Misc Update and free eBook


Contributing Member
I have decided to use Smashwords as well as just Amazon, since Amazon Select has proven itself mostly worthless after the various changes made in the last several months. This opens up a whole new section of readers that I previously was legally blocked from.

For those without a kindle... you can now get a copy of SIA:US for YOUR e-reader (Sony, Nook, Ipad, Etc.), or even no e-reader at all with a rtf or pdf file. Smashwords has my books that are off KDP Select at most major retailers, such as B&N, Apple, Kobo, Etc.

This fits my 'no reader left behind' concept, so I jumped on it.

I have also clicked up a promo coupon for my friends here at TB2K for 100% off of the cover price for Surviving In America: Under Siege 2nd Edition.

The code is CY58X and is good until June 5th.


Unless something drastic changes, I intend to get all of my books everywhere that readers will want them, in every format I can. That includes fiction paperbacks in large print and audiobook as well (for the sight impaired), which I have already started doing.

FOR KINDLE USERS: You can still get a copy as Smashwords carries the file in .mobi format, but you may have to side-load it.

Sideloading instructions: http://dearauthor.com/ebooks/dear-jane-ebooks/dear-jane-how-do-i-sideload-ebooks-onto-the-kindle/