Septic Tank Plus Garbage Disposal = Good Idea?


My septic installer said it was not a good idea to run a garbage disposal into the septic tank as it adds moch more solids to the tank and you need to have it pumped much more ofter. If you have a septic system you are more or less rural so start a compost pile with all the scraps except meat stuff or feed the scraps to the chickens, etc. Waste not want not.


Contributing Member
I've always had an idea I'd like to have a garbage disposal with a drain to a seperate tank that would allow the water to return to the septic and the solids to be in a bucket that I could add to the compost. Something like the inside of a minow bucket.
Understand that gabble? :lol:

Anyhow, always seemed to be a good idea to me. But time and funds haven't gotten to that idea for us yet.


Veteran Member
Several people in our area have a disposal with their septic system. Our installer says that it will shorten the life expectancy of the system by as much as 50%, and recommends against using a disposal.

We compost.


I wouldn't do it. The less solids that flow into the tank the longer you'll be able to go before having to have the tank pumped.



Membership Revoked
Agreed that you should NOT do it. I have three septics on my property and our resort guests cause me fits by putting stuff in it that they have NOT eaten first.


Here (Outside Houston, tx) the Home depot's have special disposals made especially for use with septic systems. They have some type of "digester" fluid resevoir on them IIRC. They are also VERY much more expensive than regular disposals. I'll see if I can find more info.


Here (Outside Houston, tx) the Home depot's have special disposals made especially for use with septic systems. They have some type of "digester" fluid resevoir on them IIRC. They are also VERY much more expensive than regular disposals. I'll see if I can find more info.


Even if a garbage disposal would work, it would make more sense to use a compost pile. A compost pile gives you a valuable product (fertilizer for your garden), while putting the stuff in the septic tank will just make it need to be pumped more often. One way you have a net gain, the other way is a net loss.



Contributing Member
Years ago when we built a house in Jersey we were told that if we wanted a garbage disposal we would have to put in two septic tanks. Needless to say we didn't put in the garbage disposal.