The Lurker

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...

Since it is now Officially "Fall", I REALLY need to get out into the garden and start dealing with stuff thats faded out of there. I still need to get out the last of the carrots and beets and get the beet/carrot bread made from them. there are still beans, picked a handful tonight. there was enough pea pods to put into a stir fry this weekend (I cant believe those plants have lasted this long). I still have loads of tomatoes and have been drying them, but will only get the last green stuff and pink ones when they say we'll have a frost, and also have a bin FULL of red ones in the fridge. And theres one more celery plant that I will have to give to someone-I have two bunches in the fridge now. I was going over the strawberries and yanking off the shoots to give to a lady at work, when I discovered.....
THE LURKER! in the spring, I planted cucumber seeds. Never came up. I then transplanted starts from the nursery. They died. I planted more seeds, and assumed they never came up because I never saw any, plus the squash wandered over there and it was all covered. The squashes are fading fast and mildewed to boot so I was shoving them around looking for last minute louies and there it was! One HUGE, ENORMOUS 12" long cucumber. on a vine that was all of 2 feet long. the skin looks like it might be a winter squash, but we'll try it! :lol: