CORONA Steve Bannon's Pandemic War Room - Episode 1,137 – Deep Dive into COVID

Episode 1,137 – Deep Dive into COVID
RT - 48 Minutes
Bannons War Room
Published July 31, 2021

Aired On: 07/31/2021

Rumble — Top physician weighs in on the risks on the virus and how authoritarian rule is burying truth.

Our guests are: Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter Navarro

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ADE, leaky vaccine, get ready for a world of hurt.

Yeah, controversial title, but the truth is brutally ugly.

In the last few years I've learned not to trust anybody who pushes their mandates. Hell nowadays we can't trust any government body from the security apparatus to states and even counties. This includes all mainstream media sources, when science got corrupted by Michael Mann and the famous "hockey stick" all the way to the Lancet, it's abundantly clear the piper the masses are following - is stark raving mad. Science has been absolute and trusted to now, absolutely corrupted and distrusted. It's no longer science, it's scientism. A cult-like freakish monster.

If you have a mind to spend 45 minutes of your time, and have a basic understanding of medical terminology, you can get a factual account of what the dangers of an authoritarian mandate to take the jab, can mean to you, your loved ones, and children.

Dr. Robert Malone has been speaking out for the last week or two on one of the only non MSM outlets to be allowed to reach an audience of multi-million global citizens (Steve Bannons' Pandemic War Room). This is no crackpot, conspiracy theorist, wacko uber woo spreader. He's a credited creator of this vaccine like therapy which all the covid jabs are based. He's a self described true believer in vaccine science. He is urging an immediate stop to the global policy of the vaccine roll out. It's a huge danger to mankind, and if you take the 40,000 foot view, you just might realize, this is not hyperbole.

I'm pissed and mad as hell. In the last two weeks I've personally received tremendous pressure to vax up. Just what kind of creature could in good conscience, put this on another human being.

All of this is going to be coming out and the PTB will not be able to stop the groundswell of the mad as hell.

I'm cancelling some elective surgery because my doctor, who by the way saved my life in March, is dishing slow acting mental and physical cyanide Grape Flavor-Aid, ala Jim Jones.

Why am I hesitant, reluctant, and adammant in my personal refusal of the covid-19 vaccinces? Because F-You, that's Why.

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