Restructured Alkaline Antioxidant Water

I purchased a particular water ionization machine in April and have gotten miraculous results with family, friends and neighbors. Here is my compilation from sharing the water with others as of 7/11/10:

The acid reflux I have had for over 15 years has vanished.
¨ My rotator cuff pains have gone and I sleep better and have more energy.
¨ My wife wakes up much easier from better sleep and has more energy at the end of the week.
¨ My son is seeing faster recovery from his workouts, he cannot drink pop anymore and he notices other water “just does not absorb!”
¨ My father’s arthritis pain has gone.
¨ His wife’s leg swelling and pain has gone.
¨ A lady my father sold a machine to had her blood pressure normalize after being on the water a little over a month. A lump in her leg disappeared and she now walks better than she has in years.
¨ My father-in-law’s sugar is lower and less erratic.
¨ My mother-in-law’s two yearknee pain disappeared and both of their issues with reflux disappeared.
¨ A lady in the neighborhood’s arthritic back pain in the morning was gone in 3 days and she has not taken any acid reflux medicine since starting on the water.
¨ Another neighbor’s fibromyalgia symptoms including severe leg pain are gone and her acid reflux issues are gone (only 24 days on the water.) She now reports her arthritis pain in her neck is almost gone.
¨ Two neighbors’ prostate issues are reducing.
¨ Another reports he has significant improvement in function in the bedroom.
¨ Two others are seeing long term skin conditions clear up and one’s reflux issues are gone and the other reports more energy as well.
¨ Another dear friend has gotten off his Lasix for leg swelling subsequent to chemo. His chemo induced constipation ended after a month on the water and his color is coming back and his hands are warm again. He also reports much more energy now.
¨ Another lady’s long term constipation has finally ended.
¨ A young lady who was diagnosed as having over active liver and gallbladder after a bout with mono drank 2.5 gallons of the water before returning for blood tests which came back normal with regard to liver and gallbladder function and the nurse advised that her blood was remarkably clean and wanted to know what she was doing. Her friend told her that her skin is looking better and she sleeps better and has a ton of energy in the morning.
¨ A man reports his long term leg pain/cramping has ceased and another man’s long term knee pain has ended.
¨ Two men have reported dropping 10 pounds with no other changes in diet.
¨ Another woman has said her skin is noticeably softer and her back pain ended after being on the water.
¨ A lady with undiagnosed head/jaw/neck pain had all disappear after 2 weeks on the water and she is off her medications including reflux medication.
¨ Given her results, she put her daughter on the water who was suffering from a month long headache. At her first water refill, she reported the headaches were gone and she feels great.

If you are interested in trying this water we may be able to find someone who owns a machine near you who is willing to share the water for free. There are over 1,000 owners across the country willing to share the water.

Send me a PM if you would like additional information.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
Welcome to TB Oldironboy.

I'd be interested in more information on what you are talking about. What exactly does the machine do the water? Do you have any links to more info on the process?

Hello dis and HD, here is a link to a demo of the machine showing what it does to the water. It electrically "splits" the water into acid and alkaline water ie low and high PH. It also turns the water that you drink into a powerful antioxidant and it restructures the water molecule clusters such that they are in smaller clusters of 3-5 molecules per cluster allowing much better hydration which provides better oxygenation and nutrient penetration and waste removal from your cells.

Thanks for the welcome HD, I've been a lurker since y2k but never had much time or new material to share. This thing I cannot not share! Last week I was able to connect 2 people with others across the country that own a machine for a free trial. One in SLC Utah and another in NW SC. I would love to do the same for as many people as we can. I was not able to try the water before buying the machine but I am sure glad I bought it anyway.
Thanks for the advice and good intentions dis but too late. I'm sold hook line and sinker. You cannot convince me the science does not make sense, I am one whose 15+ years of severe acid reflux disappeared in a week. The list of folks I have helped is real and this technology has been used in Japanese hospitals for over 30 years.

As I type this another dear friend and neighbor is coming over to put in an order for his machine. He has been drinking the water for two months. Believe me, I am in one of the poorest counties in about the second to last poorest states. I would not be able to sell a pig in a poke to anyone around here if I were so inclined.

I didn't elaborate on this above but not all of these machines perform the same, that is what I meant by I purchased a "particular machine" My sister owns an inferior machine and she now gets her water from my father who owns this machine and introduced it to me. I'm glad he did.

These are some comments from health professionals:

Hiromi Shinya MD
o Dr. Shinya is the inventor of the colonoscope and is the recognized leading world expert in gastrointestinal health. With practices in both the United States and Japan over the past 40 years, he has evaluated over 300,000 colonoscopies/endoscopies.

o In his book The Enzyme Factor, Dr Shinya reports that his patients who follow his alkaline diet and drink Kangen Water have had absolutely zero percent recurrence of cancer.

Here is another doctor's perspective, there are many more:

Dr David Carpenter ND, C, Ac, C.C.I.
Idaho Falls, Idaho

* I know when people are getting well, and I can tell when something is making a difference. This water is making more difference in my patient’s health than any other water I have ever had them drink. To me the proof is in the pudding.

* A significant benefit is that the molecule cluster size of Kangen Water is smaller and scientists have proven that the absorption rate of this water is roughly five times that of regular water! As a result Kangen water improves the assimilation of the nutrients that you take. I’ve found myself needing less supplements since drinking this water and many others have experienced the same result.

* “I’ve owned several similar units over the past few years but I can tell you that none of them come close to working like these do no matter what the literature states. The promises and sales pitches make them sound good but they just don’t produce Kangen Water like the Enagic machines do.

* Since the body is 70% water (at least that is ideal) I consider water to be one of the KEY components to good health. The problem is that most of my patients do not drink enough water. They say it doesn’t taste good. They drink all kinds of things that are acidic in place of it. These acidic drinks like coffee, beer, soda, fruit juice, tea, etc. detract from real health.

* Kangen Water really does taste good and I’m watching people drink more of the Kangen Water than ever before. Honestly, this is about like discovering the Fountain of Youth in my opinion!

* People drinking the Kangen Water are experiencing health benefits like I’ve only seen with expensive therapy programs. What really thrills me about this is that everyone in your family can experience the health benefits immediately!

I may not be able to convince you to take a no risk free trial but you certainly have made me a skeptic of

Thanks for the good intentions, I really do appreciate it.