Need help with canned cheese


Contributing Member
I attempted to use Kraft's canned cheese for mac and cheese last nite.
Boiled the noodles, melted 1/2 of the cheese in a sauce pan, what a mess. Stuck to the bottom and sides of the pan, pan is still soaking.
It tasted ok, but just as soon as the cheese started to cool (right off the burner) it started hardening.

What could I add to this to restrict or slow the hardening of the cheese to make it more a sauce.

This meal is for the TSHTF type of meal. So what ever I add needs to be something I can store in my pantry.

As a side note, I also have the canned butter, love the stuff. Open the can, put in a plastic tub with lid, leave it on the counter, it stays nice and creamy no seperating or melting due to warm temperatures in the kitchen. I did put it in the frig once, I had to scrap at it like a block of ice.



Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
You need to make a cheese sauce. The Kraft canned cheese (which I also use) acts just like a regular block o' cheese. So make the cheese sauce, and you'll have no more trouble.


Membership Revoked
Since you're using stuff out of the pantry, try mixing up about a cup of powdered milk and heating that up and melting the cheese into it. Then add the boiled noodles and butter. And keep the heat low so it don't stick to the pan! ;)


Opinionated Granny
You can also make your macaroni in a large pan with a metal bowl on top with the cheese in it (ala double boiler). When cheese is melted and the macaroni is done, drain the macaroni and add it to the bowl of cheese. Mix well and Voila! Macaroni and cheese. I would add a little butter and milk, but that's just my taste. I would also add some finely minced onions and some rehydrated hamburger to the mix for extra taste and protein.

When it is all done, you can pop it into the sun oven in a buttered pan with some buttered bread crumbs on top and bake it like you would in an oven. How's that for a survival dish? :D



Membership Revoked
"This meal is for the TSHTF type of meal."

Sounds like a good think that this meal wasn't near a fan! You'd be saying TS SHOULD HTF! :lol: :lol:


Contributing Member
A.T.Hagan said:
Try doing something like this site says:

<strong><i>Real</i> Macaroni and Cheese</strong>

The faint of heart can leave out the spicy stuff.

MY kind of macaroni and cheese! :lol:


....and mine! Except mine has chopped onions, chopped red and green bell peppers, a dollop of ferocious Dijon mustard, ~and~...instead of tabasco (too vinegary for my taste), a tablespoon or two of Vietnamese Garlic Chili Sauce, or Sambal Oelek--both of these can be found in a good store's oriental food section, and can turn a Girl Scout troop into a baritone choir....


Veteran Member
Hi guys,

Guess I'm a savage, but for SHTF mac and cheese, I just keep the box stuff around. You can throw lots of things in to spice it up and the cheese packets are handy for cooking other recipes as well. Also, (I know this isn't goumet, but....) Velveeta in a box makes excellent mac and cheese. Velveeta has exp. dates out to 6 months or more and it can sit on the pantry shelf until opened.