Food Summerthyme Would You Share Your Recipe For Chicken Stew?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Would you please share with us your recipe and how you can your chicken stew? Thank you


Oh, gosh... recipe?! LOL!

I just cut up boneless chicken breasts into chunks... maybe a little over an inch in size. I dredge in seasoned flour (a tablespoon or so of Lawry's seasoned salt and a pinch of poultry seasoning to each cup of flour-dont overdo the poultry seasoning because it can get bitter in canning)

Then I saute them (in batches, if necessary) in a heavy frying pan with butter or coconut oil (butter by preference) until they turn opaque. Add water to cover, and simmer 30 minutes or so, until the chunks are just cooked through.

Ladle into jars (I can this in pints and half pints- the smaller jars can make a meal for two with potatoes or pasta). Process pints for 75 minutes, half pints for 60.

I can most of my meat stews "plain" (no potatoes or veggies) because it saves on jar space, and we always have a root cellar full of potatoes and other preps. I often will toss in a can of canned potatoes and either canned carrots or frozen peas when opening a jar of stew, and you've got a quick, filling meal.

But you can add potatoes, carrots, etc to your stew before canning. Again, cook them to *barely* done stage (if you cook the stew fully before canning, it will be badly overcooked after processing). Same canning times apply.

Hope that helps!



TB Fanatic
ST that sounds delish, I wonder if Dh would eat it. We have a lot of chicken in the freezer, from commodities I almost never buy it. I'd just make enough for a couple of meals since I don't can. I just bought a couple of bags of frozen peas the other day. DH hates carrots.

God is good all the time



Oh, I forgot to mention... this makes a very thin "gravy" with just the flour used for dredging the meat. I generally make a roux (slightly browning flour in butter) to thicken it and add it when I open the jar... a few minutes of simmering gives a nice gravy...



We must be canning twins!
Isn't it great to have jars of heat and eat stew in the cupboard? I've had a rough week, and a couple nights (we froze 4 gallons of peas and canned 80 pints of beans, plus picked and froze 22# of blueberries) Hubby just grabbed a jar of stew from the cupboard, dug a few new potatoes and had a feast, with almost no effort.

I've got to get busy canning more soon!
