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My masterpiece is complete: James Madison's Constitutional Convention notes


Contributing Member
Of all the audio book projects I've been able to directly work on or assume management for, none of them is so near and dear to me as the notes that James Madison took while being a part of the construction of the U.S. Constitution. Originally written in 1787 within the context of those actual debates between all of the Framers, Madison's notes would not be revealed to the world until after his passing.

I assembled a loosely-constructed group of over 50 people, and matched one voice to one Founder in this set of recordings that represents over 9 years of hard work. There is no voice re-use within this work. Many of the voices you hear in this (including my own) are actual Tea Partiers, several of whom I have direct knowledge that they along with myself were present in Washington D.C. for many of the events and protests.

Journal of the Debates in the Convention which Framed the Constitution of the United States

This audio book is not a product for sale. It is free and open source in the public domain. For your families, and ours.


Contributing Member
This is an INCREDIBLE product. I have just begun listening to the first file and it is fantastic. It will be a process, but I really look forward to working through these files. Kudos for posting them. I can't imagine how much work this must have been.

The amount of cutting and pasting of audio to get it all in the correct order was the worst part. It was all worth it though. I've listened to it many times throughout the creation and I know I'm biased but I think it's the best way to consume the information that Madison left for us.

Reading it from text doesn't do the content justice.


Contributing Member
If i download the one file, is it the whole projects audio recordings or...?

VERY interested in listening to these over the winter.

Adding: what an incredible labor of love.


Archive.org puts files there during cataloging and I can't control that. There's an auto generated spectrogram and an auto generated PNG which represents the audio waves of the recording, which is used for playback while users are on the web page.

There are several different easy ways to download single files from there. In the "Download Options" on the right hand side in the grey box, click "show all". Also, the VBR MP3 opens up into a dialog and I think that allows you to download just the mp3 files.


I would love to access this, but all I get is about: blank

I'm on a newer samsung tablet ( android) I tried refreshing the page, still same. Leaving it on about: blank, eventually it said archive.org took too long to respond.

Maybe I'll just have to try later.....

Thanks so much for your effort to increase understanding of what this country is about. It sounds like it should be required in schools, we desperately need that.

GB Appling

Senior Member
I really wanted to check it out. Thank you for your hard work compiling all that into a central location.
Link is saying temporarily down to follow Twitter Feed.


Contributing Member
So - are they coming for you yet because of your "Disinformation?"

Asking for Owner...


If they are coming for me, I'm not aware of it. (yet!)

The good thing about following an old script and just "saying what he said" is that it becomes a little bit stickier of a challenge to call it disinformation.

I do hope that by pushing so hard and creating a ton of audio books I can demonstrate that this is a valid and good path that other conservatives should do the same and follow this course.


Contributing Member
I would love to access this, but all I get is about: blank

I'm on a newer samsung tablet ( android) I tried refreshing the page, still same. Leaving it on about: blank, eventually it said archive.org took too long to respond.

Maybe I'll just have to try later.....

Thanks so much for your effort to increase understanding of what this country is about. It sounds like it should be required in schools, we desperately need that.

I have a way to get this into [some] schools. I'll talk about that later though.

As to the about: blank, The Internet Archive took itself offline due to a serious hack. They could be offline for who knows how long until they do some serious upgrading of their security infrastructure. If this keeps up much longer, I'll put together an alternative route.


Contributing Member

It looks like the Internet Archive is getting its house in order, the page now has details of some things which are back online. Being partially restored means they're working through their checklists and hopefully it'll be back fully soon.

No official date appears to be set.