POL Obama website riles Muslims


Posted on Sun, Jul. 06, 2008
Obama website riles Muslims
Vanessa Alikhan was at a Democratic ''unity party'' when she overheard another guest indignantly refute the rumor that Barack Obama is Muslim, as if it were a racial slur. She later recounted the conversation to a friend.
''She told me that this is politics and that I should just deal with it,'' said Alikhan, a Fort Lauderdale graphic artist who converted to Islam about five years ago. ``To me this is the same as telling an African American or a Jewish person they should deal with discrimination because people aren't ready to embrace them as a group.''

She and other American Muslims are speaking out, as the Obama campaign pushes back on widely e-mailed and patently false claims that he is tied to Islamic terrorists. The rumor could be particularly damaging in a must-win state like Florida, which has a large Jewish population.

Determined not to be ''swift-boated'' the way 2004 nominee John Kerry was buried by attacks on his military record, the Obama campaign has set up the website www.fightthesmears.com. While Muslim leaders understand the campaign's responsibility to counter misinformation, they say the classification of being Muslim as a ''smear'' goes too far.

Their outrage peaked when the Obama campaign asked two women wearing head scarves to move away from the candidate -- and the television cameras -- at a rally last month in Detroit. Obama personally apologized to the women, but the incident reflected the difficulties of balancing hard-nosed political calculations with the campaign's overall message of change and unity.

''The truth is Obama has both set the record straight about his religious upbringing, background and faith -- and spoken out against efforts to marginalize Muslims,'' said Obama campaign spokesman Josh Earnest.


He pointed to Obama's interview with CBS' 60 Minutes, in which he said, ``I have never been a Muslim. I'm not a Muslim. These e-mails are obviously not just offensive to me, somebody who is a devout Christian, who's been going to the same church for the last 20 years, but it's also offensive to Muslims, because it plays into, obviously, a certain fear-mongering there.''

But some Muslim leaders said Obama needs to do more to make it clear that he welcomes their support in his campaign. Though he's spoken at many churches and synagogues -- including a conservative congregation in Boca Raton -- he has never visited a mosque, said Altaf Ali, executive director of the South Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. There are between 200,000 and 400,000 Muslims in Florida and about seven million nationwide.

The Muslim community saw little outreach from presidential candidates until 2000, when Republican George Bush successfully enlisted Muslim donors and included mosques in his proposal for government partnering with religious institutions. But since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, many American Muslims say they are treated with suspicion.

''Since 9/11, our community has been portrayed as inherently evil, and what Obama is doing is adding to the negative stereotype,'' Ali said. ``His message is about change, and he has to appeal to every minority group.''

That's a tall order for the first African-American presidential nominee as he tries to broaden his appeal for the general election. Ali said that Obama, who spent part of his childhood in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, is uniquely suited ``to be a bridge between America and the Muslim world.''

Saif Ishoof, president of the Center for Voter Advocacy, a nonpartisan group that educates Muslims about the political process, said Republican John McCain also needs to show more sensitivity.

Ishoof, a lifelong Republican, said he bristles when McCain consistently refers to ``Islamic terrorists.''

''By using that phraseology, he is giving credence to a world view that 99 percent of Muslims do not consider their own,'' said Ishoof, an attorney who runs a Miami engineering firm.

Though the Muslim community pales in comparison to other religious voting blocs in Florida, Ishoof noted that it is concentrated in central Florida, the battleground region of the state.


Muslim voters could make the difference in several states crucial to winning the White House, including Michigan, Ohio and Virginia.

''Every vote is going to be critical,'' Ishoof said.

Alikhan said she will continue to volunteer for the Obama campaign but vowed that she will also try to educate voters about Islam. She described her recent experience with anti-Muslim bias in an e-mail to about 1,500 friends and Democratic activists.

The e-mail began ''Hello and Salaams'' and ended with, ``The photos are of me and my husband so that you can see what a Muslim American looks like.''

They are an attractive, well-dressed couple in their 30s who look like they belong in a South Beach club -- except that they heed their religion's prohibition on drinking.

''I am an American, and I felt all of the pain that Americans felt for the 9/11 victims,'' Alikhan said. ``Yet I've had fingers pointed at me and been asked the most ridiculous questions you can imagine. . . . I'm not asking Obama to go to a mosque or call me on the phone, but I'd like to see him show some more sensitivity



Veteran Member
somebody who is a devout Christian, who's been going to the same church for the last 20 years,

Yes, let's talk more about that "church". Also note that classic trap, I go to church therefore I am a christian...:kaid:


As I understand it, or a speculation, that I don't recall where I read or I'd post a link -- his name itself sets him apart as an African-Muslim, purposefully separating him from the "tribal" names of Africa and making the distinction clear for those that understand it.


Contributing Member
I,m a believer

Church does not make a believer, the heart does.

Thats true....A building cant make you a believer, but your actions can..and his actions, sitting for 20yrs in the pew and agreeing with the hateful sermon that was spewed by the Rev Wright doesnt reflect a christian


TB Fanatic
As I understand it, or a speculation, that I don't recall where I read or I'd post a link -- his name itself sets him apart as an African-Muslim, purposefully separating him from the "tribal" names of Africa and making the distinction clear for those that understand it.

his dad rather arrogantly gave him his own name