CORONA The Fight Over COVID-19's Origins


Designated Grumpy Old Fart


The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins
Throughout 2020, the notion that the novel coronavirus leaked from a lab was off-limits. Those who dared to push for transparency say toxic politics and hidden agendas kept us in the dark. By Katherine Eban June 3, 2021

My wife ran across this article in of all places, the July/August 2021 edition of Vanity Fair. WHOA!! I strongly advise anyone interested in all the various questions concerning the Who, What, Where, WHEN, Why, etc., etc., etc., surrounding the creation of Covid-19 take a gander at this article. (shaking my head) What a monumental Fuster Cluck! It's a long article but well worth the read and will certainly answer a lot of (and raise even more) ORIGIN questions regarding this current mess and is a who's who of who screwed the pooch on this issue. And.......the USA is not an innocent bystander on the creation of this beast of an infection. It should also scare the hell out of you if you only take a few seconds to REALLY extrapolate where this is all headed if WE don't put a stop to this insanity of "Gain of FUNCTION" viral playground.

We are treading on very thin ice as a specie if we don't stop this kind of insanity. Read it and weep for future generations......if we can survive our own stupidity.


Faithful Steed
The article make Fauci one of Peter Daszack's victims.

A week later, an NIH official notified Daszak in writing that his grant had been terminated. The order had come from the White House, Dr. Anthony Fauci later testified before a congressional committee. The decision fueled a firestorm: 81 Nobel Laureates in science denounced the decision in an open letter to Trump health officials, and 60 Minutes ran a segment focused on the Trump administration’s shortsighted politicization of science.

Daszak appeared to be the victim of a political hit job, orchestrated to blame China, Dr. Fauci, and scientists in general for the pandemic, while distracting from the Trump administration’s bungled response. “He’s basically a wonderful, decent human being” and an “old-fashioned altruist,” said the NIH official. “To see this happening to him, it really kills me.”

Fauci was a Daszack ENABLER... There are Emails between these two confirming their relationship.

Fauci is as much to blame for the China-Virus as the Chinese.

Fauci is the one who "restarted" the Wuhan funding after being stopped by the Obama White House as "too perilous."

And the Vanity Fraud article is yet another hit piece on a Trump (Read Deep State) Administration.



Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Absolutely Dobbin, and if I remember correctly from other sources Fauci is actually on the "oversight" committee for the Wuhan lab that created COVID!! :bhd:

This is more than just a "sticky wicket"!! There is some SERIOUS STUPID crap going on and We The People are the one's paying the price. There are heads both here in the States and in China that need to roll on this mess. It will never happen, but it should!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just before the Covid outbreak, there were massive protest in Wuhan over an incinerator the CCP was forcing on the city to burn garbage. Tens of thousands of protesters were in the streets and they were beginning to get results. It's possible China released the virus so they could lock down Wuhan and stop the protesters dead in their tracks, as the movement was beginning to spread to other areas and could have turned into a push for Democracy. The CCP screwed up and didn't stop the virus from leaving China though.


TB Fanatic
There you all go … spreading a story contrary to what TPTB want you to believe. Then if true … the whole vaccine push comes into question.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
This WHOLE thing is one JI-GONDO coverup and one HUGE bucket of Bullshitte!! Never should have happened in the first place and has been mismanaged and "F"ed up from beginning to end. Everyone involved needs to hung by their thumbs until we find out who's responsible and they are held accountable. This kind of crap needs to end. It won't, but it should.