Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: December 17 ~ 23, 2017


Veteran Member
Hello, All! Hope everyone is having a good week out there!

Had to make a trip to a 'big' town today (anything over 4K is big to me!), so made a few stops while I was there - and discovered that I'm not missing much :lol:

Did do some stock up shopping on items that are harder to find outside this time of year - mostly dates, nuts, and some other baking items. I'm holding off until after the holidays to stock up on steeply discounted candy canes (to stir my tea) and other candies.

I've not had a chance to look at the ads as yet, but it is going to have to be a really fabulous sale to drag me out into the crowds again between now and New Year's Day. Well, I guess that I do have to go shopping for something to wear to a cousin's wedding at the end of the year, but I am hoping that I can find an appropriate black skirt and nice blouse at the thrift store. Less money on my outfit = more money in their card :)

It should be a fairly busy week here - worked Sunday, town stuff this morning, and then I need to go in to our little town to drop off an 'Ugly Christmas Sweater' this afternoon. I paid 69 cents for it at the Sallies and wore it to my work Christmas party - now I'm passing it on to someone to wear to their party; guess I got my 69 cents worth out of it :lol

Tomorrow should be aqua aerobics, then taking my friend out to lunch for her birthday, followed by getting some presents wrapped once I get home. Then it will be time to head out for an 'away' basketball game that I'll have to take my granddaughter home from. Work Wednesday, then I'll be picking up youngest grandson on Thursday to keep overnight as older grandson has a sleep-over to attend; will take him home after we all attend the home basketball game on Friday. Then it's back to work for the weekend...

Take care all; try to stay as stress free as possible out there!


Veteran Member
Worked at the retirement house yesterday - and I plan to on Wednesday and Thursday if the weather cooperates. Working T=F-S-S. Mailed the last of the Christmas presents today,just need to take goodies to a few more neighbors. Will do that Wednesday, before I head up to the other house. Not too much else going on - just trying to get my poop in a group for when school restarts (Jan. 8).


Veteran Member
Decided to go out today and run a few errands, as it was my day off. Target and Walmart were my stops. I must be the only person NOT shopping for Christmas, so I managed to get in and out quickly. When you are only looking for cat food and toilet paper, it doesn't take long! Three more 7 lbs bags of cat food at Target, on sale, with $3 off each bag coupons, and a $10 gift card when you buy 3. Not a bad deal at all. We are at a solid 6-8 months on dry cat food for our motley group, so unless any other great deals and/or coupons pop up soon, that will probably be it for a while.

Will wrap a couple of presents this afternoon. Have to work all the way through Christmas, so won't have a lot of time to do them later in the week.


Veteran Member
10 cords of wood equals 5000 bucks. And I still 20 cords.

My trap line is fully extended into four different directions. Fur prices r up, lynx are 200 plus. Marten prices are high too. I am very busy checking traps and keeping up on that. Fox prices r the highest I have seen.

I took my first batch of fur in and sold it. It always seemed to me fur prices go up when the Russians are buying, but I don't care who pays me. I got over three months to go I want to trap hard.

My experimental marten set is going to slay em, catching 2s and 3 s. I have to raise my goal to 75.

I am going to look over my ride in the shop, and do the preventive maintenance, as a mid season check. I just changed the 4 wheelers oil again.

At some point, I will catch a winter moose, and fill the freezer.

As far as winters go , this is a top five worst winters I have seen, but not because of snow amounts or even cold. It has been extremely stormy.
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Veteran Member
Ivan, folks in your area are lucky to have someone to provide them with their wood needs; here's hoping your stormy weather is good for your business (but that folks stay safe as well!) Folks around here used to trap for varmints, but I don't know of anyone who traps for the fur anymore; in fact, I'm not sure if there is even a bounty on any of the varmints! Thank you so much for joining this thread and giving us a look at your life; it's very interesting :)


Veteran Member
Ivan, folks in your area are lucky to have someone to provide them with their wood needs; here's hoping your stormy weather is good for your business (but that folks stay safe as well!) Folks around here used to trap for varmints, but I don't know of anyone who traps for the fur anymore; in fact, I'm not sure if there is even a bounty on any of the varmints! Thank you so much for joining this thread and giving us a look at your life; it's very interesting :)

I never intended to sell my wood. A new airport was being built and the company cut down a forest. I saw the opportunity to get really good old growth of all species. Which I saw as an experiment to burn different types of wood. My dad was dying last winter and in my anguish I cut a lot of firewood. People around me pestered me to buy. My fondest memories of my dad were cutting firewood.


Veteran Member
I understand the anguish/work theme very well, Ivan - the summer we brought Pop home with hospice was likely the time the farm looked it's best ever; working outside doing physical labor was about the only way I could get tired enough that my mind would shut down to let me sleep. Pop and I did a lot of garden/farm work together from the time I was old enough to walk; and during those last months he would come out to the porch to water the plants while I weeded the flower beds, or get on his golf cart to come out to the gardens to hoe around the edges while I worked in the center. I consider the work I do around the farm a memorial to Pop and all he taught me.