Unsure how to describe this...but...i stink!


Veteran Member
So this sounds crazy im sure but hear me out... Approximately 1-2 months ago, out of nowhere, i began to smell bad. Now i know i know...shower more would be the first out of everyone's mouth but i already take two showers a day... And it only happens when i sweat... So here is my question... Is it at all possible that my body is producing some kind of toxin/excretion that is making me smell bad when i sweat? I used to be able to sweat, and short of being nasty, i didnt stink...and now...its rough... Any help much appreciated!


Ambros... in short, yes! Quite honestly, if you can't think (and really do try) of ANYthing which you've changed... diet, supplements (Vitamin B can change the odor and color of urine), drugs/meds, ... then you may well want to talk to your doctor. Our skin is the largest organ in the body (as strange as that may sound) and we DO excrete toxins in our sweat.


Kathy in WV

Down on the Farm...
Do you drink plenty of water to flush your body? Have you had the Dr. do a blood panel including diabetes screening? And-- have you possibly picked up some type of fungus problem? Just helping you brainstorm here.... I wonder if systemic yeast causes an off body odor? ALSO... have you started using a bath soap that has a "deodorant" additive in it? I can't use those- they throw off the natural flora of the skin for me.


Veteran Member
Have you changed your diet? Started eating onions or garlic? Started using herbs? Starting drinking something different? Change soap? Change detergent? Change laundromats?

Are you getting rashes or itches? Hair falling out? Change in your nails? Are the whites of your eyes white? Has your skin changed? Are you tender just below your ribs on your right side? Any tenderness anywhere new? Is there a coat on your tongue? Are your gums bleeding when you brush your teeth?

It doesn't sound crazy at all. Change in body odor is a medical symptom. It's a signal that your system has changed (unless you just started eating four cloves of garlic a day). That's about all I know. Get your list of symptoms written down and take it to your doctor if you have insurance.

Otherwise, it's time to hit the net. Try a search for "change in body odor" for starters.

Summer is here. Grab those berries. Do you eat at least a couple servings of fruit a day? Try mint tea. Drink at least two cups of black tea a day. If you drink sweet tea, lay off that sugar for a week and see if that makes a difference. Always, cut back on prepared food and eat more fresh and made from scratch.

My body odor has changed when my guts have gotten way out of whack or during a respiratory infection, or after eating a quart of fresh asparagus. Oh, never have a cold can of spinach and a bottle of Royal Crown cola for supper--you'll want to put a clothespin on your nose off for a week.


Veteran Member
nothing new diet wise, no new supplements or anything as far as i know? i cant really afford a doc at this point in time, no insurance and im somewhat on the broke side...as far as the diabetes screening its not something ive had done but i dont have the usual tale tale signs of diabetes and im in fairly good health, 6'3 230 lbs mostly in shape due to my job...the fungus...well...i guess its a possibility but i dont know how to get an idea of what it would be...and im using the same soap ive been using since childhood, good ol irish spring...hmmm....im at a loss as to what could have changed :(


Veteran Member
Here's the url for that search.
http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q="change in body odor"&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

I noticed on one of the hits on the first page that kidney problems are mentioned. Menopause was also mentioned, but at 6' 3" and 230 lbs. that doesn't sound like a problem for you. :)

If you had one of the bugs going around this spring, your guts may be a little out of whack. Something we girls do is have two or three glasses a day of cranberry juice and two or three servings of yoghurt daily. Cranberry for the kidneys and bladder and yoghurt for gut health. And plenty of water.

Try a bath after work. A good soaking is much better than a shower. It makes a difference.
Lots of boys stink worse in the summer than they do in the winter. I'm not sure why, except they spend so much time outdoors. If you mostly stink when you sweat, don't worry too much about it, just get into the bath/shower ASAP after working outside. Keep looking through your diet for anything that might have changed--check your soap and laundry detergent (they might have changed their formula).

6'3" ... 230...Hubba-hubba! :)
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Devil's Advocate
I'm no expert on this stuff, but it would make sense to me to drink more water to see if you could flush your system, and to keep a diary of what was eaten vs stinkyness in case you can't ... that way if nothing improves, you would have something specific to go to Dr with.



Veteran Member
Just wanted to add that we girls do such things as cranberry and yoghurt because the doctors tell us we just need to calm down and don't take our complaints seriously, even if we know we have a bug or something out of order. So we're used to treating ourselves instead of going through the uphill battle of having our complaints being taken seriously.

Your mileage may vary. A man is treated seriously. But not having insurance would make the doctors more likely to write you off as not worth the trouble.

I hope you do some research on the net, see what fits you best and what you can do to help yourself.

Beware the valiant cures and any guarantees.


Veteran Member
I will definately watch my diet more cloesely... Nothing has changed out of the ordinary...so i will keep that watched. I shower morning and evening...dont have a bath tub unfortunately...would love one but this house is so old it might cause it to explode...cant take my chances heh

As a reply to your response i didnt even see early ceeblue, i have no tenderness, nor have i noticed any discoloration of skin or eyes... all my laundry is done at home with the same gain detergent ive been using for years... its a mystery to me and oddly enough today while i worked and sweated i didnt stink...well...as bad at least....its definitely odd


Try some Bragg's organic apple cider vinegar. I take 1 tbs daily. Not to be vulgar but it is like a douche from the inside out. Helps balance your PH levels.


Ambros, men go through 'andropause'. Your hormones change just like ours do. If you are at that age, it could be related to a hormonal change too.


Contributing Member
A friend of a friend is having the same odor problem..went to Dr. and it has to do w/ his pancreas and kidneys. Dr. is running tests on him. You're in our prayers.


Senior Member
Have you tried changing laundry soap? I know that sounds odd. But we had used the same kind for years. They changed something in it and we didn't know. And when dh would sweat he smelled horrible. We now use a different laundry soap and also use like OxyClean. And the problem is gone. After all those clothes are on you well at least lets hope most of the day. So the skin is absoring smells from them as well as the other way around. And it is a cheap thing to try. So give it a try.


Veteran Member
My guess is that it is related to either diabetes or hormones.

Anybody ever notice how a pre-pubescent teen boy stinks to high heaven no matter how often he showers or soaks in a bath? As any mother who raised boys can tell you, that is an example of hormonal changes causing body odor.

A diabetic in ketoacidosis also gives off a distinct odor, but one that any practitioner would quickly recognize.

Get it checked out, as either is serious.

You know, not to scare you, but growths that you do not want can cause changes in your hormones. Many places in your body produce hormones....from your kidneys to your pancreas and liver to your testicles to your brain. All fairly vital organs that you do not want going haywire, right?

Is there a free clinic in your area? You can probably get assessed for free at a free clinic (thats why they call them free clinics) and sometimes even get labs done for free or for a nominal fee if you can document financial need.

Another option is to apply for assistance through your county's indigent medical services plan. They will pay for medical care and then when you have more income you have to pay them back.

I would rule out the soaps or other chemical changes mentioned above (soaps, etc.) first, then I would then do the apple cider vinegar for a week to correct your body's ph, and if you still have the problem, I would definitely get it checked out by a medical person.

Just my 2 cents.


Contributing Member
You need to do a liver cleanse. Not a liver flush but a cleanse. I'm doing one now and it has stopped the odor. Do you have white stuff growing in your mouth. Not yeast but almost yellowish colored film growing all over the tongue and cheeks. That is also a sign the liver is clogged with toxins.

Chair Warmer

Membership Revoked
Here's a good article for you.


parts of the article;

The odor is not necessarily fishy, and the type of odor can vary from time to time. In that sense, the nicknames referring solely to a fishy odor are misnomers.

Trimethylamine builds up in the body of patients with trimethylaminuria. The trimethylamine gets released in the person's sweat, urine, reproductive fluids, and breath, giving off a strong fishy or body odor. Some people with trimethylaminuria have a strong odor all the time, but most have a moderate smell that varies in intensity over time. Individuals with this condition do not have any physical symptoms, and typically appear healthy.

Measurement of urine for the ratio of trimethylamine to trimethylamine oxide is the standard screening test. the person would be given a high dose of choline (one of the precursors of trimethylamine) and then have their urine tested for elevated levels of trimethylamine.

Ways of reducing the odor may include:

Avoiding foods such as eggs, legumes, certain meats, fish, and other foods that contain choline, carnitine, nitrogen, and sulfur

Taking low doses of antibiotics such as neomycin and metronidazole in order to reduce the amount of bacteria in the gut

Using slightly acidic detergent with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5

Additionally, at least one study has suggested that daily intake of the supplements activated charcoal and/or copper chlorophyllin may improve the quality of life of individuals afflicted with TMAU by helping their bodies to oxidize and convert TMA to the odorless N-oxide (TMAO) metabolite.

Mutations in the FMO3 gene cause trimethylaminuria. The FMO3 gene makes an enzyme that breaks down nitrogen-containing compounds from the diet, including trimethylamine. These compounds are produced by bacteria in the intestine as they digest proteins from eggs, meat, soy, and other foods. Normally, the FMO3 enzyme converts fishy-smelling trimethylamine into trimethylamine N-oxide which has no odor. If the enzyme is missing or its activity is reduced because of a mutation in the FMO3 gene, trimethylamine is not broken down and instead builds up in the body. As the compound is released in a person's sweat, urine, and breath, it causes the strong odor characteristic of trimethylaminuria. Researchers believe that stress and diet also play a role in triggering symptoms.

Although FMO3 mutations account for most known cases of trimethylaminuria, some cases are caused by other factors. A fish-like body odor could result from an excess of certain proteins in the diet or from an increase in bacteria in the digestive system. A few cases of the disorder have been identified in adults with liver damage caused by hepatitis.


I'd like to add that I believe bentonite clay may also be taken for the same reason activated charcoal is listed in the article.

I wouldn't trust antibiotics to help the gut, but I'm not a health expert, it's just an opinion.

It would also be helpful to research which foods contain choline, carnitine, nitrogen, and sulfer to have a more complete list of foods which may need to be avoided.

It would also be helpful to research foods and/or supplements that will help break down nitrogen containing compounds. If I have the time sometime I may do some research on that and report back here if I find any more helpful info.

It looks like all the advice you got here was good with cleansing and yogurt for intestinal health as well as having some medical tests run.

Mrs. Chair Warmer


Great Great Grandma!
Since this thread was started about 6 months ago, I hope you've discovered and solved the problem.

In case none of the suggestions have worked and a doctor has not found a problem, you might try rinsing with vinegar water after you shower. One of my sons has the same problem. Nothing helped until he started pouring a glass of vinegar water over himself at the end of each shower. He also uses a cotton ball to daub vinegar in his pits in place of deodorant. It solved the problem for him. He used a large glass, put a small amount of vinegar in it, then filled it with water to dilute the vinegar. It's good for your hair too, cuts all the old soap film from it to bring back the natural shine.

Don't totally rule out something in your diet or soap. Companies change ingredients sometimes so there may be a change you are unaware of to a food or soap product that you have used for a long time.


Sometimes increased testosterone will cause an odor. I have had luck in the past with clients using liquid chlorophyll three times a day. It is a drink form from Natures Sunshine. Any algae will also work. They are very high in Chlorophyll.


Veteran Member
Wow i wish i wouldve checked back on this sooner... The problem subsided on its own, I did swap to a different detergent just as a test and it had no effect, as far as the diet i kept it the same mostly due to convenience with work and such... I don't stink anymore but for a few months it was pretty bad then just went away... Maybe it was a liver/kidney/hormonal issue? I'm really not sure! Anyhow i do appreciate all of the comments and suggestions, one of the reasons i love this place!


working on it
Are the whites of your eyes white? Has your skin changed?

wait.....the whites of my eyes are blue!

What could that mean?

I asked an eye doctor once after an exam and he said they were blue because I have very blue eyes. Which I do, VERY blue, but I thought that sounded like a cop-out :lol: