"Um...Why is there -wood- in the Freezer?"


Contributing Member
Well, there's a bag of hickory chips in the freezer because we like hickory smoke-flavored meat on the barbeque...and the package said, "soak chips for 2 hours before using"...and if forethought were my strong point, I wouldn't be slapping frozen steaks on a -propane- barbeque in the first place, right?

Soaked chips molded in the fridge, so one day, I emptied the whole bag of dry chips into a bucket of water, drained them after 2 hours, and put them in plastic bags in the freezer...

So now, after I drop the steaks off the back porch onto the concrete to break them apart, they're followed by a bag of wood chips...take out what I need, put them on the ceramic briquettes on the grill, and away we go!

Got any weird stuff in -your- freezer?

Pogonip, queen of slash-and-burn cookery...


Veteran Member
Paint Brushes

But not just any old paint brushes, they are covered with paint.

With a septic sytem, I don't want to clean our paint brushes (will we ever finish painting this house?) inside and into the septic tank. So, they wait until warmer weather to be washed outside. So why are they still in the freezer? Once something is put on the bottom of the To Do List, it does get forgotten.


Veteran Member
Pogonip, I bow to your superiority in the slash-n-burn cookery and your abilty to plan ahead for dinner!

After I pull out the 10 plus pound package of double wrapped "whatever it is, I know it's meat," aka wild turkey surprise, wait for it to thaw a bit before I peel it open to find out what it is, THEN drop it on the concrete, I find myself out in the yard with clippers clipping alder, apple and cherry twigs to throw on the lava rock for that smoke flavor. My ceramic briquettes are still in a box somewhere .....

Besides huge packages of unmarked meat in the freezer, I know their is a big bag of salmon trimmings, fins, tails, heads for making salmon chowder shoved all the way to the back.

Then there are the big maple, devil's club, cabbage and rubarb leaves I stuck in there last summer to do concrete casting. I can throw them out now, we have fresh leaves in the yard.

My kids put weird stuff in the freezer but I don't know what it is.


I don't really have anything odd in my freezer I suppose. Gallon jugs of cooking oil, a growing seed collection, and a dynamic number of ice bottles depending on how much free space I have at any given moment.



Frozen meat that got left in the frig too long and went bad. I put it in the freezer when I started smelling it and intended to stick it out on Mon. with the trash on pickup day. That was a couple of months ago I keep forgetting. :sht:


Alan, we do the dynamic ice bottle thing too - use 2 liter soda bottle full of water to take up space in the freezer.

The weirdest thing we have in there now: a gallon of maple syrup. It keeps better frozen.

The weirdest thing we've ever had in there: an 8 year old, 18 inch lake trout named "Harold". My father in law had caught him and gave him to us. He got pushed to the back of the freezer and forgotten about until we moved. We felt so guilty about not eating him that we couldn't throw him out. We actually moved him. We named him as a joke because at that point he was nearly a family heirloom.

Finally gave him to the local raccoons about a year after that. It made us feel better that he didn't go entirely to waste - the raccoons seemed to really like him.
