…… Waaaaaaah!! I need a hug! :(


The Computer Chyck
Ok folks remember the prayer request a few weeks ago for help in the interview for a job 5 miles from home? Well didn't get it :cry:

I know we receive things when the time comes although it's not the time WE want it to be but hey just let me lick my wounds a little and give me a hug?

The Compchyk


Senior Member
Here's a hug for ya, compchik.:hugs:
So sorry you didn't get that job but maybe something even better is coming soon!


Veteran Member
So sorry to hear about that :hugs:

Prayers sent your way for a job opportunity that is 2 miles from your home!! Something better will come along!



I give up.

Just remember this: you would have worked your butt off and never got a raise; they would have had you come in on your time off; your vacations would have all been deferred to next year and when next year came you still couldn't take them; they would have frittered away the retirement money; you would have had to pay 99% of your health benefit; they never would have coughed up a bonus; all the people you would have worked with were idiots; and you would have been stuck in a Dilbert-like atmosphere, with Catbert trying to outsource your job to Bulgaria all the time.

Feel better now?



The Computer Chyck

Just remember this: you would have worked your butt off and never got a raise; they would have had you come in on your time off; your vacations would have all been deferred to next year and when next year came you still couldn't take them; they would have frittered away the retirement money; you would have had to pay 99% of your health benefit; they never would have coughed up a bonus; all the people you would have worked with were idiots; and you would have been stuck in a Dilbert-like atmosphere, with Catbert trying to outsource your job to Bulgaria all the time.

Feel better now?

NO because you described my current job. Bennies was $5/week for only a 10 percent copay, they had a bonus, admittedly the coworkers probably would have been idiots, Dilbert atmosphere yeah ok I'll give you that one. The outsource to Bulgaria, possible not that probable, got more worries of that where I am now......

..... need a glass of wine.....

The Compchyk



My Drawing of Monet
compchik. :hugs: & :chg:

You'll find something so much better! I'm on the same rollercoaster "need a job now" thing too -- we'll get what suits us best, worry not my little one! (pinky swear!!!!) :D

Mary (no garden, no lamb) :rs: :rs: :rs:



Doooooooooom !

Penguin Zen

Veteran Member
Keep The Faith.. That happen to me once got a thank you letter & everything from the company..3 weeks later got another letter & phone call if I was interested they wanted me... sooooo you never know.


Opinionated Granny

I am so sorry you didn't get the job you thought you wanted. There is a better one waiting for you to find it. Hang in there. We still love ya.



The Computer Chyck

You're so right.... I have to keep reminding myself what I THINK I need vs what HE thinks I need.

I just have to remind myself to keep faith in HIM for it is HE who will provide.....

The Compchyk


The Computer Chyck

Thank u you're right a chocolate chip cookie gives one perspective.

I had 2...... :whistle:

The Compchyk

Just Plain Mom

Alien Lizard Person
*sigh*...Well, maybe you didn't really want that job anyway. Maybe you want the job that's coming up...the one that's even better...right?

Hugs for you!


I am the Winter Warrior
Well, my advice, and yes, it's worth only a plugged nickle, so, take it however...but I'd say keep checking with that company. With the price of gas still climbing, somebody working there will decide *their* commute is tooo long and will quit...and your opening will appear. Pester them at least once a week; keep your name in their mind. You'll show them two things...first, that you really want that job. And second, that you're really persistent. Two qualities all companies look for.


Veteran Member
:hugs::hugs: Here's a couple of hugs for you! :hugs::hugs:
Just keep the faith - God has something better for you - continued prayers.


Under His Wing
:hugs::hugs: compchyk :hugs::hugs:

Thought you needed a few more hugs compchyk :lol:

So sorry the job didn't pan out, and like someone else noted, you never know, they may end up needing you anyway. keeping you in my prayers.



Veteran Member
Well, my advice, and yes, it's worth only a plugged nickle, so, take it however...but I'd say keep checking with that company. With the price of gas still climbing, somebody working there will decide *their* commute is tooo long and will quit...and your opening will appear. Pester them at least once a week; keep your name in their mind. You'll show them two things...first, that you really want that job. And second, that you're really persistent. Two qualities all companies look for.

Compychyk, Caplock has given you some good advice. Prayers said on your behalf that you still will either get this job or a better one. Take care and God Bless!

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Certa Bonum Certamen
I'm sorry things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to right now, but things have a way of working out for the best. Keep the faith!