SHTF gifts


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Days that are special to us and the ones with us will become highlights of our tired, stressed lives. Remembering birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions will be a reason to celebrate.

I love the people I hope will make it here after the initial SHTF, but I know it is going to be a struggle to maintain that place of peace within us. We are all used to running water and electricity and we are not used to always watching over our shoulder for intruders. I have supplies, but not the practice. I know how to build the brick oven for baking. I know how to do a lot of things to make life simpler, but I don’t have the experience of actually doing it. It will be a challenge making bread by hand and baking in an outdoor oven and the many other life changing chores we aren’t accustomed to doing. It is going to become very stressful and we will have a tendency to be at each other more than usual.

I want to be able to let others know even though we are in hard times they are loved and appreciated. I want to be able to do something special just for them. I want to keep the family traditions and hopefully be able to pass them on to the next generation.

I started a gift box for the people I think and hope will be here with us when TSHTF and there is no electricity. My DIL likes Raspberry shampoo, soap and body sprays. I’ve collected a few of these just for her. They aren’t expensive things, just feel good things that would let the person know they are loved and their special day is celebrated.

I have a small notebook where I keep everything listed. I buy something, wrap it, put a number on it, put it in the box and log it in. Some of the gifts can go for anyone. I don’t know who will want pen and paper more. When the time comes, it is wrapped and ready in the box. There are funny things too. My SIL loves bubbles, sort of a running joke, so I have a bottle of bubbles wrapped for him.

To me this is a necessary prep. We can’t lose love, hope and laughter. As much as I need to plan for the necessities, the feel good things and entertainment will also become very important to boost morals.


Mtn Gal... it's a great idea. And I don't want to burst your bubble at all..

But please be aware that, except for possibly scented hard soaps and GOOD perfume (the expensive stuff, based on real oils and natural scents) many "scented "goodies tend to ... change... after a year or two.

I don't use much of this stuff, but was told by several others on an e-list about how BAD some of the stuff they cleaned out of various grandmothers' and aunts' homes after they died smelled. And they didn't mean they simply didn't like the scent.. in many cases it was stuff they'd given them as gifts (which is another story entirely.... but apparently those cute little gift sets rarely get used!).

So, probably it's best to at least DATE those prewrapped gifts, and if TS doesn't HTF within 18 months... well, some of your Christmas shopping is done!



Veteran Member
This is one of my most important preps, too, MtnGal. It is not easy to think about it now, when things are so good we don't realize how blest we are at present. But I am doing my best to prep for those special times, perhaps bringing a piece (or is that peace) of familiarity and comfort in that future time when normal takes on a whole new meaning.

I can't imagine a better Christmas for a child after the hellish nightmare plays out of the S*Hitting*T*F, then getting a novel by a favorite author. Or surprising my aging mother with her favorite chocolates. Maybe the chocolates will be stale (or partially melted in this Florida heat) by then, but I bet it will never taste sweeter.

I think about this every year at Christmas and birthdays. Paper and pen is one of my favorite prep gifts, and I have tucked plenty of both away. And perhaps, a bottle of aging wine tucked away for a special day. I have bottles of favorite perfumes and soaps, as well. There are new pocket knives stashed in my treasure chest, and other such gifts that will be valued after the old ones loose their shine.

I also try to pack away a sealed bin with a complete Christmas Dinner, and sealed bin with a Thanksgiving Dinner, every year. That first year will need such provisions. And of course, those provisions will be canned this, and canned that, but it will be a special treat, just the same.

I love this thread already, MtnGal.

Lady Seabird


Membership Revoked
IS the best prep gift, because your gonna need it sooner or later, all people will take another look !:ld:


Senior Member
I've been giving 1 oz silver rounds to my neices, nephews,family,freinds,etc for the last 10 years or so as stocking stuffers,at birthdays,or just because-some of them must have quite a collection by now;)


Veteran Member
Retired from teaching. I kept a lot of children's books. So the answer is simple...books, books, books for the youngsters.


Veteran Member
Deemy said:
Seabird, what is in your special dinner box?

Every year it's different, Deemy. And I haven't thought about this year, yet. But they all usually start with a large canned ham, with a can of pineapple rings and a bottle of maple syrup & brown sugar (that's how my family loves to eat ham). Then there's what we need to make green bean casserole, candied yams, mashed potato buds, gravy makings including canned mushrooms, all of the canned antipasto ingredients. Of course, there's enough flour, sugar and other ingredients to make favorite Holiday cookies, pies, and bread. And a bag of mixed nuts, Holiday candies, and the assorted beverages: Iced tea mix for the children, and Bailey's Irish Creme, wine, and other such goodies for the big folks.

Like I said, it's a bit different every year, though I think whatever is familiar and part of Holiday memories is best. Perhaps there are even better ideas to add. I'd love to hear them...

okie medicvet

Membership Revoked
I have thought about the same thing..I was thinking about soap and hard candies and chewing gum and not just books but paper and pens or even setting aside some crayons and paper for telling how scarce they might end up getting, and for me, nothing says childhood quite like coloring. :)

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
If we get to Christmas this year, I'm going to get each of the grandkids a wind up radio like mine-its small, recieves tons of SW and the other bands, I cant remember off hand what the brand is-Grundig I think, the price is in range for a Christmas gift and their mom can GTH because thats what I'm getting them. She always tries to get me what she wants me to get them.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Personally, I feel that precious metals (lead, copper and brass) are VERY important prep items for when TSHTF... :groucho:


Pissed off Patriot
Dennis Olson said:
Personally, I feel that precious metals (lead, copper and brass) are VERY important prep items for when TSHTF... :groucho:

You forgot steel for those of us who love the imported 7.62x39 ammo!

And you are correct Dennis, Lead and copper will be worth a lot more than Gold or Silver if TSHTF


I am the Winter Warrior
Learn how to make ink and a quill pen. The ink in those store-bought pens will dry up and then the pen will be useless. Pensils will be used up. Also learn how to make your own paper, because it too will run out.

We survive by our preps...But we *live* by our 'special gifts', our luxuries. They *do* need to be prepped for.