ADMIN Sniping and nasty exchanges on the forum - FF to post 324 now 398.


Veteran Member
My granny always sent me outside to get a switch
I had a teacher who made us go outside and cut our own willow switch when we needed whooping (and I mostly did).

So the first time I went out there I found a really thin switch and cut it off (all us kids had a pocketknife, of course) and brought it back. She raised welts on the back of my legs with that thing and DID IT EVER STING!!! :cry:

So after that, I found the thickest one I could find and cut off, and brought it back. I figured she'd be ashamed to beat me to death with a club. She stepped to the door and threw it outside. That was when I learned she kept a stash of used ones and nailed me with that super-whippy flexible one which had stung so bad before!


Veteran Member
So after that, I found the thickest one I could find and cut off, and brought it back. I figured she'd be ashamed to beat me to death with a club. She stepped to the door and threw it outside. That was when I learned she kept a stash of used ones and nailed me with that super-whippy flexible one which had stung so bad before!
Yeah. I tried that big stick thing. Once. Just once
Granny nailed me anyway
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Veteran Member
This, a lilac switch, willow switch, and a paddle my dad drilled a bazillion holes into that made your butt look like dotted swiss afterwards.
Dear hubby got swatted in eighth grade by the gym coach by a wood paddle with holes drilled in it. Hubby admitted he was being rude to his teacher. He ended up with burst nut. His mom reported the abuse to the school. The coach called him Single numb nut the rest of the school year. This happened in the mid 1950s, Tucson Arizona, average class size of 45 students.


Neither here nor there.
Aw heck, that's the worst news I've heard all week! And it's only Monday.

Yep I was so excited to try one of their burgers, went with my bestie for girls night out... by 5he way we try to be home Byblos 7pm, OC gave me extra cash cause he had heard it was expensive and he really wanted me to enjoy myself. Talk about a let down, I can make a better burger at home, it was
I,e 5hey weren’t even trying.


Veteran Member
I’m still trying to figure out what burr got under his blanket.
Understandable with all that's been going on around him. Probably just had all he could stood and couldn't stood no more. Then again, this looked to be building and not just flaring up and dying off; it was a good time to put an end to it.

As to what this thread was supposedly all about until it went off the rails, I'm still considering that offer which was sent to your PM. Not to go out to Arizona, but thinking of maybe having someone come here to live like that couple were looking for. Intriguing....

ETA: OOPS wrong thread, I think! :crz:
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night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Boss, it was about ====><==== from a deserved banning.

Y'know, when things USED to get this drawed up, we'd lose 5 or 10 members and within 48-72 hours the fricking WORLD would convulse.

You folks would not BELIEVE how the weekend of 9-7/8/9 (and 10) 2001 was. KINDA like the last few days, only nastier.

Think mill had a point and we all need to back our responses back a smidge, and try to dial back down to 13, or, heaven forfend, 10.

And NO!! I AIN'T RUNNING a EAS test tomorrow, Tuesday 9/14. And THAT is FINAL.


On TB every waking moment
The thing about Internet forums is this: there are no facial expressions, there is no tone and folks can misinterpret another members intention in their post.

Happens all the time. I’ve learned this in the past and your choice of words matters.

Be kind, especially to those who are like-minded and that happens to be the overwhelming majority here.

Sometimes I really miss the not being able to edit posts. It made people choose words wisely. Typos sucked, but worth it.

ETA: enlightening even; true colors, whatever.

Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
And everyone went thru the windshield!

When I was 17 years old, driving in La Crosse Wi late one night, I watched
a car blow thru a stop sign in front of me, right into a parked car. There were two
girls/females in the car. I watched as the passenger's head hit and went through the windshield.
I kept on going as I had a squad behind me. (Yes, there's lots more to this story)

Anyway, going thru a windshield can ruin ones whole day or night.


Knuckle Dragger
Photos and video please!

Knocked down a little boar.

He was in a pasture with several bulls.

One of the few I didn't get a picture of.

One of these bulls put me on top of my truck a coupla years ago.

Not only that, I'm in shorts.

No desire for chigger bites on the 'nads. Makes for some highly uncomfortable positions with the Sawyer Extractor.


Flower Whisperer
Strange f*ckers but no animosity.

I had to laugh…but I think you hit the nail on the head!

We are all strange, unique pieces of the puzzle that is TB2K. From all over the country, from Ireland and parts unknown, we manage to come together with scattered info, bits of intel, etc. that eventually leads to some actual truths we can find nowhere else. We sometimes manage to find light at the end of the tunnel or we go through the windshield together when @Millwright hits the brakes. Lol! We do it as friends and adversaries but we make it work…like a family.

This is one hell of a road we are now on but we are all headed into the same abyss…together. I’m truly thankful I have you guys to go down this road with me. This is where I get the only “news” that I trust.

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Veteran Member
Knocked down a little boar.

He was in a pasture with several bulls.

One of the few I didn't get a picture of.

One of these bulls put me on top of my truck a coupla years ago.

Not only that, I'm in shorts.

No desire for chigger bites on the 'nads. Makes for some highly uncomfortable positions with the Sawyer Extractor.
I bet you could sell that video to Sawyer and retire. LOL!


Knocked down a little boar.

He was in a pasture with several bulls.

One of the few I didn't get a picture of.

One of these bulls put me on top of my truck a coupla years ago.

Not only that, I'm in shorts.

No desire for chigger bites on the 'nads. Makes for some highly uncomfortable positions with the Sawyer Extractor.
Dayuum boy!

Nad chiggers are bad.

Diesel helps but only in advance


Veteran Member
The only reason most of us aren't watching tv anymore is because the internet fills that entertainment niche. We are in the hills and satellite is the only way to get reception. I'm not paying that much for something I rarely use anymore. If most folks would be honest, it's an economic choice and not a social one. If I didn't have internet, I'd still have the tv on 18 hours a day. I do miss Sister Wives and the news when the weather is bad. I'd also love to see the Yellowstone series but I'm not paying $1400 a year for the privilege.