LEGAL This Wednesday December 1st Supreme Court takes on Roe v Wade


Certa Bonum Certamen

Justice Thomas Tears Into Pro-Abortion Lawyers With Hard Opening Questions

By Mike Miller | Dec 01, 2021 7:00 PM ET

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was sworn in on October 23, 1991. Beginning in 1996, he would take a 10-year break from asking questions from the bench, until the first case before the Court following the death of Chief Justice Antonin Scalia, his ideological soul mate.

While still measured, Thomas has been known to take lawyers to the mat when he sees fit to do so. Wednesday morning’s oral arguments in the Mississippi abortion case — that threatens to weaken Roe v. Wade if not overturn it — provided Justice Thomas the perfect opportunity to do just that, with a round of tough questions for the “pro-choice” lawyers.


Here’s a perfect example.
Justice Thomas: Does a mother have a right to ingest drugs and harm a previable baby? Can the state bring child neglect charges against the mother?
Pro-abortion attorney Rikelman: That’s not what this case is about, but a woman has a right to make choices about her body.

Thomas: 1, Rikelman: 0.


Thomas later asked:
“Would you specifically tell me, specifically state what the right is, is it specifically abortion? Is it a liberty? Is it liberty? Is it autonomy? Is it privacy?”
Jack Posobiec, the senior editor at Human Events, weighed in on Thomas’s performance, as well.
Thomas is reeling them in now
He’s asking them to tell him where any of this is written in the Constitution
Abortion Beckys are flailing about
They know there is no textual basis for Roe v Wade

As Election Wizard saw it, there were two “incredible moments” during today’s oral arguments.
Two incredible moments today from oral arguments at the Supreme Court on abortion.
1) Justice Thomas’ brilliant questioning about child neglect that tripped up the pro-abortion lawyers.
2) Justice Sotomayor’s bizarre remark that evidence of fetal pain is not proof of life.
How hypocritically left-wing of Sotomayor.

So here we are. As reported by The Washington Post Wednesday afternoon, “the [f]ate of Roe v. Wade is in the hands of” the Court following a “spirited day of debate.”

The Court, suggested The Post, “signaled that it is on the verge of a major shift in its abortion jurisprudence after hearing nearly two hours of arguments from attorneys for Mississippi, an abortion provider from the state, and the Biden administration.”

Ya know, you gotta hand it to the Democrats.

Despite controlling both chambers of Congress, the White House, and the “mainstream” media, things aren’t exactly going all that swimmingly on their side of the tracks. Crisis after self-inflicted crisis, several federal courts effectively blocking Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates across the country, and now a strong possibility that the liberal abortion mantra Roe v. Wade might very well get its wings clipped or “worse,” I’m honestly hard-pressed to come up with a single major area where things are on the right track for the left.

Pity, ain’t it?

So, let’s go, Brandon! Keep up the good work!


Certa Bonum Certamen

The ‘Stench’ of Abortion Politics

Contrary to what Sonia Sotomayor says, it comes from bad jurisprudence, not challenges to it.

by George Neumayr
December 1, 2021, 2:45 PM

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Wednesday asserted that the threat to the court’s legitimacy comes not from its jurisprudence in favor of abortion but from challenges to it. “Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the Constitution and its reading are just political acts?” she asked. “I don’t see how it is possible.”

Sotomayor is oblivious to the stench that already exists, emanating from Roe v. Wade, a ruling that invented out of thin air a constitutional right to abortion. That ruling has led to the killing of tens of millions of unborn children.

Reporters ignored that stench as they babbled excitedly over Sotomayor’s rebuttal to Mississippi Solicitor General Scott Stewart, who argued for the constitutionality of restrictions on abortion in his state. In fact, the correspondent for MSNBC standing outside the Supreme Court very primly announced that the network would not show any of the pro-life signs depicting the grisliness of abortion.

MSNBC, instead, assembled an assortment of abortion advocates to decry their “anti-choice” opponents and discuss every issue except the most salient one: the injustice done to the unborn child. Many of these lawyers and activists, of course, normally argue for “democracy.” But on this issue, they are starkly undemocratic, insisting that the people within the states should have no right to pass meaningful pro-life laws.

The incoherent rhetoric of abortion advocates was on open display Wednesday. Some of them fulminated against the Supreme Court, saying it would provoke a “revolution” by upholding Mississippi’s law. But others warned that if the court upholds it numerous states will enact pro-life laws. In other words, abortion advocates couldn’t decide if a ruling favorable to the Mississippi electorate would be popular or unpopular across the country.

Nor could abortion advocates get their rhetoric straight on the dangers of overturning legal precedents, given that most of their favorite Supreme Court rulings involve precisely that. Roe v. Wade itself was a blatant repudiation of legal precedent. For almost two centuries, the constitutionality of pro-life laws was taken for granted. Then suddenly in the 1970s, a handful of Supreme Court justices discovered a right to abortion in the Constitution. As the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia noted, that ruling was pure political mischief. In his dissent in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, he observed,
There is a poignant aspect to today’s opinion [upholding Roe v. Wade]. Its length, and what might be called its epic tone, suggest that its authors believe they are bringing to an end a troublesome era in the history of our Nation, and of our Court. Quite to the contrary, by foreclosing all democratic outlet for the deep passions this issue arouses, by banishing the issue from the political forum that gives all participants, even the losers, the satisfaction of a fair hearing and an honest fight, by continuing the imposition of a rigid national rule instead of allowing for regional differences, the Court merely prolongs and intensifies the anguish. We should get out of this area, where we have no right to be, and where we do neither ourselves nor the country any good by remaining.
The stench of abortion politics has wafted over the Supreme Court for decades. For Sotomayor to cast defenders of Roe v. Wade as apolitical is absurd. Her entire line of questioning smacked of noxious politics. After Scott Stewart brought up studies showing that the unborn child feels pain, she breezily rejected his statement.

“Virtually every state defines a brain death as death,” she said. “Yet the literature is filled [with examples of the brain dead] responding to stimuli,” she said. Just because the “fetus” responds to similar stimuli, she argued, doesn’t prove “pain or that there’s consciousness.”

Sotomayor embodies the very politics that she claims to deplore. She relies on a theory of jurisprudence — the “living constitution” theory — that is nothing more than the application of the liberal politics of the day to the court’s rulings. The court’s erosion of legitimacy traces to the judicial tyranny that that mindset unleashed. It took a range of democratic choices out of the hands of the people and placed them in the hands of nine justices. Nothing would do more to dispel that despotic stench than if the court finally overturned Roe v. Wade.


Only worry about what you can control!
So "You say you want a revolution...?"


@SenatorShaheen on new abortion restrictions going into effect in N.H. & the upcoming Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case: "I think if you want to see a revolution, go ahead, outlaw Roe v. Wade and see what the response is..."
They pissed their pants and are holding top level inquires over a bunch of flag wearing Americans taking selfies. Imagine the fear and inability to even move if they ever ran into a real revolution.


Veteran Member
The level of abortion rights crept up year after year so now you can abort up to the moment if birth. It has been my opinion that to effectively remove abortion we will have to do it the same way. Backing the "rights" backwards I legal cases increasing the limits one by one.

I wish it would just stop all abortions immediately but without true revival/spiritual waking I don't see it happening.

In doing post abortion counseling over the years in our church I see so much guilt and shame that the younger ladies are under I realize that our nation does not want to "awake up" but pretend all is OK.

It's hard to face the facts of killing your own child, denial is "better".

Best friend was in denial until the 10th anniversary of her abortion and she heard a baby cry in Walmart. It hit her like a flood and she had a total melt down on the floor of Walmart. But God's mercy was evident and healing began that day


Fringe Ranger
In doing post abortion counseling over the years in our church I see so much guilt and shame that the younger ladies are under I realize that our nation does not want to "awake up" but pretend all is OK.

For many people, coping with life largely amounts to beating your conscience into a corner where it will leave you alone. It's not really a workable long-term plan.


The Executor
Best friend was in denial until the 10th anniversary of her abortion and she heard a baby cry in Walmart. It hit her like a flood and she had a total melt down on the floor of Walmart. But God's mercy was evident and healing began that day
I've seen this happen time and time again. One day, out of the blue, it hits them like a ton of bricks. Their life is never the same again...usually it changes them for the better; sometimes it destroys them. Utterly heartbreaking. :shk: