CORONA UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus

Red Baron

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Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus

By Greg Norman, Chris Irvine | Fox News

Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, has revealed he tested positive for coronavirus.

In a video message posted to his Twitter account Friday, he explained he had developed "mild symptoms" over the last 24 hours -- "a temperature and a persistent cough."

"On the advice of the chief medical officer I have taken a test. That has come out positive, so, I am working from home," Johnson said. "I’m self-isolating. And that’s entirely the right thing to do."


"But, be in no doubt that I can continue thanks to the wizardry of modern technology to communicate with all my top team to lead the national fight back against coronavirus," he added.

Johnson's diagnosis comes just a couple of days after Prince Charles revealed a positive test. U.K. Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced Friday that he has it as well -- and like Johnson, is now working from home.

"I'll be self-isolating here until next Thursday," Hancock said.

The United Kingdom, like many other countries around the world fighting the coronavirus, has rolled out a series of orders for non-essential businesses to close and residents to remain indoors unless otherwise necessary.

Downing Street told the Sun that several staffers will now have to self-isolate too, although Rishi Sunak, the chancellor (effectively the treasury secretary) will not because he has shown no symptoms.

Johnson, in his video, praised the medical professionals, police, social care workers, teachers and the "600,000 people" he says have volunteered in a "great national effort" to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Thousands of citizens around the U.K. took to their windows, balconies and doorsteps Thursday night to applaud its National Health Services for their efforts in fighting the outbreak. Johnson, who was among the participants, described the event as "very moving."

“I want to thank everybody who is working to keep our country going through this epidemic. And we will get through it," he said Friday. "And the way we are going to get through it is, of course, by applying the measures that you have heard so much about. The more effectively we all comply with those measures, the faster our country will come through this epidemic and the faster we will bounce back.”



I give up.
Their health minister too. The Queen hasn't seen Johnson since around the 17th of March, and she moved to a different castle anyway, so maybe she won't get it.


Honey Badger virus has no respect for the high and mighty. Would just as soon take out a President or Prime Minister as opposed to a peon. We are all equal in the end.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
It's going to be interesting when those celebrities and politicians, etc.. who die from this are listed over the next six months.

God has the perfect sense of humor, and he's as serious as a heart attack. Consider how many of these are hurting the little one's, causing them to go adrift.

How many have said they'd leave this nation if ........but didn't. Perhaps this will be God's way of answering their desire to leave. The good one's caught up in this, go directly to paradise. It's a win win.

I truly wish no harm on anyone, though that may not be totally true........ some very evil folks out there. I'm human.

Wheat and the chaff comes to mind. Very large populations are about to die off from a multitude of "things".