ALERT Regional middleast war thread Israel and Iran at war

This doesn't look good. Russia is feeling left out of all the action I guess.

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They have been high level talks. Saw a claim that Rus Foreign Minister was in Tehran early this morning, or it may have been last night.

Reports (don't know how accurate they are, the vid somebody claimed was from last year) that Putin was rushed to a meeting around midnight Moscow time last night.


passin' thru


passin' thru

Wow, Iran took a Serious Risk tonight besides from just launching an Attack on Israel. Since they did not issue a NOTAM for their Western Airspace before launching the Attack, several Commercial Airliners came within Close-Range of Ballistic Missile Launches, including this one on which a Passenger was able to Film several Launches from the IRGC’s South Shiraz Missile Base.


TB Fanatic
Iran would shoot it down in a heartbeat and blame it on Israel. And what better place to do it than over a large body of water to hide the evidence.
Tell that to the Ukrainian airliner shot down leaving Tehran's airport.....
Or that strange Flight 007 back in 1983.
Get a map. That ain’t Iran.
Iran, Syria, and Lebanon are not going to shoot a Russian plane.
I probably know more than most people you know about 007 and this isn’t like that.
Y’all are wound too tight


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passin' thru
Kyle Becker
"Biden is giving $6 billion to the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism... Biden’s ransom payment will be immediately used to stoke violence, bloodshed, and mayhem throughout the Middle East.."

Biden and Harris need to put another $1 in the "Trump Told You So" Jar


passin' thru
John Ridge

A brief round up of what we do actually know thus far about Iran's ballistic missile raid against Israel, named "Operation True Promise 2" by the IRGC.

Starting with the missiles, Iran employed 180-200 medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs), including Ghadr, Emad, and Kheibarshekan or Fattah-1.

A derivative of the Shahab-3, Ghadr is a liquid-fueled MRBM that ordinarily carries a single separable reentry vehicle (RV). These specfic missiles have been upgraded with maneuvering reentry vehicles (MaRVs).

Ghadr is one of the primary missiles Iran employed against Israel in April during "Operation True Promise."

A further development of Ghadr, Emad is a liquid-fueled MRBM that carries a single separable MaRV. Alongside Ghadr, is one of the primary missiles previously employed against Israel in April

Kheibarshekan and Fattah-1 are two of Iran's most recently developed MRBMs. Both missiles share a common or closely related propulsion stack and are likely derived from the Fateh family of short-range ballistic missiles.

It is unclear which missile (or both) was employed against Israel.

Kheibarshekan is a solid-fueled MRBM that carries a single separable MaRV. It was previously employed against Israel in April.

Fattah-1 is a further evolution of Kheibarshekan which replaces the traditional MaRV with a unusual impulsive MaRV.

In exchange for reduced payload, it has a solid-fuel sustainer motor to provide midcourse divert capability while exoatmospheric. This is presumably intended to enhance its survivability against Arrow and THAAD.

The IRGC has claimed Fattah-1 was employed, but this cannot currently be verified based on the available debris.

The areas affected by this raid include Nevatim Airbase, Tel Nof Airbase, the headquarters of Mossad, and civilian infrastructure in central Israel.

Nevatim Airbase was struck by a dozen or so missiles with unclear effects. The RVs have notably depressed entry angles with widely dispersed points of impact. Nevatim was previously struck by 7-8 missiles in April to minimal effect.

Nevatim houses 116, 117, and 140 Squadrons, which operate F-35I Adir.

el Nof Airbase was struck by multiple ballistic missiles, with a least one impact appearing to cause secondary detonations.

Tel Nof houses 210 and 5601 Squadrons, the former operates Eitan UCAVs and the latter is the IAF's test squadron. Tel Nof is widely historically suspected to likely house Israel's nuclear gravity bombs.

single missile impacted ~500 meters from the headquarters of Mossad in Gililot, with the building itself suffering no effects.

Another missile struck and damaged the premises of a school in Gedera in central Israel

9. Another view of the strike on Nevatim Airbase, verified by @JakeGodin. (POV: 31.076197, 35.028013)


10. Impacts on or near Ort Tel Nof airbase, verified by @TwistyCB. (POV: 31.833837, 34.857067)


Reported casualties are minimal given the scale of the raid, with two Israelis in Tel Aviv suffering minor injuries from fragmentation.

A Palestinian was killed by the impact of a spent booster outside Jericho in the West Bank.



Has No Life - Lives on TB

Wow, Iran took a Serious Risk tonight besides from just launching an Attack on Israel. Since they did not issue a NOTAM for their Western Airspace before launching the Attack, several Commercial Airliners came within Close-Range of Ballistic Missile Launches, including this one on which a Passenger was able to Film several Launches from the IRGC’s South Shiraz Missile Base.

Just a note some here might find interesting. While those missiles appear to be flying slowly, by the time they get to the upper reaches of the video's frame they are already traveling at tremendous speed. The distance makes for an optical illusion of slowness.

I'm sure that everyone here has seen WWII film of flak being shot up into the sky. One can see the tracers, which look like a string of pearls slowly ascending into the sky. The fact is that almost all tracer munitions are flying at more than 2500 feet-per-second! Again, the distance makes it appear slower than it really is. Also, with tracers, there are usually three to five shells between each tracer shell that you can't see.

Want something faster? Look into the evening sky for meteors. It depends on their orientation to Earth, but many are flying faster than 5,000 feet-per second, even though they appear to be making a graceful and slow arc in the sky.



passin' thru
Jason Brodsky

Khamenei was in a secure location after he launched his missiles, while the people of #Iran and others were left exposed. That sums up the nature of the Islamic Republic.


The President of France, Emmanuel Macron stated earlier that he “Condemns in the Strongest possible Terms” tonight’s Iranian Missile Attack on Israel, and that France has Mobilized its Forces across the Middle East against the Threat posed by Iran.


passin' thru
Will Schryver
‼️ Telling Fact

Two US destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean launched TWELVE SM-3 ballistic missile interceptors today in a futile bid to stem the tide of a huge Iranian ballistic missile salvo.

You know how many SM-3 missiles the US produces each year?



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On TB every waking moment
Ian Ellis

Iran Launches 180 Ballistic Missiles at Israel (NYT)

- Many of the missiles were intercepted with the help of the US, but some fell in central & southern Israel
- 2x US Navy destroyers fired a dozen interceptors
- Targeted military bases & Mossad HQ
- Israel vowed to retaliate

So how deep are the ABM stocks after this?...


passin' thru
AFP News Agency

#UPDATE US says it is discussing a joint response after Iran fired a barrage of missiles at Israel, warning Tehran of "severe consequences".

Tehran says it will strike any forces that intervene on its soil on Israel's behalf



passin' thru
Almost seems as if they've decided it's time for their lil friend in the well to make an appearance :shkr:

- or- the back channel negotiations have again been successful in scripting an apparent ferocious series of engagements for the two, to placate their respective domestic interests with more o' that ole "sound n fury, signifying nothing" series of strikes on one another. :hmm:
Huh.....I think the Iranians, or more specifically the IRGC are living in a glass house.
Will Schryver
‼️ Telling Fact

Two US destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean launched TWELVE SM-3 ballistic missile interceptors today in a futile bid to stem the tide of a huge Iranian ballistic missile salvo.

You know how many SM-3 missiles the US produces each year?

and........................... in the several appearances from the US mil and gov, nobody has said any of them hit anything,

that's telling


Country exile in the city
Almost seems as if they've decided it's time for their lil friend in the well to make an appearance :shkr:

- or- the back channel negotiations have again been successful in scripting an apparent ferocious series of engagements for the two, to placate their respective domestic interests with more o' that ole "sound n fury, signifying nothing" series of strikes on one another. :hmm:
good point.

I'd forgotten.

They would WELCOME mass destruction--to themselves or to the entire world--because, in their teachings, THAT is what will cause the Mahdi to appear to "save Islam".

Therefore, they would gladly set themselves up deliberately to BE destroyed.

day late

money? whats that?
AFP News Agency
Replying to @AFP
#BREAKING Iran chief of staff threatens to hit all Israel infrastructure if attacked
^^^THIS^^^ is what I've been warning about. Iranians are bluffers that believe their own press. They have the missiles to reach Israel. They launch and then threaten if Israel responds they will be wiped out. RIGHT!!! They have talked themselves into believing that now, because they have these new missiles, Israel wouldn't dare to respond out of fear of them. And after this, they are likely to have that bluff called.

It won't be pretty. Israel had the problem of not having a reason to hit Iran. They only had Hamas and Hezbollah. Now things have changed. Direct action was taken by Iran, AFTER the spanking they got last time. Israel will not forget that.


passin' thru
Mario Nawfal


"Number two, they unfroze $100 billion of Iranian assets.

They're effectively handing these guys pallets of cash.

The Iranians are buying weapons."

Source: Fox
Ritter on the Judge today gives a fairly balanced synopsis of what happened today. He does point out that Russia has given Iran S-400's, advanced radar, and most probably advanced Russia fighters; and emphasized that all are most likely manned by Russians, as they have done in the past. Good analysis.


On and On, South of Heaven
Mario Nawfal


"If Iran launched missiles at Israel, the U.S. president should blow the country to smithereens.

When I was in office, Iran had no money for Hamas or Hezbollah, and there was no terrorism.

Iran can't have a nuclear weapon, and I had them in a position to make a deal."

Source: RSBN
rt 1m

Sorry, Trump is wrong.

Iran CAN have a nuclear weapon and I would place major money on the gambit that they already have one, purchased via Pakistan.