INTL US to again withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council, stop UNRWA funding


Veteran Member

US to again withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council, stop UNRWA funding​

The actions come one day before Trump is set to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington.​

Megan Messerly

UNRWA is the main agency providing aid for Gaza’s population amid the humanitarian disaster caused by Israel’s offensive in the area after the Oct. 7 attack. But the U.N. fired several staffers last summer after an internal investigation found they may have been involved in the attack.

It’s also the next chapter in the country’s complicated, back-and-forth relationship with the U.N. Human Rights Council, which was created during the George W. Bush administration. Under Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden, the U.S. engaged with the council; under Bush and Trump, it did not.

A spokesperson for the United Nations did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The White House, in a fact sheet obtained by POLITICO, said the council “has not fulfilled its purpose and continues to be used as a protective body for countries committing horrific human rights violations” and condemned its stance on Israel.

“The UNHRC has demonstrated consistent bias against Israel, focusing on it unfairly and disproportionately in council proceedings,” the document says. “In 2018, the year President Trump withdrew from the UNHRC in his first administration, the organization passed more resolutions condemning Israel than Syria, Iran, and North Korea combined.”

But human rights organizations and some lawmakers argue that the Human Rights Council is an important, if flawed, entity in policing human rights abuses across the globe. UNRWA, meanwhile, was founded to support displaced Palestinians and has played a key role amid the ongoing conflict in supporting people in Gaza.


Veteran Member
We, as a nation, are bankrupt.

It’s always disgusted me that our “representatives” love to show generosity to every far-flung nation using someone else’s money. Mainly ours.

It’s time to stop sending any money anywhere that doesn’t clearly and quickly benefit the United States.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
NO Western "Christian" nation should be sending a penny to Gaza. Let the Muslim world take care of their own. Let the Muslim world take in their refugees. Let the Muslim world deal directly with Muslim immigrants within their own borders. We don't need them nor want them and they cause serious problems in our own countries where ever they are!!


Veteran Member

Kathy in FL

I reported this a few days back. Bloomberg's philanthropic foundation has agreed to pay the US's portion, the same as they did when Trump did this as "45".

It is no small chunk of change and the good thing is that it means that Bloomberg then doesn't have millions to spend on other similar causes.