[Tip] winter item storage


Veteran Member
If your space is as limited as mine for storing bulky winter items during the spring/summer, try vacuum sealing them in trash bags. It's just the coolest thing since sliced bread.

Materials needed:

Large, heavy duty trash bags
vacuum with nozzel
items to be stored
rubber bands

Lay the bag on a table, place folded items (blankets, pillows, clothing, coats, ect) into the bag. Insert vacuum nozzel about midway, between layers and cut on the vacuum cleaner while holding the gathered edges of the bag firmly around the nozzel.
It will "vacuum seal" the items in no time flat, and speaking of flat, the finished product is only about a third of the original size.
Carefully slide the nozzel out of the bag, taking care not to relax your grip on the gathered edge, and twist it up tight, secure with a rubber band.

Note-if you use this method with jackets or other items that have zippers or other sharpies, fold these to the inside before sealing!
Also, if you have cats, it's a good idea to store you sealed bags in a plastic storage bin or other place out of reach. Kitty claws are detrimental to your finished product.

Edited to add- it has been kindly pointed out to me that "nozzel" is spelled "nozzle". Thank God for kids, I don't know how I reached adulthood without them :lol:


Thanks for the tip mijuco. On the spelling help thing...I have one of those in my house also. Ya gotta love them!