WTF?!? Ukraine Unveils New AI-Generated Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman (VIDEO)


Faithful Steed
It's funny that they chose a blackish woman.
Why not a neo-nazi woman? Or a skinny white Ukrainian.
UKR has more of neo-nazis than black people, I'd wager.
My comment at WTF?!? - Ukraine Unveils New AI-Generated Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman (VIDEO)

It is a "PC" creation (politically correct) And it says PC words and thoughts.

In the minds of those who created it - it speaks for "humanity" in all its myriad of races, colors, genders, sexual attractions.

And instead of a spokes-something with a vested interest - you get a spokes-avatar of NO interest.

Think of a non-white, racially indistinct, indeterminate age Winston Churchill: "nothing but 'Blood, Toil, Sweat and Tears".
Truth is - avatars don't bleed, toil, or sweat. Very hard to make an emotional connection to an avatar.





Let's Go Brandon!
Sure, why not? Because life wasn't enough like "The Simpsons" anyway.



Country exile in the city
This is worrisome. How can I believe anything I see and hear when we have AI generated stuff that looks and sounds like this? Who will I hold responsible for "misinformation?" Who will I be angry with when they are wrong? Who will I sue when they cause harm? How do we live in a world with non humans as spokespersons? If they can speak for us can they enter into oral agreements and contracts? Where are the limitations? Very worrisome.
Now we know how there can be an "image" of a live person that can be made to move--and speak--and give orders.

Just as predicted in Revelation.

Unimaginable in John's day---and even in ours, up until about 20 years ago.....