PRYR RQST RIP: MartinHouse


Veteran Member
I'm so very sorry for your loss, FS. May God comfort you and your family and give you peace. She will be very missed here!


passin' thru
My condolences to you and the many others who have lost this light.
..Big Sissies are special, we're lucky to have em and it's always too soon for them to run on ahead o' us, even though it's but for a wee moment.

Thank you for letting us share in your prayers and her joyous journey home.

Kathy in WV

Down on the Farm...
I'm so sorry for your loss as well as your siblings, it sounds as though you had many happy years together. You and the family have my prayers for comfort.
I enjoyed her posts and will miss her! God bless...


Veteran Member
So very sorry. May the good Lord provide peace and comfort for Carol's family and friends.

Carol has arrived for quite the reunion 'over there'!

Until you are all together again... :rs:


Veteran Member
We are so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in our prayers. Praying God give all of you the peace that only he can give.
God Bless
Susan & Gene


Let's Go Brandon!

My condolences and prayers to you and your family,
at the passing of your sister Carol.

I spent a lot of time on, The Grand Solar Minimum thread,
where she was a major poster, and I always liked the threads
where she and TxGal, passed a lot of info on how they
were dealing, with the weather in their locations.

She was one, of my favorite posters on the board,
and her self sufficiency was an inspiration.

RIP Carol, you will be missed.

Please be safe everyone.

Regards to all.



Veteran Member
As I read these posts, I am saddened. But I also am reminded that we should all be so very blessed to have such an influential impact on so many people in life.

Surrounded by many many people who love an awesome testament of one's life.

My prayers are with you and your family.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
I'm sad to report that forum member MartinHouse passed today around 4:00pm.

She was 80 ( I believe ), the oldest of 8 siblings, survived by 5 of them, of which I am the youngest. She enjoyed her home and gardening and had far more years of enjoyable life than so many others ( self included ) who seem to choose to work till they drop. She was certainly above average and was perhaps the most influential person in my younger years that fostered many of my passions and curiosities in the sciences.

Rest in peace, Carol. You will be missed.

Admins, please move this thread if this is not the appropriate area and take necessary action, if any.
Sounds like a life well spent which is more than can be said about many who seem dedicated to wasting that precious resource, time.

Condolences from our house to yours.