NukAlert Text - Wearing off unit.


Veteran Member
The earlier thread tonight about NukAlerts brings to mind a question I have.

Has anyone else experienced fading of the text on the back of the unit?

I have one on my keychain and am concerned that I will not be able to read it if I need to in an emergency.

Has anyone done anytihng to preserve their text? Clear nail polish? Any ideas?



Membership Revoked
I'm not to sure how well this will work. But back when I used to ski, we would put a very tough, clear tape on top of the ski to protect it from scratches. Looks like you would have to poke a hole in the tape......


Veteran Member
Yes, mine was doing the same thing but I noticed it in time. If your key chain is anything like mine (I have a mini led flashlight, extra keys etc.) you might want to reposition your nukalert on your key chain. I noticed that something was rubbing the top of my nukalert and it is now hanging below everything. Just my solution.


I've got one of the ones Shane/KI4U was selling for half price due to the text being defective and expected to wear off. I printed off the page from the instructions covering the expected radiation level for a given number of chirps. I keep the paper in my wallet. Works for me. I think these are good backup devices. I've got one of the refurbished Cival Defence radiation detectors that KI4U repaired and certified that would be my primary means of measuring radiation in an emergency. The Nukalert is good for alerting me to a silent event and as a backup to the primary meter.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I also bought one of the cheap ones with the less permanent text and saw that the text was slowly wearing off. I just put a piece of laminating plastic over the back and trimmed away the excess. I also printed out the chart on Shane's website and keep that handy since if that thing ever goes off in earnest I don't want to be trying to read the tiny print while swearing and crying and driving 120 mph! ;)