The Top 14 Hidden Meanings in Commercial Slogans..


The Top 14 Hidden Meanings in Commercial Slogans...

"A diamond is forever." -- "Which is *exactly* how long you'll be hearing about it from the wife if you don't cough up the green for some ice, pal."

"Built Ford tough" -- "It's an American version of tough; not *really* tough, like German cars are tough."

"I can't believe it's not butter!" -- "Being around Fabio, for even a few seconds, makes you dumb as a post."

"Pork; the other white meat" -- "When Heston starts screaming that it's
people, don't say we didn't warn you."

"An Army of one" -- "Can't be gay all by yourself, can ya?"

"A diamond says you'd marry her all over again" -- "You're too classy for a $50 hooker every week."

"Have it your way" -- "Think of us as your personal hamburger whore."

"Just Do It" -- "We know you'll never get off the couch lard-ass; just buy the friggin' shoes."

"The new way to office" -- "The half-assed way to slogan."

"It's so chunky, you'll be tempted to eat it with a fork." -- "Those damn slicing machines are still dumping way too many body parts in our soups!"

"Must-see TV" -- "Yeah, what else are you gonna do, Shakespeare? Read?!"

"Calgon, take me away!" -- "I've got my Mr. Showerhead poised for action."

and the top Hidden Meaning in a Commercial Slogan...

"Like a rock" -- "God knows we weren't selling many pickups with that Boy George tune."


Ok, lets just cut to the chase, the REAL messages in most commercials and movies lately is that unattractive men, with severe personalty flaws can get GORGEOUS women HALF their age. So........................... my response to that is : WHATEVER.

(I'm absolutely orgasmic that I can FINALLY say that on TB without a certain person making a retort :D )

Hamilton Felix

AWw heck, Yammy. Are you sure it isn't less fun without the retort? ;)

I think the latest diamond slogan is something like "A diamond, render her speechless." That is pretty close to the truth, which is: "A diamond, that will shut her up!" :D