saving seeds


Veteran Member

There is lots and lots of seed saving facts on this question and answer forum. Also use the faq link as it has lots of how to's.

For those of us who love gardening but have limited money, seed saving and learning how to start your own plants from seeds is the way to go.

I used to start a lot of my garden plants from seed when I had a basement and lots of tables and florescent lights hung above them. Then we moved, and just this past year I got my husband to hang a light in my kitchen. Yes my kitchen! I have no basement and no other place for it. I cannot start that many plants but with some juggling, I started all my tomatoe plants and squash and cucumbers and some flowers.

I plan on saving seeds from as many veggies and flowers as I can this year and at the end of winter, sow as much as I can in the house under that light. Maybe I can convince dh to hang another one somewhere!


When I was a kid eons ago, my dad used to save some of the seeds from our garden, but when the hybrids came out, we found that we didn't always get the same plant the next year. So we quit saving seed from anything that was a hybrid. Made for some interesting plants, tho.

I do save flower seeds like marigolds and tend to get the same flowers over and over. It's a fun hobby. Enjoy!
