They Love Me

Sara Brimmer

Lurks much, posts little

Darling EarthLink customer,

This is an automated email-notify sent to your registered e-mail adress.
Please do not reply to it as it will not reach the just department.
Recently there have been many reports of fraud activity regarding stolen account information and stolen identities.

This requires a full update on your records matching our database information to suit the future prolongation of account billing.

You will be prompted to provide full and complete information regarding your account with us just so you can identify your online personality.

Please take five minutes to fill out the forms.

Failure to update your online records will result in a halt of your email account and a possible reactivation fee.

Please Click Here to update your billing records.

Thank you for using Earthlink,
EarthlinkSuspend Representative.


Darling. They called me 'Darling'! I feel so special.


Wow. Do people actually fall for something worded so absurdly? Well, I guess they only need to find one out of millions in order to cash in big time.