.


Veteran Member
The rise in temperature has encouraged me to be out a bit more; plus I had a work meeting I had to go to so off to town I went yesterday. I was able to add a few sale items to the pantry:

*12# of 85/15 ground beef @ $2.49/lb
*12 cans of Hunts Spaghetti sauce @ 79 cents each
*8 bottles of catsup @ $1.25 each
*10 Knorr side dish packaged mixes at 88 cents - 50 cent/2 coupon - buying 10 also gave me $3 off a Rotisserie chicken

I made the ground beef into meatloaf mix; turned 1# of said meatloaf mix into stuffed pepper 'boats' and BBQ meatballs; the rest going in the freezer for later use. 1 or 2 of the stuffed pepper boats (one lobe of a bell pepper) will be chopped up and used as the base for spaghetti sauce; which will give me something to carry in my work lunch this weekend. The cans of spaghetti sauce were rotated into the pantry when I pulled out an older can for the stuffed peppers; only used about 1/4-1/3 of the can; will use a bit more for the spaghetti; then will need to figure out a plan for the rest of it - maybe make a baked spaghetti cassarole and put it in the freezer for a day when I don't want to cook :)

I also stocked up on pantry items at Aldi, 4 cartons of Boost at CVS for out of pocket cost of $10/$10 ECB back (dropped them off with Uncle on the way home), and loaded up on more bird feed at the farm store - and was even able to get everything carried in a put away once I got home - a miracle!!

So far, today has been spent running up to the pool with the neighbor lady and trying to get caught up on laundry; have a basket ball game to go to this evening - JV boy's game, girl's Varsity game, boy's Varsity game; they start an hour earlier than usual, so at least the first half of the trip will be done in daylight... so nice to have it be light outside until 5:30!

Well, guess I'd better go finish up that laundry.... You folks all take care out there, and stay safe!


Contributing Member
ReneeT, would you share your recipe for baked spaghetti? My dad's second wife made an awesome one but I never got the recipe.


Veteran Member
I'll try to remember to put it on next week's thread - just got home from work, and have to go back in tomorrow :)