There are no reports of any injuries following the missile barrage, the Israeli ambulance service has said.
Almost, 200 of them. Many struck throughout Israel.I was napping.
Are the missiles actually originating from Iran?
I'm sure they told him that.Biden directed US military to aid in Israel defense and shoot down missiles (via FOX)
The Iron Dome primarily intercepts short-range rockets and artillery shells.Where is Iron Dome?
Baghdad Bob comes to mind.Iran claims 80% of missiles hit targets in Israel
They have to hunker down for the coming response.
And the first thing I would want to do is take a close up of unexploded ordinance.
Watch more videos on Twitter. They got hammered.Baghdad Bob comes to mind.
This and the reports of completely obliterated Israeli airbases can't both be true.There are no reports of any injuries following the missile barrage, the Israeli ambulance service has said.
There is no way these were on the ground or there. I'd be shocked if any plane was hit.
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So far a building, street in front of school, open areas, and multiple impacts inside the Nevatim Air Base in the Negev again.Watch more videos on Twitter. They got hammered.
I watched the videos. But no way of knowing where those that landed exploded. Those may have been all the ones that ended up in the desert. I note there was a distinct lack of secondary explosions which would likely occur if they hit anything important. Also note that Israelis say no casualties. That is inconsistent with the stated Iranian success rate, and I'll trust the Israelis over the Iranians any day. I'm not saying none got through, but I'd wager it wasn't anywhere close to 80%.Watch more videos on Twitter. They got hammered.
I'm sure Bibi is quaking in his boots.Iran says Israel will face "crushing" attacks if they respond (via FOXnews)
FWIW, the Iron Beam system is likely in play; it would be interesting to know it's full capabilities.Only the ARROW and Patriot systems are capable of shooting down balistic missiles. Iron dome, is very short range. They can only take out short range rockets.
Here's the VIX. Look at the spike when the 1st info came out about an imminent Iranian attack then a small correction as we waited. Next spike is the attack and now it's retracing with the attack ending. Market was red everywhere but oil and PM's. Still looks uglyI find it interesting there has been basically no reaction from the markets to this. Nasdaq is down a % but that was down before the missiles started flying. I think more in response to long-shoreman strike since Nasdaq is tech-heavy and they do a lot of their manufacturing overseas.
It appears they are targeting populated areas--and Iran is claiming 80% of their missiles hit target.