Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: February 9 ~15, 2020


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All! Hope everyone is doing well this week!

I'm checking out the ads online; the grandsons have a dry cough/light fever thing going on, so I've already texted to let my friend know not to come out to see the boys/bring my Sunday papers as it doesn't need to spread any further. I will probably do some deals on laundry soap, tp and paper towels - the kids on the swim team are still collecting household supplies to take to the American Legion; they use them to help set up housekeeping for the troops who are transitioning from the VA hospital to independent living.

I caught eggs on a spot sale at Aldi for 49 cents/dozen last week and picked up 3 dozen, so I think we will have omelets for breakfast this morning; then I will hard boil 8 and put them in the fridge for use in egg salad, toppings for lettuce salad, or what my Pop used to call 'Graveyard Stew' - a lightly seasoned white sauce with chopped boiled egg whites in it, served over toast, and the yolks crumbled on top. No clue how it got that name - and not sure I want to know :lol: We might use up a few more eggs to make some muffins for the boys to take home with them; then I'll make another batch to carry in my work lunches this coming week.

Well, I'm being distracted by a little boy who wants to use the laptop to watch a video this morning, so I'd better post this and let him have his turn!

You folks take care; stay safe out there!


Got a new outback charge controller for the solar panel system coming. Really can't afford it as they are pricey but I've been having intermittent problems with the old one and with very likely supply chain problems coming in the next few months if you anticipate needing something that is imported being proactive is wise. Better to have and not need than need and not have!


Veteran Member
I begin this week with some timely adulting I've been meaning to get around to and finally did. Finished my tax returns yesterday and then bought Willmaker software from NOLO. Used it to make my will, legal power of attorney, and medical directives yesterday, then asked some neighbors to act as witnesses and had a mobile notary come to notarize everything so it's all "self proved".

I'm taking copies over to my daughter's house today along with some chicken wings I got nearly free from the grocery store (they ordered way too much for Super Bowl Sunday), and we'll have a wing fest. My freezer has so many packs of wings now -- the dogs are going to be eating meat from those wings for quite a while! That's the start of my week... who knows where the rest will lead? It's always an adventure!


Veteran Member
More stocking up--4 more cases of water, more TP (on sale and with coupons), bunch of canned pasta (on sale), and stuff like that. Also got SO to buy three months worth of canned cat food this month and we ordered 4 buckets of kitty litter from Chewy. Turns out I ordered the wrong kind, so we will reorder in a couple of weeks and get more. We can use this kind, it is just not the "favored" kind.

I really am out of room for storing things and pretty much out of money as well. We have been prepping for years and have quite a stockpile of all kinds of goods, so I am not too worried about that. I'm just worried about those that I love that don't live near here and those that aren't able to prep up. I can't provide for everyone.


TB Fanatic
More stocking up--4 more cases of water, more TP (on sale and with coupons), bunch of canned pasta (on sale), and stuff like that. Also got SO to buy three months worth of canned cat food this month and we ordered 4 buckets of kitty litter from Chewy. Turns out I ordered the wrong kind, so we will reorder in a couple of weeks and get more. We can use this kind, it is just not the "favored" kind.

I really am out of room for storing things and pretty much out of money as well. We have been prepping for years and have quite a stockpile of all kinds of goods, so I am not too worried about that. I'm just worried about those that I love that don't live near here and those that aren't able to prep up. I can't provide for everyone.

I'm stocked up here too, no space to put anything else. And as for my loved ones, they drank their wive's kool aid, not full pantry, probably only have a few days of something to eat in their big exclusive expensive houses. Each son can well afford to buy prep stuff to the ceiling, but they won't listen to me. We have more than enough for DH and I but if any of them showed up on my door step, it wouldn't last long. They are all picky eaters and would complain long and loud about what we have. I put them all in God's capable hands long ago. It something happens and they don't make it then it was God's will.

Yesterday I put together one more metal shelving unit, I needed a narrow one for a small space. A couple of years ago I noticed that canned goods in my pantry were starting to rust. I took most of them out of the pantry and put them in milk crates (real milk crates that will last forever) and stacked them up the wall in the room I've taken over for food. I've been wanting to get them out of the crates into something easier to see what I have and what needs to be used first. I got those crates emptied out and onto the new shelves. Seems like most just went out of date, only one can was suspect, actually soft on the side, its going in the burn barrel unemptied. The cans with rust on them around the edges didn't get any worse.

So its the atmosphere in the pantry that caused the rusting problem. I've put some dehumidifying products in there and have a gauge that tells me the humidity level. I'm only going to put things in there that are in jars and plastic containers (condiments). The cans of sardines have done fine in the pantry and I'll leave them there, since they are wrapped, things like that. That reminds me we need to have a meal or two of sardines in the near future, although sardines tend to last forever.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Yep. I'm out of room in my pantry room, too. Since I'm going to start stocking up again ( I took a break for awhile), I'm going to buy canned goods by the case again, and stack them against an empty wall in our bedroom and under our bed. I've been prepping for so many years, I believe that I'm addicted to it, LOL! Can't seem to help myself.


I have few last minute needs but I did order some maintenance supplies for the car from Rock Auto, plugs, oil filter, air filter, headlight bulbs, and serpentine belt. Everything but the belt will easily be used soon but that is one item that is essential if needed. Several weeks ago I got a no contact thermometer (~$12 eBay US only) and a finger oximeter (~$10 eBay US only) as well as OTC meds from Sam's so all I am missing are those obvious things that you can not believe you forgot. I am glad that I have a spare electric blanket put back because you can never tell when the current one will die. If this turns out to be a minor event, most everything will still get used, just not as quickly.

Chewey also sells bird and fish meds (antibiotics - no prescription needed) fairly cheaply and it is useful to have at least amoxicillin since I have many cats and also for other contingencies.


TB Fanatic
Yep. I'm out of room in my pantry room, too. Since I'm going to start stocking up again ( I took a break for awhile), I'm going to buy canned goods by the case again, and stack them against an empty wall in our bedroom and under our bed. I've been prepping for so many years, I believe that I'm addicted to it, LOL! Can't seem to help myself.

As I am looking around at what I have, I need to count cans again, example, how many cans of corn or green beans would we eat in a week. Surely its more than one a week. What do we really eat in a week? What I have seems like a lot, it is a lot compared to what most folks have. But is it really enough.

Most of my MRe's are old and not too good any more, stored badly and a good eight or nine years old. I pulled out a box that was badly stored about 6 years ago, but moved from another place to there. I think the food was still okay to eat, I opened a couple that the package had not been penatrated at all, it tasted okay, but was very bland. I would eat it but DH would not, poor this is a picky picky eater. I never did get around to putting things in ziplocs and storing properly. And I have several cases still badly stored. With all the other things I need to take care of and some days getting very little done, I may not ever get around to doing anything with them.

So much to do but so little energy to get it done. But a little here and there each day.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
As I am looking around at what I have, I need to count cans again, example, how many cans of corn or green beans would we eat in a week. Surely its more than one a week. What do we really eat in a week? What I have seems like a lot, it is a lot compared to what most folks have. But is it really enough.

Most of my MRe's are old and not too good any more, stored badly and a good eight or nine years old. I pulled out a box that was badly stored about 6 years ago, but moved from another place to there. I think the food was still okay to eat, I opened a couple that the package had not been penatrated at all, it tasted okay, but was very bland. I would eat it but DH would not, poor this is a picky picky eater. I never did get around to putting things in ziplocs and storing properly. And I have several cases still badly stored. With all the other things I need to take care of and some days getting very little done, I may not ever get around to doing anything with them.

So much to do but so little energy to get it done. But a little here and there each day.


Judy, I count 9 cases of any canned veggie at 6 cans per case for enough to have one each of that veggie every week for a year. The cases of canned veggies at Sam's are great for stacking. Since everything is going over to the pop top lids, I'm gonna have to be choosey about what I buy in cases now. Some of the canned items at Sam's are still in regular tops, though. I don't have enough of canned corn to do a can a week for a year, because we don't eat much corn. Green beans, I have enough, because we eat green beans on a weekly basis, almost. So, whatever you eat the most is what I would buy more of. I'm sure you know that, already. Just wanted to give you an idea of how I do it.

Just work at things at your own pace. That's what I have to do. If I get stressed out over a job that I try to get done in a hurry, I pay for it for days afterwards. Stress is not my friend. When I get home from a day of shopping, I'm usually too tired to put things away. Everything gets piled on the kitchen counters or on top of the dining table. I wait, until the next day to label, date, and put away things properly. Fridge and freezer items go into them right away.


TB Fanatic
Yep. I'm out of room in my pantry room, too. Since I'm going to start stocking up again ( I took a break for awhile), I'm going to buy canned goods by the case again, and stack them against an empty wall in our bedroom and under our bed. I've been prepping for so many years, I believe that I'm addicted to it, LOL! Can't seem to help myself.

As I am looking around at what I have, I need to count cans again, example, how many cans of corn or green beans would we eat in a week. Surely its more than one a week. What do we really eat in a week? What I have seems like a lot, it is a lot compared to what most folks have. But is it really enough.

Most of my MRe's are old and not too good any more, stored badly and a good eight or nine years old. I pulled out a box that was badly stored about 6 years ago, but moved from another place to there. I think the food was still okay to eat, I opened a couple that the package had not been penatrated at all, it tasted okay, but was very bland. I would eat it but DH would not, poor this is a picky picky eater. I never did get around to putting things in ziplocs and storing properly. And I have several cases still badly stored. With all the other things I need to take care of and some days getting very little done, I may not ever get around to doing anything with them.

Judy, I count 9 cases of any canned veggie at 6 cans per case for enough to have one each of that veggie every week for a year. The cases of canned veggies at Sam's are great for stacking. Since everything is going over to the pop top lids, I'm gonna have to be choosey about what I buy in cases now. Some of the canned items at Sam's are still in regular tops, though. I don't have enough of canned corn to do a can a week for a year, because we don't eat much corn. Green beans, I have enough, because we eat green beans on a weekly basis, almost. So, whatever you eat the most is what I would buy more of. I'm sure you know that, already. Just wanted to give you an idea of how I do it.

Just work at things at your own pace. That's what I have to do. If I get stressed out over a job that I try to get done in a hurry, I pay for it for days afterwards. Stress is not my friend. When I get home from a day of shopping, I'm usually too tired to put things away. Everything gets piled on the kitchen counters or on top of the dining table. I wait, until the next day to label, date, and put away things properly. Fridge and freezer items go into them right away.

Sometimes when I post something about food I'm kinda talking to myself. Mostly what we eat if either be from the freezer or the chickens (eggs). I've also been doing a little bit of bulk cooking to put meals in the freezer. I'm pretty sure we have enough fuel for our generators to keep the freezers going to at least eat the prepared food in there.

What I stocked up on starting about six months ago were things that were heat and eat, we have a good supply and I open a can from time to time to help with rotation, but its not something we eat even weekly.


Kathy in FL

I had a fascinating day in the Casablanca Valley in Chile the other day. I was learning the ancient technique of making wine in terracotta pots. As soon as I can download the pics from my camera I'll upload examples of the pots the winery was using. I am trying to figure out how to do this on a smaller scale but I might not have the weather for it in Florida. The other issue might be ants. Very interesting to learn about antiques and ancient ways returning to modern use.


I broke down and bought a case of canning lids... 3100+ lids. 17 cents each, in bulk sleeves, it adds up to a lot more money than I was comfortable spending. But, one, I was out... ran out of my insane Y2k stash of regular mouth lids (I still have a few hundred wide mouth lids I got for 50 cents a dozen off
e-bay) I used Tattlers most of the summer, and they DO work. But the failure rate is higher than I'd like... and I'm still adjusting to thrir idiosyncrasies.

And two... I'm not sure where lids are made... I think in the US, but where do the raw materials come from? I can or freeze all our fruits and vegetables, and many stews, soups and other "heat and eat" main dishes... did up 60 pints of barbeque baked beans yesterday, and that is one recipe I had a terrible time with the Tattled lids... it siphon way too easy, and contains bacon grease.

I also ordered 2 more pairs of eyeglasses ftom Zenni... 1 for distance and one for reading. I can't buy OTC reading glasses because of my severe astigmatism. And I'm pretty useless without my glasses for either far away or close.

I'm so very grateful that we stay prepped, just because of our lifestyle. But very tight money the past few years means that I've had to prioritize and not just restock as I used to, so we've gotten low on a few things. I've been checking inventory (gotta do seeds tomorrow... I *think* I have everything I need except onion plants, but I've got to check) and making a running list thst will get filled this week. I want to get all the smaller propane tanks filled, and I'll be beyond broke. But as ready as we can be...



TB Fanatic
ST I just broke down and ordered wide mouth rings. I only vacuum seal because of my too many canning failures.



Veteran Member
I saw a silver dallor at local store in cash register and traded a dollar for it. It does happen here still.

I have been busy selling firewood and managing the trap line. Trapping is decent and I sold most of last years fur at retail, or retail plus. Been selling garments regularly locally and tanned fur. It is more work but the pay off helps off set the low fur prices. And it keeps my skills sharp.

I did a plumbing job, fixing our shower faucet. Saved money there replacing the cartridge.mscored big points on honey do list with the wife.

Other than that, I am staying close to home because my Honda battery isn't charging. It is always something.


TB Fanatic
Well, I broke down and added to my preps, I guess I let some of the hype get to me. I added three 5# bags of corn meal, and another 10#'s of flour from Delivered just fine. This is all going in 1 gallon ziploc mylar bags with 02s and put into either 5 gallon buckets or a tote with a tight lid. I have about 25#s of flour in one of the freezers. At the rate I use these products I'll probably never use it all. I may order a couple of those special containers for dog food, they have a locking lid. Whoever comes here after me will be overwhelmed with with I've stored, normal people, preppers not so much.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
After being locked away for the past 2 weeks, I'm looking forward to my trip into town on Monday! I hope there's still plenty of everything I want to get. Nothing special on my shopping list. Just basic everyday items that I use on a regular basis, but will add extra for the pantry, too. I don't have any more room in the pantry room, so I spent some time rearranging furniture in our bedroom so, I can have extra wall space to begin stacking cases in there.

My UTI is gone! The flu, strep, and bronchitis are all still bad here, but I just need some time away from the house. I will be taking extra precautions when I go out, Monday. Praying Psalms 91 as I go!


Hit Menards (box store) yesterday and went back to the paint aisle and they had about 20 boxes of N95 masks and lots of boxes of gloves, etc. I picked up two more boxes of the masks as I don’t want to hoard but what the heck, everybody has a shot at them.


Veteran Member
Well, the weekly total is up to:
4 - 8 mega roll packs of Northern TP - just a bit over $1/roll with tax - my stockpile
8 - 45 ct pkg of paper plates - $1.79/ea for backup dishware if any of us get sick
6 - 40 oz jugs Ajax free and clear laundry detergent for my stockpile @ $1.07 jug/tax
8 - 40 oz jugs regular scent Ajax laundry detergent to donate to the swim team/American legion; same price
8 - 40 oz jugs regular scent Ajax laundry detergent for daughter to use in her business; same price
(this laundry detergent is very thin liquid-wise, so I cautioned daughter and Hubby to measure, not just pour)
15 - 2 ct onion soup mix @ Aldi - 69 cents each - I use this in meatloaf mix to freeze, and also in canning beef chunks and ground beef; I will probably pick up another 9 boxes the next time I go in - didn't want to empty the shelf.
4 - 16 oz bags each of Dakota's Pride split green peas and lentils @ 95 cents each; both are good in their own soup, and can also be used to thicken/add protein to other soups and stews with minimal change to the flavor.

I have a $5 off $25 coupon for Saturday; will probably pick up 3 more of the Northern TP then; adding a couple of small bottles of bleach to take me to the $25 mark. I usually use bleach tablets to make my own, but having a couple of small containers on hand would be good in case I happen to get sick.

Waiting for the after Valentine's Day sales on M&Ms :lol:


Senior Member
For hydration of an unconscious individual

Enema / douche bag with multiple replacement tips

Hand bulb for children and infants

Available in disposable and reusable just sanitize

Use distilled water probably is best

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Picked up some boxes of tea, puppy pee pads to use as chucks and some #10 cans of peaches and pears in syrup.

If I have to open the canned fruit and it doesn't get eaten fast enough and there's no refrigeration, my plan is to transfer the fruit and syrup to glass containers and add brandy. I've brandied fruit with just fruit brandy and white sugar. It's kept in a cool dark basement for months in a temperate climate. So the theory's sound not sure yet about the execution.

It's good to have a plan.


Veteran Member
Was unable to get more than 30 days meds. Not sure if its doc office messing up again or what.
Wally world and everywhere I went had plenty of everything. Food, otc meds, gloves masks etc. Just reporting.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I have a question. Does rubbing alcohol lose it's potency over time? The reason I ask is that I have 3 unopened bottles here at home that are two years old. Should I toss them, and buy new, or are they still good? Thanks.


TB Fanatic
good to know about the rubbing alcohol, which I have several large bottles. Unfortunately I also have several large bottles of hydrogen peroxide, I won't toss them though.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
good to know about the rubbing alcohol, which I have several large bottles. Unfortunately I also have several large bottles of hydrogen peroxide, I won't toss them though.


Yeah, I've also got 3 bottles of unopened hydrogen peroxide that are old. Don't know what they can be used for, though.


You can test hydrogen peroxide very easily... it foams up in contact with blood or organic matter. If it doesn't, it's lost its effectiveness.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
You can test hydrogen peroxide very easily... it foams up in contact with blood or organic matter. If it doesn't, it's lost its effectiveness.


Thanks, that's good to know! I will buy new, cause I don't want to depend on what I have to be effective if I need it.


Veteran Member
Went to WM early this am to see if they had any marked down Valentine's candy left. Not much, I got 3 bags. They didn't have any distilled water last week, so I got some today. And the pineapple juice that I forgot last week.
The OTC meds were pretty much cleaned out. I think I may have really messed up because I completely forgot about them. I can't function without Excedrin migraine and I always want a fresh unopened box of Claritin to start the season with. Off to see if I can find some online.
There were quite a few people in the store for it to be 6:30 am on a Saturday...


Veteran Member
Yeah, I've also got 3 bottles of unopened hydrogen peroxide that are old. Don't know what they can be used for, though.

I rinse my toothbrush really well then put it in a glass of peroxide. I change the peroxide 2-3 times a week. Use a tall slim glass and it won't take so much. A couple of years ago I read a articial from a doctor that said it's helpful to keep flu and colds at bay.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I rinse my toothbrush really well then put it in a glass of peroxide. I change the peroxide 2-3 times a week. Use a tall slim glass and it won't take so much. A couple of years ago I read a articial from a doctor that said it's helpful to keep flu and colds at bay.

Does that still work if the HP is outdated? Thanks!


Veteran Member
Made a feed run and went to the dump this morning.
Then I went to Walmart, I keep realizing there are more things I need to buy. The SNOW word was mentioned and that usually sends Southerners into a grocery buying panic but there weren't that many people in the store. There were even less OTC meds than there were last week. It looked like somebody had tried to space them out on the shelf to hide the fact that it was mostly empty.
Fed ex finally delivered the things I ordered last week and just dumped them out in the rain. Over $80 worth of OTC meds and I wasn't happy. I hope they're not ruined.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
One thing that we eat a lot of is pasta. When in town, I bought up a lot more bags of it to add to my pantry. I had run out of places to store food in my pantry, so I had to come up with a place for the pasta. I brought in several canning jars that weren't in use, washed and dried them, and are now filled with all types of pasta. They fit nicely under our bed! I got enough room left to fill several more jars and tuck them under there, too.

Since the cases of canned veggies at Sam's have gone over to the pop top lids, I've stopped buying them there. Now, I'm buying by the flats at Walmart. They stack very well along our bedroom wall. Not going to be stacking them too high, though. Will make several stacks, instead.