CORONA Researchers Create Aerosolized COVID Vaccine


Veteran Member
Call your Congress critter today

Emailed my local State one. Crickets.
It occurs to me that .gov might plant aerosol equipment inside all of the big retail stores and just spray everyone with the covid vaxxx. That way, you're 'vaxxxed' whether you want it or not. I imagine this would be Biden's wet dream.
I've suspected this, as it seems lots of folks get sick after entering a walmart.(Danny and Wanda from Deepsouth Homestead did)


Let's Go Brandon!
I am Jonesing to wear one of these if they push masking again:

View attachment 461793

I kind of liked the Zero Tactility guys from Transmetropolitan.



Saved, to glorify God.
You can be sure airplane and bus trips will coovertly vaccinate you. It will be put into the air supply of high rise apartments, and Walmarts, Costcos, Grocery supermarkets, movie theaters, stadiums, anywhere a lot of citizens gather. Public Bathrooms are a nice confined space to vaccinate.

Tell me, HOW do they avoid overdosing.people?
They dont even know WHO they have vaccinated and how many doses the have had!
How will they KNOW IF THEY are getting adverse reactions? How will they be held accountable for what may turn out to be catastrophically wrong decision?
There is NO FOLLOWUP on people they involuntarily vaccinate, no even advising them that they have
been vaccinated. This is treating people like cattle!

I would get a Supreme Court injunction against this ever even starting! ( IF it hasn't already!)
Theey ALREADY have established that we are their LIVESTOCK, to do with whatever promotes their agenda and interests!


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
And........if they can aerosol the vaccine then how difficult would it be to AEROSOL A VIRUS?!?!?! :hof:

I guess I'm going to have to full BIO-SUIT whenever I leave the house.:msk: